The journey that began in 2004 -- when 62% of Montana voters allowed patients safe access to medical ma*****na -- continues tomorrow at a polling place near you.
Tonight offers one last, great chance for you to connect with friends and family to urge them to reject SB 423 by voting NO on IR-124. One way to reach out to them is with the tools we’re offering here, to help you ensure that your friends do vote.
Montana Secretary of State Linda McCulloch has a great tool that allows people to verify that they are registered, find the location and directions to their polling place, check the status of an absentee ballot, and view a personalized sample ballot. https://app.mt.gov/voterinfo/ There are even free iphone and android apps you can install on your smart phone!
Here are a few more things to know:
* It is NOT too late to register to vote. Montanans can register to vote on Election Day, but only at the office of their county elections administrator (or a site designated by their administrator). If you know somebody who needs to register tomorrow, have them contact their county administrator to double-check the location:http://sos.mt.gov/elections/forms/elections/electionadministrators.pdf
* It is too late to mail absentee ballots. They need to arrive by Election Day; a postmark is NOT enough. So please hand-deliver outstanding absentee ballots to your polling place.
* You need to bring ID to the polls. Acceptable forms include a photo ID showing the voter's name; or a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, voter registration confirmation, government check or other government document showing the voter’s name and current address.
* Try to vote early. In Montana, the polls will be open until 8 PM (with the vast majority opening at 7 AM). If you are in line by 8 PM, you are to be allowed to vote. Also, if you are in line to register to vote by 8 PM, you will be allowed to vote. But try to vote earlier in the day.
* Don't let anyone take away your right to vote. You may have seen some of the shenanigans evil groups are employing to try and keep people from voting. Stand up for your rights. If you have any problems, call toll-free 1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) or visit www.866OurVote.org and they'll send some lawyers down to stop the bad guys from trying to illegally suppress your vote.
* Be a leader of your friends and family. Because you've been politically active fighting against IR-124, your friends look up to you. Answer their questions about how to vote and make sure they get to the polls. Forward them this email and ask when they are planning to vote. Follow up to make sure they did. They'll thank you for your leadership.
Those are the big items that most people should know. If you have any further questions, here are two more links:
Secretary of State Voter Info: http://sos.mt.gov/elections/Vote/index.asp
Election Protection Montana: http://www.866ourvote.org/state/mt
Thanks for all you've done. With only one day left, please do even more!
Find out if you are registered to vote, where you are registered to vote, the location and directions to your polling place, the status of your absentee ballot, and view a sample ballot.