TAP "out" Awareness

TAP "out" Awareness This page is for Awareness purposes Only, no bullying or hate speech allowed!

Gooooood Morning peeeps! Its been a min. But we are back. I need ideas for name change on the page. We are going to be e...

Gooooood Morning peeeps!

Its been a min. But we are back. I need ideas for name change on the page. We are going to be exposing a couple different people. What I will ask is no bullying or harrasing anyone we post or speak about. Everything we use is public information. I am in revenge mode...

We have two people to start with we have Derek MacDonald aka dee didders and Randall W. These both have displayed some behaviors that need to be put to bigger audiance. We will be exposing some truth about Dee that his brother told us. We will be posting some vile videos of how Randall is displaying himself as a father and a husband. I welcome any old or new clips videos, ss, anything you have please message the page.

Please follow our IG handle for daily updates and lives

We are going to be slowly posting and going live here....i need people to drop name idea in the comments for the page.....


Hey yall.....long time no talk!!! Ig life is addicting....anyone feeling we should go live here??? How many of you still look for lives on the book??? Depends on how mnay comment maybe I'll go live tommorw and do and update on stuff....let me know


AG clip from the live where he showed a mother's child in HIS arms to trigger her. Since the child that was shown has passed. AG and the mother of the child have not even spoke or had words ina long time, for him to come out of NOWHERE just bc you do not like her doesn't mean you use her child as a weapon or a way to trigger someone.

This is the guy almost 100k of you depend to TAKE DOWN p**ophiles. A man you guys TRUST to be around your kids or other kids. This is a guy that "catches" people who do what HE JUST DID!! A guy you trust that is HOARDING photos of a womens deceased child chanting " this will p**s you off look how happy she was"!!!!

His followers need to be aware of what he is doing on the sideline, only time he fires up his page when TA is back in his life hense right now!!! He is gearing up to start a hunt. Anyone that has connections to other p**o hunters share this out have them contact the page for futher info.

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Anthony Greene, on Instagram live three night ago showing a picture of him with a women's child that is since deceased!!...

Anthony Greene, on Instagram live three night ago showing a picture of him with a women's child that is since deceased!!! I quote "I want to trigger D", he said he is only showing this is to get at someone he doesn't like in the community!!

This is a guy that runs a awareness page and says he is sweeping the globe and getting all the p**ophiles locked up!! When was the last time he did a bust??!( This photos is used for awareness only PLEASE DO NOT harass or attack anyone in photos).

Please share this out this should NOT be coming from a guy that , says he stands for what's right against kids! Says he's here to protect kids!!! Wished ugly things on TA kids when they argu like death and disease. Is this the guy you want to trust to bring a creep down??!!
Truckers Against Predators

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TA update!!! This is from when she got into the fight a month or so back with Amer!!! As of right now you can read below...

TA update!!! This is from when she got into the fight a month or so back with Amer!!!

As of right now you can read below, they can't serve her due to sue does not have a mailing address. Aka was evicted like she likes to deny!!! Her and AG are said to be with one another. AG was said live the other night showing someone's deceased child to "trigger" them. So you not only should watch out for sicko guys, you have to watch for AG to trigger you for his self pleasures. Just know he has no place to live they are hoping from hotel to hotel!!!

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Hey hey y'all!!! I do apologize for not keeping up with this page. I think I am going to switch the name of the page and add more content. I'd like to grow this page. I could have been like any other awareness page and post about the Von stuff but I have chose not to. I do not want to build my page off a tragedy as such!! I am trying to come up with cool names for page. If you have any ideas drop in comment below!! Thank you all that have continued to support the page!!

TA is messaging my followers and telling you all to back off this page. You can choose what you want. I will say this I ...

TA is messaging my followers and telling you all to back off this page.

You can choose what you want. I will say this I am on probation if there was a OPEN CASE with FBI I would have known by now. I would be in jail. I'm sorry that I have posted nothing but facts. If anyone has any questions about anything I'm a open book feel free to ask me anything!!! She is just trying to deflect from the TRUTH!! My name is Kara Lynn bolduc I am admin of this channel SAYS RIGHT ON THE FRONT PAGE!!

If anyone else has received a message from her please message the page!

TA responded to someone in their inbox afternoon after arrest. She still hasn't shown face or come out here she actually...

TA responded to someone in their inbox afternoon after arrest.

She still hasn't shown face or come out here she actually deactivated her accounts.

Last heard she was living with someone from Instagram!

We will keep you all updated

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TA was arrested for domestic assault on Amer! There are crazy rumors going around but we don't know but what the court p...

TA was arrested for domestic assault on Amer!

There are crazy rumors going around but we don't know but what the court papers say.There is a video going around (not seen but heard it), it was both parents arguing I guess TA at some point was throwing bleach and it was getting on the kids.

