Is everyone ready for Modern Warfare Season 4 to drop? What are your thoughts on the update?
Currently downloading myself, as in LarryG 😎 due to trying to get some content out there for both my personal channel & the SLG Community!
Within the next month SoLeLIT Gaming will be hosting a 2v2 Search & Destroy $100 prize tournament on Modern Warfare for all platforms! Since this is our 1st tournament we would like to have it set to free admission NO CATCH 😁😁! FREE GUYS ! Sounds AWESOME if you ask ME.
Along with the rules of the tournament, the tournament date will be posted at a later date so make sure to turn those notifications on so you don't miss out ! There will only be so many spots so 1st come 1st serve.
As the community grows, the more games and events will take place as our goal is to do our best to achieve the greatest online gaming experience & also give out opportunities to take your own online gaming to the next level.
See you guys on Modern Warfare Season 4!
-LarryG 🤘