The Hawkins Gawkins

The Hawkins Gawkins Your source for uncovering the real stories behind the whispers in Hawkins, TX

Remember in our previous post when we stated that the dog owner received a citation? Well you can see it plain as day on...

Remember in our previous post when we stated that the dog owner received a citation? Well you can see it plain as day on Todd Eddington's page because SOMEONE sent him a photo of the citation...which Todd POSTED with all of that individual's PERSONAL INFORMATION!!! It has his name, his date of birth, his phone number, AND his driver's license number!!! Great job DOXING this individual, guys! I hope someone doesn't steal his identity because of your IDIOCY!!

BTW I went ahead and redacted that information for our post because I would never want to do that to somebody. Obviously the same can not be said for Mayor Deb Rushing and her good ol' buddy Todd.

For today's post on Hawkins Gawkins, I feel I should review the messages between Interim Chief Eric Tuma and our special...

For today's post on Hawkins Gawkins, I feel I should review the messages between Interim Chief Eric Tuma and our special mayor of Hawkins, Deb Rushing. I was trying to piece together the messages that Todd Eddington posted in his little fan group, but many of the messages are missing. I searched through all his posts where he tries to shame Eric Tuma, but they are incomplete. Why aren't they all there, Todd?!

Anyway, to the point. In these messages, you can see Deb trying to force the release of the body cam footage from the dog shooting earlier this May. It's almost like how she's trying to force herself into becoming a judge on the city council by asking the same question repeatedly. Deb, maybe you don't understand, but once the city council votes no, that means no! It's like a child asking for a toy and throwing a fit when told no.

Back to the messages. Todd posted them and claimed Tuma was "lying". Let's take a look at where he is supposedly lying.

Todd first says that Tuma stated, "I can't give it to you because it happened in a PRIVATE SPACE, so he had to get the dog owner's consent." I don't know if we were reading the same messages, but not one of them shows Interim Chief Eric Tuma saying it was in a “private space”. Tuma does say that Deb has to get written authorization from the subject, or he can't release any portion of the video, as per the Texas Government Code Sec. 1701.661 (f). Here’s what it says: "A law enforcement agency may not release any portion of a recording made in a private space, or a recording involving the investigation of conduct that constitutes a misdemeanor punishable by fine only and does not result in arrest, without written authorization from the person who is the subject of that portion." Well, that makes sense, but let’s see Deb's reply: "1701.661(f) doesn’t apply here. No private space. (I only want what happened in the street (public)) No misdemeanor." Bless your small heart, Deb, but I don't think he was talking about the street. It was an investigation, and it was a misdemeanor. The guy received a citation!

Let’s look at the next “lie”.

Todd claims Tuma lied when he said, "I can't give it to you because it involved an investigation". Todd angrily responds, “NO, DU***SS, there was NO INVESTIGATION. He just showed up and killed some little kid's dog for NO F***ING REASON. LOL!!!” I will address the dog video later, but I'm pretty sure Officer Smith was trying to protect himself and the citizens on that street and didn’t "kill a dog for no reason". He had a reason. As I mentioned earlier, it was a misdemeanor, meaning it was under investigation because a crime had been committed. Todd and Deb, I pray you grow some brains and do your research before posting, unless your whole mission is to lie about whatever you can to spin some farcical nonsense against Tuma and the Police Department.

The last “lie” Todd wants to highlight is when Eric Tuma says, “I talked to the Texas Rangers, the DA's office, as well as an attorney and was advised by all three not to release it”. In case you didn't understand, Todd, Tuma repeatedly told Deb why he could not release the video. It looks to me like he got tired of trying to make her understand and was thinking something like “Okay, if you aren't going to believe me I'll reach out some other people that would probably tell you the same thing and maybe you'll believe it from them”. But I fear Tuma had too much faith in Deb because she just WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND. If the mayor had been reasonable and knowledgeable, she would have stopped her attempt at bullying Tuma into giving her the video (which is exactly what she was doing) and follow the law that Tuma very plainly explained to her. Todd responds angrily, again, “Well, DUMB***, the problem with that is that NONE OF THOSE MOTHERF***S HAVE ANY AUTHORITY over what you ‘contacted’ them about. It doesn't matter if you talked to your MAMA, your DADDY, your GREASY GRANNY WITH A HOLE IN HER PANTIES, or your children, preacher, high school teacher, etc. It’s decent that some people are willing to talk to you, but IT DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT that YOU HAVE TO GIVE THE PUBLIC VIDEO TO THE PUBLIC”. I’m no genius, but I believe these people probably do have authority and knowledge over what he contacted them about. The only one without authority here is you, Todd Eddington. Yes, you are a citizen of Hawkins, but as far as I know, you live in your mother's house, are unemployed, and don’t pay bills or even taxes. You have no authority over what Eric Tuma does. If Deb Rushing is giving you text messages and telling you to post negatively about Hawkins PD, she shouldn’t have any authority either.

So I know that Hawkins Gawkins has been quiet lately, but it looks like we have a MASSIVE problem. Actually, multiple pr...

