In the kitchen, music on, I made our favorite meal tonight…I’m reflecting on then/now/when/how among other things.
I’ve been dumping my energy into advancement lately, in all areas of life. I walked into a great work opportunity late fall, and I am happy to have found a right for me right now full-time job. I am still in school, working through my final 3 credit hours to earn my digital marketing certificate. If I’m not working, I’m studying, if I’m not studying, I’m falling asleep, and if I’m not sleeping, I’m spending quality time with my family. I’ve had to let some things go to invite new opportunities in, and I am finding myself in limbo of what was/is/will be.
But working in the kitchen, it brings me back to me. The smell of the sauce wakes up my soul, the thawed peppers from the garden smell as fresh as summer, rolling out the dough feels effortless, and the oven mitt being flung fluidly from my hand to the counter as I move task to task is a thing of beauty.
I’m giving myself grace as I endure this season of investment, and right now I am enjoying this moment of stringing together a few thoughts of my own on a Saturday night. Happy homesteading!!