PPG Facebook Live Chat and Chuckles
We are chatting with Dr. Lisa Radosta
We are discussing pets with behavior problems requiring a Veterinary Behaviorist. We'll also discuss what pet guardians can look for and do in preparation and support of a veterinary behavior program.
Pets & Their People Chat and Chuckles with Toni Clarke
We are talking about how to develop and execute training plans to prepare pets to fly. Our guest is Toni Clarke
PPG Facebook Live Chat and Chuckles with Barbara Hodel
Join Judy Luther and Niki Tudge as we chat with PPG Australia President Barbara Hodel about her book on Teenage Dogs
PPG Facebook Live Chat and Chuckle with Annie Phenix
Join Niki Tudge and Judy Luther as we chat about Reactive Dogs with Annie Phenix
PPG Facebook Live Chat and Chuckles