Spinsters & Bachelors

Spinsters & Bachelors When a Man findeth a wife he findeth a good thing and obtaineth the favor of the Lord.

HOW TO STAY IN RELATIONSHIPS FOREVER Relationship could be very challenging while it may very well be interesting at the...


Relationship could be very challenging while it may very well be interesting at the same time. The beauty of every relationship is that you are not single and there is a partner to share your feelings with and your interest. There is someone to help you out with som**hing either financially, emotionally or physically and you will always have someone that could help

How to keep your relationship lasting for as long as you want depends on the follow:

VACATION: when you are in relationships its good to plan vacation together. Even with low income you can rent hotel once a month for a night just to be together for 24 hours without having to do anything independently. You can visit far or near, plan new thing to do or just watch TV or shows together. This moment if well planned will rejuvenate the feelings and affection for each other.

COMMON INTERESTS: when in relationships its also good to share common interests. Look for what your partner love to do and see which one you can do together, if he likes to sing ask him to teach you how to sing and you can both do som**hing together. If she loves to cook ask to teach you how to cook and vise Visa. Look on how to do things together

TEMPORARY SEPARATION: relationship with constant availability brings redundancy and familiarity that could jeopardize the relationship faster. It's always good to individually go on vacation, visit away from each other for a week or a month every six months. This temporary separation can rekindling feelings and affection that could continue to put the relationship in a good path

REUNION: 💫 it's always good to invite friends, relatives and associates who knows about your relationship to come celebrate with you and your partner once every year, either for birthday party, Christmas party 🎉 or wedding anniversary or whatever party you want to call it, that will brings lots of people to celebrate with you and your partner


Your husband is not your partner, he is designed by God as your principal and head of the family and you as a wife is his subject, his assistant and his helper.


I hope you find the next best thing you are looking for in a relationship.


The man that God created must exhibit love, care and compassion to his wife


Why do men cheat?

Men With Big Bellies Make Better Lovers, Says ScienceLove, SexJune 20, 2020A study proves more gut DOES equal more glory...

Men With Big Bellies Make Better Lovers, Says Science

Love, SexJune 20, 2020

A study proves more gut DOES equal more glory in the bedroom.

Hey ladies: take a break from chasing that six-packed Adonis and instead divert your gaze to the oft-overlooked Homer Simpson Doppelganger. You may thank us for it.

While he may not have the most attractive physique upon first glance, the man with the beer belly may turn out to be quite a pleasant surprise in other important ways, if you know what I mean. And anyway, it’s always nice to have a little extra cushion for cuddling, right?

But are fat men better in bed? Well, a 2017 study out of Turkey concluded that overweight men with obvious bellies last longer in bed than their thinner counterparts.

These heroic researchers (dedicated to finding answers to life's big problems) studied the BMI and s*xual performance of 100 men seeking help for s*xual dysfunctions contrasted against 100 men who reported no problems.

The result? Men with a higher BMI and, yes, unsightly guts, lasted an average of 7.3 minutes where the slimmer of the group could barely hold on for 2 minutes. Ouch, right? A five-minute difference is pretty significant. As in three times as long kind of significant. In fact, they found skinnier guys more likely to suffer from premature ej*******on, too.

That’s right, the guy from your gym that you’ve been drooling over for the past six months could actually be way worse in bed than someone much less toned and, well... pudgy. This may come as a bit of a disappointment if you’re looking for a man with defined muscles and athleticism (because hello, he’s hot).

But look at it this way: if you’re having trouble working off the late night ice cream you’ve been snacking on you’ll be in good company. No judgment from your tubby, cuddly man.

At first blush, this might seem counterintuitive. The p***s is often referred to as the dipstick of a man's health, so wouldn't those at a healthier weight be able to last longer? Not exactly. Scientists say it's more complicated than that.

More belly fat, they say, means the man in question is housing more of the female s*x hormone estradiol, which helps to inhibit or**sm. The researchers even went so far as to say that men with less masculine bodies have the upper hand in holding out than a guy who is buff, like, say, a Ryan Reynolds body double.

Sigh. This must be yet another one of life's cruel practical jokes — and the silver lining if your man's two biggest hobbies are beer and nachos.

Not convinced that beer is good for your health and s*x life? Check out the video below for the benefits of drinking beer:

Melissa Noble is a freelance writer and blogger who lives in Brooklyn. She enjoys writing and advising about relationships because as Woody Allen said in Annie Hall (her favorite movie): those who can't do, teach.

