With my homemade cake Release your cakes will never stick again!
My absolute favorite ❤️ This is how I cook mine!
Tomorrow my mom will be 91 . We don’t own the rights to this song 🎵 but when I saw her singing it I said to myself ! SELF !! This is how you got seven sisters 🤣🤣🤣 My mom loves this song 🎵
I hope everyone had a great holiday. I had the kids over . And we played blindfolded lottery. Well I didn’t play I supplied the money. It was so much fun 🤣🤣
RULES ***** 1st round is 10 seconds
2nd round is 15 seconds.
You are blindfolded. You can’t scoop the money off the table. You can’t put the plate on the table. The plate and the spatula must be above the table at all times. We drew numbers in the beginning to see who goes first . The increments were 20 singles and 4 $20.00’s
I put up the money and everyone got to keep it . I have hosted Christmas for the last 20 years and we have always played games and gave away money. This year it was just the kids and their girlfriends/boyfriends