So I know that Hawkins Gawkins has been quiet lately, but it looks like we have a MASSIVE problem. Actually, multiple problems need to be pointed out!!! 🥳

By now I'm guessing EVERYONE has heard of the dog shooting. I'll get to that another day. Today, I want to extend a special congratulations to our very, VERY special guest on Hawkins Gawkins: our very own Mayor Deb Rushing. Insert a round of applause here... or crickets... you choose!

Okay, back to the point. As seen in the "Crooked Wood County Justice System", also known as beer-and-drug-lovin' Todd Eddington, there are messages between Interim Chief Eric Tuma and Mayor Deb Rushing. Now, I'm not a mastermind, but I'm pretty sure that the messages between a chief of police and a city mayor are supposed to be private and not cut up and shared on social media. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think a mayor's job was to bully or harm people in her city, spread misinformation, and twist things on the internet to help push some narrative that “tHe PoLicE iS CoRrUpT!!!”

From what I can tell, the only corruption that is starting to be apparent is coming from inside city hall.

From what I have seen, the mayor does not want ANYTHING to do with Eric Tuma, who is an amazing officer and leader. It also seems she doesn't want anything to do with any of the officers in Hawkins. Now, I'm not one to judge without giving someone a chance (cough cough Todd Eddington and his mistress Deb Rushing).
Honestly, I'm pretty sure the first thing Todd Eddington did was try to dig up dirt on Eric Tuma before he even became interim chief, especially about his band. Now, I think it is amazing and very awesome that we have an officer at Hawkins who isn't afraid to show his other side, his true self. This shouldn't be something to look down upon. Trust me, Todd Eddington, I would much rather hear good music than horrible journalism.

So, as you can see, Todd Eddington didn't even give Eric Tuma a chance to prove himself and just started judging him right off the bat. Now, back to our "lovely" mayor. Deb Rushing has been on Todd Eddington's side this entire time, just trying to make our Hawkins PD look bad by twisting things that Eric Tuma has said or texted to our mayor. Now, why won't you show the whole conversation, Todd? Or is that too hard for you? So sad.

There have been times when these people have defended themselves. Eric Tuma's wife, Amber Tuma, has been trying to make Todd Eddington stop with these horrible lies and misinformation. Apparently, after Todd Eddington got the body cam footage of the dog shooting that our mayor gave to him (good job, Mayor of the Year right there), it showed what kind of person she is. But anyway, after he got the footage, he has been twisting it left and right just to make people hate the Hawkins PD and, I'm guessing, trying to get the PD shut down? That's the only good explanation. After people saw this and the lies, they have been sending death threats to Officer Shaun Smith and his family and to Eric and Amber Tuma's family. I have heard even THEIR KIDS are receiving threats from grown people and other kids at their school, at Hawkins ISD. Over a dog—an aggressive dog that was running loose with a pack of dogs. A Pack of dogs means 3 or more. Hawkins has an animal control problem due to dumping. Chief Tuma reported over 50 dogs taken to the animal shelter this year at the city council meeting and we are only in May!


EVEN when there is only one name running for mayor, using paper ballots helps uphold the principles of transparency, security, auditability, accessibility, and historical precedence in the electoral process. It is most difficult to cast a “write-in” vote without a paper ballot.

Were you denied a paper ballot at the election? Post your concerns in the comments below!


A Heartwarming Rescue: Dozen Starving Dogs Find Shelter and Care in Hawkins

In a recent rescue operation, a dozen dogs were removed from their residence due to starvation and inhumane living conditions. The Hawkins Police stepped in to provide immediate assistance, ensuring that these neglected animals were given the care they urgently needed.

The dogs, found in distressing conditions, were temporarily housed at the Hawkins police garage, where officers and local resident Becky Attaway took it upon themselves to feed them and provide warmth through heaters.

While the former Hawkins Animal Shelter was available, it was not utilized in this instance due to concerns about the lingering presence of Parvo, a highly contagious canine virus. The decision to prioritize the health and safety of the rescued dogs showcases the responsible and thoughtful approach taken by the authorities involved.

The rescue operation serves as a reminder of the importance of community collaboration and compassion for our four-legged friends. It also emphasizes the need for ongoing efforts to raise awareness about responsible pet ownership and to report instances of animal neglect or abuse promptly.

As these rescued dogs begin their journey towards recovery, let this heartwarming story inspire us all to advocate for the welfare of animals in need and to appreciate the efforts of those who work tirelessly to make a positive impact in our community. Together, we can create a safer and more compassionate environment for every member of our community, furry or otherwise.

Interested in adopting one of these beautiful rescued pups? Head over to

In a heart-wrenching turn of events on October 2, 2023, the beloved Venice Pizza, a cornerstone of the local community, ...

In a heart-wrenching turn of events on October 2, 2023, the beloved Venice Pizza, a cornerstone of the local community, succumbed to a destructive fire that originated from the air conditioner on its rooftop. The flames quickly engulfed the cherished pizza place, leaving it in ruins, and unfortunately extended to consume an adjacent building on Beaulah Street. To compound the tragedy, it has been revealed that Venice Pizza was uninsured, intensifying the impact on both the business owners and the community.
Eyewitnesses and local authorities responded promptly to the emergency, but the fire's ferocity presented a formidable challenge. Despite the valiant efforts of firefighters, Venice Pizza, known for its delectable pizzas and warm atmosphere, was reduced to ashes. The adjacent building on Beaulah Street also suffered extensive damage, creating a somber atmosphere in the community.