Find a match at www.ikejimi.com

New Dating


6 Signs Someone Really Likes You, Even If They Haven't Said It Yet
MAY 27, 2020

Knowing when someone's into you can be tricky. For some reason, it can be so much easier to tell when someone's interested in one of your friends. That’s likely because you can be an objective observer when watching how people interact with your friends, making it easier to pick up on patterns and the vibe. But when it comes to you, the situation is often too close to completely take in. In that case, knowing the signs someone really likes you can be super helpful in clarifying those gray areas between someone being interested or just flirty, versus someone who's desirous of getting closer to you.

The question is, though, are there reliable signs that someone feels this way you can actually pick up on? According to Connell Barrett, Dating Transformation founder and dating coach with The League, there are. "When someone likes you, it's almost impossible for them not to show signs of interest. They can't help it. Like a radio tower, we're always broadcasting to the other person how we feel," he tells Elite Daily. It's just about being observant and knowing what to keep an eye out for. So, if someone's exhibiting these behaviors, chances are they have a crush on you, even if they haven't had a chance to say so yet.

1. They Want to Get To Know You.

Getting to know other people takes effort, but when you really like someone it doesn’t feel that way. In fact, you're eager to learn everything about them. “This is why a big sign someone likes you is that they ask you a lot of questions. Showing interest itself is a big sign of romantic interest,” says Barrett.

2. They Pay Close Attention To Your Social Media.
If you’ve crushed hard on someone before, you already know how tempting their social media is. So, if someone really likes you, chances are there's evidence on your social media. “They'll start commenting or liking your pictures and continue doing so over a number of days. The comments will usually be worded in a way to get a response out of you. Kind of like innocent flirting,” Cherlyn Chong, a dating and breakup recovery coach for professional women, tells Elite Daily.

3. They Find Reasons To Randomly Message You.
Someone who's into you is going to find any reason to be in contact, explains Chong. If it seems like they're going out of their way to find excuses to send you messages, chances are they're catching feelings. “They'll ask about your day and start sending you things they think you'd like. They might also invite you out somewhere with a group of friends, sort of like a date, but som**hing they can also pass off as a friendly gesture,” explains Chong.

4. They Consistently Strike Up Conversations With You.

When you’re in person, someone who's really feeling you will make a point of striking up conversation, says Chong. “For example, if you’re at a gathering, they'll talk to other people but will keep circling back to you. They'll ask you about what you're interested in, about your job, etc.,” she explains.

5. They Laugh At All Your Jokes.
Does it seem like they laugh at all your jokes and hang on your every word? If so, Barrett says this is a clear sign they're into you. "When someone has a crush on you, there's what's called a 'halo effect,' meaning that you can do no wrong in their eyes,” he explains. “This leads to behavior like them laughing a little too loud or too long at your jokes, even if the comment wasn't that funny. To them, it was funny. If they become a human laugh track, they have a crush on you."

6. They Show Non-Verbal Signs Of Interest.
While someone who really likes you might tip their hand in the way they communicate with you, some of the clearest signs, says Barrett, are simply in the small ways they behave around you. "Notice non-verbal signs such as deep eye contact, fidgeting, playing with their hair, blushing, or trying to stand extra straight and tall,” he explains.

What To Do If Someone's Showing These Signs.

If someone in your life's exhibiting all these signs, then what happens next is really up to you — depending on how you feel about them in return. "If someone's showing you these signs, you have two options. If you like them, flirt back. Mirror them, giving back to them what they're giving to you. And if they don't ask you out, by all means, take the lead and take a chance. They may be too shy,” suggests Barrett. However, if you aren’t feeling it, he suggests being friendly but not flirtatious in return. "That would be leading them on. Instead, smile and be warm to them, but don't return the deep eye contact or signs of interest with your own," he concludes. Either way, the ball — and the knowledge — is in your court now.

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If Your Ex Comes Crawling Back, It's For One These 4 ReasonsAll too often, people meet, like each other, commit to being...

If Your Ex Comes Crawling Back, It's For One These 4 Reasons

All too often, people meet, like each other, commit to being in a relationship, break up, move on ... and then get back together again.

When your ex gets back in touch with you after just when you feel like you were finally starting to heal, it's can feel like destiny (or let's be honest, your ex) is playing games with your emotions.

