My baby is officially 2 years old! Happy birthday my sunshine! God bless you darling. #cute #cutebaby #toddler #birthdaygirl #beautifulbaby
#basketball #myson #basketballmom #support
Baby girl using plantain as phone. So messy with custard powder! Help somebody! #cutebaby #Help #babygirl #messy #phone
Baby girl's hair needs help! This is a serious hair case, out of options. #hair #cutebaby #motherhood #babygirl #haircare #help
Chasing this baby on the street. Baby day out! Hi people! #cutebaby #babygirl #motherhood #BabyDayOut #babylove
Cook this delicious stew with me! My style, how do you cook yours? #cooking #africanfood #foodlover #stew
Foreigners can't buy a house in Dubai? Angela Nwosu's house is fake! You people! Chaii #AngelaNwosu #dubai #nosypeople #love #housing
Cook my breakfast/lunch with me. Agidi( Eko, oritiko) with obe ila alasepo! My favorite😍 #cooking #foodie #brunch #africanfood #bestfoodever #africanwoman
Eat pap( ogi) and moin moin(beans cake) with me. My husband is a good cook! #myhubbyrocks #husband #cooking #eating #foodie #foodlover #dinner #moinmoin #AKAMU #blessedwife
Mommy acting like a big baby in the snow. See our snow angel😇! So refreshing! #snow #mommylife #snowangel #snowday #playing #sleeping #motherhood
This woman went marketing in 20 degrees weather! No excuses this year, get up and do the needful and let God do the rest! #marketing #business #businessowner #noexcuses
#motherhood #eating #cutebaby #children