Second story she punched her child. We haven't see proof of that. She also had a warrent out st Louis for petty theft ( what for we don't know).

She was on a 12 hour hold bc it was a domestic. She was then bonded on her 300 dollar cash bond. Had to get transferred to St Louis was let out on PTA (promise to appear). She does not have her car anymore, no longer at Amer (that we know).

JUDGEMENT IN!!! TA EVICTED!!!!!  Check the amount out! It's the amount to the T of every single.payment she agreed to! E...


TA EVICTED!!!!! Check the amount out! It's the amount to the T of every single.payment she agreed to! Everyone plus herself said oh it was because I didn't decide to resign the lease.

Oh yeah is that so TA??? Ehhhh doesn't look like that looks like they took possession of your apartment. You owe two grand. Now your homeless along with basic. Maybe when y'all kicked me while I was down this is my KARAMA!!!!!

Donnie B. taking a BIG hit looks like trafficking ma*****na!!! He's been going live ACTING like his life is peaches and ...

Donnie B. taking a BIG hit looks like trafficking ma*****na!!!

He's been going live ACTING like his life is peaches and cream and reality he's over here trying to be a kingpin. He is known for being a SNITCH so he will just get out of this in sure!!!

In the state of Kentucky w**d is illegal. He had way more than the amount stayed. They will write he had UP to five pounds, he had more on him. He also IMO was probably being watched and then they pounced.

DB is a known snitch also so if anything he will be facing that much jail time he will start rolling over on the guy above him.

UPDATE!!! TA EVICTED!!!!! So she will blame loosing her father and her NEWFOUND relationship with AA. Couldn't even pay ...

UPDATE!!! TA EVICTED!!!!! So she will blame loosing her father and her NEWFOUND relationship with AA. Couldn't even pay 2thousande dollars that YOU agreed to pay! She didn't follow payment plan, so now will have court on the 28th. So stay tuned for MAYBE a reaction or two! TA hasn't been live or around at all since she has moved back in with AA!

Now who squatting TA? NOW who's the broke bish TA? what's your excuse for this? What AG couldn't meet that payments either! They going to have to remove him too. Can't wait to see how they left this house too. TA running all over town not paying rent. This is number what???!! MOTHER OF THE YEAR!!!

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Hey guys!!! Happy ALMOST june!!! Sorry I have been not posting nothing has really happend I habe a few posts. Tisha is not living in her apartment anymore

She is living back with Amer Amer! So she divorced him to go right back to him. I will post some of the stuff that has happened its not like anything Cray if you follow my public IG you will get daily posts and videos on ALL kinds of drama.

Hey hey yall!!! Sorry nothing has been posted its been quite except tisha I think maybe moving her way back in with Amer...

Hey hey yall!!! Sorry nothing has been posted its been quite except tisha I think maybe moving her way back in with Amer she was at his house for days claims its coparenting!!!! I have others I can feature on here i just dont want not post things that dont belong here.....if you all want to see more of others let me know in the comments!!!! Also we are almost at 700 followers can we share this out!!!

AG did go live on IG and FB yesterday announced a exposure for last night....wellll that NEVER happen....he is also making hos way back to St Louis....


Hey yall!!! Please welcome the girl!!!!

So i was cruising the streets yesterday on IG, so the video pretty much speaks for its self. I didnt hunt this girl or anything don't even know her. We were trying to find some stuff to look and talk about and this kind fell in my lap.

Please don't attack me for showing or even giving my opinion on this. Yes has been tagged NO i haven't personally messged them or anything.

This video alone will speak for itsself! Right is right yall!! So again this isnt someone that done ANYTHING to me. You dont have to, if i see something like this im going to SHOW IT and give my opinion!!! Please do not make your own story line up. I will not be calling anyone, im going to let this video speak for itsself!!!

Thank you for the ones that continue to support!!! Im an awareness page this is a bad look on FedEx Office. If she is a contractor or not you have to follow the rules and LAWS of the road!

Ma*****na isn't even legal in her state. So driving with it with a CARD or not it's still driving under the influence, please share this out to EVERYONE please tag FedEx !!!!!!! Please do not harrass ANYONE in this video this video content it used for awareness purposes ONLY!!!



9Hey peeps!!! Just wanted to say heyyy.....i have some new stuff to upload to the page i know you all heard of this big fight with tisha and thunderdummie!!! I will get on here this weekend!!! Much love to you all...thank you for showing the page love!!! Drop a comment below what you want to see more of on this page...lives? Clips of OTHER drama or just with these two? Shout out some ideas for the page!!! Thank you!!!

Please follow our PUBLIC page with EVERYDAY posts of drama and other content to keep your day going!!!