What makes a man come back after a breakup — and will your ex come back?
Men, like women, sometimes don't consciously understand their own reasons for getting back in touch with an ex after a breakup, yet they do it anyway. After all, any good detective will tell you that criminals often return to the crime scene, even if it's not in their own best interests to do so.

There are a number of possible reasons why a guy may come back after a breakup.

If you want to know if your ex will come back, here are 4 common reasons why he might:

1. Your ex will come back if he wants to let you know he's changed for the better.
Men know when they're the reason why a relationship broke down. They are affected by these things more than women expect them to be. Because of this, men will often go back to a person they've wronged in the past in order to show you (and themselves) that they've changed.

Maybe they were childish or irresponsible before, but that boy might have changed into a real man. This may not necessarily be as a form of denial or trickery, but more of a reality check.

Thinking about a former partner may force some forgotten memories to mind, reminding him of what he no longer has and leading him to want to rekindle your lost romance as this better version of himself.

2. Your ex will come back if he wants to find out if you've changed.
This is pretty elementary, but people often struggle to understand this reason.

A man wanting to see if you've change might mean one of two things. The first would be that he just wants to check up on an old flame, and the second one would be that he feels a need to prove to himself that he is better off today than he was before he lost you.

The second meaning is more common. Many men like being able to prove to themselves that a breakup wasn't their fault. When he sees an old flame and realizes she's still the same person she was before, it may give them a false sense of victory.

3. Your ex will come back if he wants to control you again.
Many guys find themselves reminiscing and remembering what a good time it was for themselves when they held an unhealthy amount of control over someone. So it should be fairly obvious that men with a tendency to be controlling and manipulative will be likely to look back to a past relationship and want to check in on a woman they controlled in the past.

This is not the case for everyone, of course, but it certainly som**hing to be mindful of, especially if your ex is a guy who has a deeply rooted need to win.

4. Your ex will come back if he sincerely wants to get back together with you.
Sometimes, men will admit to themselves that they've lost someone they can't live without and they now feel ready to win back the woman they love. After going away, they re-trace their steps and realize that they made the biggest mistake of their lives.

When this happens, a man might reappear in the hope that the space he left in your heart is still reserved in his name.

This is most women's favorite reason for a man to reappear — he's spent enough time in his cave to now realize he's 100% sure that you are his one and only.

Samantha Jayne is a dating coach and relationship expert who is passionate about bringing love back into people’s lives, getting them out of their heads and into their hearts.

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YourTangoSearch11 Mistakes Women Make That Destroy Their Chances Of Finding A Good Man176SHARESWhy Can't I Find A Good M...

11 Mistakes Women Make That Destroy Their Chances Of Finding A Good Man

Why Can't I Find A Good Man? 11 Self-Sabotaging Relationship Mistakes Women Make
Ossiana Tepfenhart LoveJune 25, 2020
Good men are out there, but you might be wrecking your chances of meeting them.

“Why can't I find a good man?” is a question that has been asked by women around the world.

It’s true: decent human beings of the male gender are rarer than ever in the dating scene. If you’ve gone on dating sites like OkCupid or Tinder, it’s very easy to just start believing that good men just don’t exist anymore.

The truth is that there are decent men out there — at least, statistically so. Dating is a numbers game, and the numbers are saying that there’s a high probability that there will be men out there who would love to date and marry you.

However, that means you need to find them.

RELATED: How To Break The Streak Of Dating Losers — So You Can Finally Find Someone Amazing

If you’re looking for a man who will be good to you, a large part of your ability to succeed deals with you maximizing your chance to find one. Whether they try to do it or not, many women end up self-sabotaging when it comes to finding a nice guy to date.

If you’re making any of these mistakes, you are hurting your own chances of finding Mr. Right.

Here's why you can't find a good man.

1. Having a “type” and refuse to deviate from it
A lot of people tend to assume that they can only date a certain “type” of person but that often leads to them ignoring good people who might actually be better for them.

While there’s nothing wrong with standards, refusing to date people based on things like their height or the music they listen to might be a sign you’re being too picky.

2. Aggressively pursuing any man that comes your way
Desperation is not s*xy, sweetie. I totally understand wanting a man with all your heart and feeling rejected. However, actually getting aggressive in your pursuit of one never works, except when it comes to attracting users and abusers.

Good men don’t want women who will take anyone, and if you were honest with yourself, you probably wouldn’t want a guy who would take anyone, either. Tone it down a notch!

