Started picking the next harvest this morning 🎃 #texasfarmsandranches #texasfarm #pumpkins #texaslife #pumpkinpatch #pumpkinfarm #farmersmarket #farmers #silkiesofinstagram #pumpkinfarmer
We picked 800+ pumpkins over the weekend. Here is a look at a few pumpkins for the next harvest 🎃 #texasfarmsandranches #texasfarm #texaslife #pumpkins #pumpkinpatch #pumpkinfarm #farmersmarket #farmers
1st harvest this season! #texasfarm #texasfarmsandranches #texaslife #texasgirl #texas #pumpkins #pumpkinfarm #pumpkinfarmer #pumpkinspice #farmersmarket
Fall is our favorite time of year! #fallvibes #fall #pumpkinseason #localfarmers #texas #texasfarm #familyowned #pumpkin #pumpkinpatch #silkies #silkiechicken #chickens
We have pumpkins now, but more available this coming fall! We will have small, medium, and large (various varieties), as well as sugar pumpkins for baking. Located in Central Texas. #texas #texasfarm #pumpkin #pumpkinpatch #pumpkinseason #localfarmers #familyowned
Our sweet new Texas 🌮 that hatched this weekend. #silkies #silkiechicken #chickens #farmlife #farming #chickensofinstagram #silkiesofinstagram
The way to his heart is a tractor, but for me, it's chickens. #tractor #silkies #cochinchickens #cochins #chickens #farmlife #silkiesofinstagram #chickensofinstagram #johndeere #texas
Texas sunsets #texas #johndeere #sunset #farmlife #chickens
They are loving their new coop! #chickensofinstagram #chickens #silkies #farmlife #silkiesofinstagram #farmerswife #farm #diycoop #cochinchickens #cochins
Hay is planted. Stay tuned to watch hay and chickens grow week by week! Will post progress pictures on Saturday. #silkies #chickens #farmlife #silkiesofinstagram #farm #farmerswife
D-13: Babies on the way in less than 2 weeks! #silkies #chickens #farmlife #farm #silkiesofinstagram
He wanted to get the hay planted before the storms rolled in. 🤷♀️ #farmlife #farm #chickens #farmerswife #johndeere