We are also looking for a admin. Specifically someone that pretty much has ZERO life. Or someone that can make time to screen record or anything. Please messge the page DONT PUT ANY ANSWERS ON THE COMMENT SECTION(I HAVE A STALKER HATER THAT WILL STALK)




Happy Sunday Funday Yall!! I have officially opened up a Instagram channel. This channel also holds the video of me and Anthony Greene from the other night!! Please go over to my IG .....I will be working on clipin the video to post for the book of faces!!! Much love y'all please like follow and SHAREEE


Happy weekend yall!!! So I know ALOT of you missed it I did a live last night on IG with AG (Anthony greene) I'm asking y'all should i come and stream it for you guys or record it and post it???!!! It was a great live. Things were said that people need to hear. Drop a comment tell me what y'all want...


Tisha A. Making threats to her older kids, that chose to opt out of going to FL because AG was going to be there. So she threatned to call what she almost said was CPS then she says JUVI she will call the JUVINIAL detention center on HER OWN KIDS, if they don't go to school instead of going on vacation.

She has been live just now on the beach. Showing it all. Sorry NOT but those kids didnt pass up a vacation like that for no reason. The first five minutes your there AG is right there.

But this is a good mom!!!!

Happy Easter Weekend yall!! 'HOPP' everyone has a great easter! Hope the easter bunny is good to all the little ones!!! ...

Happy Easter Weekend yall!!

'HOPP' everyone has a great easter! Hope the easter bunny is good to all the little ones!!!

Thank you all for the support, and continued support.

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More of Tisha vs Rachel with a lil bit of Wes in the backround!

Please keep in mind her KIDS are in the car. She also was driving thru bad weather THE WHOLE TIME.

She was pretty good on not smoking w**d while she was driving. I didnt catch her once smoking i dont even think i caught a cigg but i could be wrong.


Tisha A. Last night in the car driving while her two young children are in the car. She was driving thru bad weather THE WHOLE TIME, she spent a lot of time on live. arguing with Rachel.

The lady she is arguing with is Rachel she WAS a supprter of Chris Hann but not anymore. I do not know what triggered this fight. My guess Tisha do not like someone louder than her or someone that is right and she isnt the TOPIC of convo.

Tisha has drivin to FL. To have a "family" , trip. HATES ANT but yet here we are this was taken MINUTES ago. She arrived...

Tisha has drivin to FL. To have a "family" , trip. HATES ANT but yet here we are this was taken MINUTES ago. She arrived and HAD HAD to post she made it there. Well you forgot to look at the photo that is AG standing right there. Makes more sense why your other kids didn't want to go. So not even five min in FL AND ALREADY GOT CAUGHT UP IN A L I E !! What r are the chances of a BIG DUDE even the arm looks like him. Would be standing there while your taking photo of your family??!!

Cant wait to hear her response on this!!!!! Those poor kids i hope to GOD she gives them a goodtime!! Also makes sense why AG purchased Lego land tickets

***EDIT POST so now people are saying that is her sons reflection in the glass oh is it?? Well then why is the kid's arm not up like it is in the photo her son is holding the dolphin . if that was his reflection his arm woukd be up both arms are by their side. Come on ANYTHING to make her not look like she down there with him .


Donnie roasting Tisha!!!!


A roast between donnie and tisha. I would say he defiantly won!

Sorry yall been slacking on content over here trying to avoid gettin reported.

Please like follow and share i will drop some content this week.


Tisha Amer and her NEW NEW court case. We are keeping the victim anonymous. If y'all remeber back when Tisha went live after her last court date for eviction she told us a story of her and another girl that works there attacked her and she attacked back. Well here is the end result of her doing what she said she did. She got handed a FULL NO CONTACT PROTECTIVE ORDER not a RESTRAINT ORDER two TOATTLY different things. She is already back peddling saying she is getting an appeal well you CANT appeal a PROTECTION ORDER you can only get it ammneded and that costs thousands. And even then wont work you threatned not only ONE court official employee you went there yesterday and did the same thing. Girl talk about ME and my mouth and record. Girl your racking up them protective orders. Please Like·follow·share. The page out.


This is Derrick Macdonald aka. Dee didders threating these women all because they follow me or he calls them my HUGE supporters....now he shouts to evryone that he got HUGE views look at this clip it shows he had TWENTY people watching him. So he gets mad that people enjoy me and he does this because he thinks saying stuff like this will get him attention. All it gets him is me exposing his nasty mouth. And yes there are two year old videos coming out of me being vial i dont deny it he will deny this. Shoout out to Thad he posted this overnight. I will continue to show you guys what tou are supporting TO THIS DAY he speaks like this.


Derrick Macdonald threating (same women in the messges in the post below this) a women that lost her husband. He is going after her bc she follows me. That's it this women hasnt done a thing.


AG Lane
Hartford, CT





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