📷Photo source unknown and edited by The Hawkins Gawkins Team


Hawkins Special City Council Meeting 01/09/2023

The Hawkins City Council meeting commenced under the direction of Miss Clara Kay but was unexpectedly interrupted by a citizen who adamantly insisted on standing instead of sitting, questioning, "Where does it say that it is the LAW!?" Such disruptions to decorum are contrary to the principles outlined in Robert's Rules of Order, where citizens are expected to conduct themselves with respect and order. The council resumed its proceedings after addressing the interruption, underscoring the importance of adhering to established meeting etiquette.

The meeting progressed to discuss the resignation of Mayor Susan Hubbard due to declining health concerns. Following closely, Mayor Pro Tem Clara Kay also tendered her resignation.

The subsequent agenda item focused on Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters, as outlined in the Texas Government Code.

As per Texas Government Code 551.074, Personnel Matters, a governmental body is not obligated to conduct an open meeting for discussions related to the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee. This includes deliberations on hearing complaints or charges against an officer or employee (Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 268, Sec. 1, eff. 9/1/1993).

The individual under consideration in this case is Mandy Thomas, the City Secretary.

Mandy stands accused of refusing to sign a check for Officer Adam Newell in connection to his service in the National Guard.

Under Texas law, government employees who are also in The National Guard are entitled to their full wages for up to 15 days in a year (source: Texas Workforce Commission). Upon calculating Officer Newell's service time with the City of Hawkins beginning in 2021 under Chief Gilow and his National Guard deployment at the border, the reimbursement aligns with the law.

Despite the urgency of the matter, the council opted to table the discussion for the next meeting. However, some members of the community expressed concern, suggesting that expeditious decision-making would help Hawkins move on from their near-missed lawsuit.


When perusing news sources, I consistently inquire, "What are the true intentions behind the dissemination of this information, and is the reality accurately portrayed in its presentation?"
We are discontent with the proliferation of gossip and misinformation within our small town, as it fosters discord among us.
This is precisely why Hawkins Gawkins exists. We are a community of citizens who dutifully pay our property taxes and aim to utilize our investigative journalism skills to present facts in an unbiased manner. Our objective is to deliver information in an easily comprehensible language, devoid of excessive capitalization or offensive language, allowing you, the reader, to pose your own questions as well.

A good argument, in the context of communication and debate, is characterized by several key principles that contribute to its effectiveness and constructive nature. Here are some rules to consider to judge a good argument:

1. **Clarity of Purpose:**
- Clearly state the purpose or thesis of your argument. Ensure that your main point is easily understood by your audience.

2. **Logical Structure:**
- Organize your argument in a logical manner with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Each point should flow coherently to support your overall stance.

3. **Factual Accuracy:**
- Base your argument on accurate and reliable information. Misinformation weakens your position and credibility.

4. **Relevance:**
- Stick to the main topic and relevant points. Avoid unnecessary diversions or tangential arguments that can dilute the impact of your main message.

5. **Consistency:**
- Ensure that your argument is internally consistent. Avoid contradicting yourself, as inconsistencies can undermine the strength of your position.

6. **Fair Representation:**
- Represent opposing viewpoints fairly. Acknowledge valid points from the other side and address them respectfully. This demonstrates intellectual honesty.

7. **Avoid Personal Attacks:**
- Focus on the ideas and not the person presenting them. Avoid ad hominem attacks, which attack the individual rather than addressing the substance of their argument.

8. **Emotional Intelligence:**
- Be aware of and manage your emotions. Emotional appeals can be powerful, but they should not replace or override logical reasoning.

9. **Open-mindedness:**
- Be open to considering alternative viewpoints. A good argument should demonstrate a willingness to engage with different perspectives and adjust your position based on valid evidence.

10. **Use of Evidence:**
- Support your claims with relevant and convincing evidence. This can include data, statistics, expert opinions, or real-life examples.

11. **Clarity of Language:**
- Use clear and precise language to convey your ideas. Avoid jargon or overly complex language that may confuse your audience.

12. **Listening Skills:**
- Actively listen to opposing arguments. Engaging in a two-way discussion and acknowledging valid points from others can strengthen your own position.

13. **Flexibility:**
- Be willing to adjust your position if presented with compelling evidence or persuasive arguments. Stubbornness can hinder productive debate.

**** Remember, the goal of a good argument is not just to win but to foster understanding, promote critical thinking, and reach a well-reasoned conclusion.


🔍 Unveiling the Truth: A Glimpse Behind the Badge

🚨 At The Hawkins Gawkins, we believe in transparency and accountability, even when faced with difficult truths. Today, we bring you an exclusive look at police body cam footage that reveals the raw reality behind a police-involved shooting in Hawkins, Texas.


Hawkins, TX



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