3. Expecting to date way out of your league, or holding out for someone who’s literally flawless
As much as it pains me to say this, there is such a thing as dating out of your league, and trying to do this could mean that you’re missing out on decent men who would date you. If you want someone who’s incredible, you need to have som**hing to offer them that’s equally s*xy.

Moreover, there’s a certain limit to how great someone can be. Nobody, not even Beyonce, is perfect and if you’re waiting for Mr. Perfect, you’re going to be single for a very long time. I’m not telling you to settle, per se, but I am asking you to be realistic.

4. Refusing to go out
This one always bugs me. How are you going to meet new people if you don’t go out? Most of the time, online dating doesn’t yield good results. In fact, a third of all men on those sites are already in relationships.

Your best bet is to meet someone in person, so go out and have fun.

5. Acting like a diva
Expecting your date to treat you with respect is a given and it’s totally reasonable. What isn’t reasonable is expecting a man to shower you with presents every single date, pay for everything, and also put up with temper tantrums.

If you act like a diva, don’t be shocked if men eventually get sick of it and bail because that's definitely why you can't find a good man.

RELATED: Ladies, This Is The Real Reason You Can't Find A Good Man

6. Hanging out with a crowd that isn’t good
Part of meeting good men is hanging out with a crowd that has decent people in it.

If everyone in your clique has domestic violence issues, cheating, and commitment issues, you’re not going to find a good man via that clique’s connections. Birds of a feather tend to flock together, so you might need to change your scene if you want to get a decent partner.

7. Trying to date while hating men
If you’ve ever gone on a date with a woman-hater, you already know how uncomfortable that makes you. Believe it or not, men can pick up on bad vibes, too, and it makes them just as uncomfortable as it makes you.

If this sounds like you, you might need to take a break from dating.

8. Bribing guys for dates
I’ve been here, and yes, I understand what a bad place you have to be in for this to become a habit. The thing is that men who are worth your time will never want to accept a bribe for a date. Doing this only attracts the worst men and scares good men away.

9. Refusing to make the first move
Guys get nervous! A lot of men are intimidated by women to the point that they won’t approach them. Ask them out and you might be surprised at how many of the shy ones will be great guys to date.

10. Not having self-awareness or social skills, and not doing anything to change that
A huge portion of dating involves having enough social skills to get along with people, present the right image, and also just talk to people effectively. A lot of the mistakes and issues that keep good women single all boil down to self-awareness and social skills.

Thankfully, there are ways to improve these things and that can help you meet the man of your dreams.

11. Not improving yourself
Everyone has som**hing they can improve. I have my flabby stomach and caustic attitude towards men, but others might have smaller issues. The better you look, act, and feel, the more attractive you are. The more attractive you are, the more likely it is that decent men will want you.

A little improvement can go a long, long way, so give it a try if things just aren’t working. You never know what might happen.

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New Dating


My Husband R***d Me On Our Wedding Night — But My Parents Said Divorce Was Not An Option

Eden Strong Heartbreak, SexJune 17, 2020
I felt completely trapped.

When I was 21, I got married to a man with a drug addiction. I married him because I believed he'd changed his ways — but I couldn't have been more wrong. I remained a virgin until I got married, which caused me to miss many red flags. These missed red flags led to being r***d on my wedding night.

In the months following our wedding, I learned my husband's past drug use wasn't the only thing he'd been hiding from me; basically his entire past was a lie. He didn't grow up where he said he did, he didn't have the college education he claimed he had, and his (now estranged) parents didn't have the careers he told me they did.

When I told my parents about my situation, my father told me divorce was not an option. "We will pay for marriage counseling, but we will not support you in a divorce," he said. "You cannot move in with us because you need to work things out with your husband. As Christians, we do not believe in divorce."

So, I tried to work on my marriage.

Not because I wanted to, but because I had no other choice.

For me, by the time things reached a level that involved a horrific amount of domestic abuse, I was trapped. I had no college education to fall back on. And as a stay-at-home mom with no job, no access to my own money, and no family to support me in a divorce, I stayed.

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I started to believe that my husband's issues were my own fault. Manipulated by my husband's lies and shunned whenever I made efforts to get help, I started to foolishly believe that his bad behavior was a result of me not being supportive enough.

"I can't believe he's doing this" quickly turned to "I can't believe I made him do this" — just as it does for many abuse victims.

I stayed with him becaus my family trained me to believe that saving my marriage came before saving myself.

I stayed married to my husband, my abuser, for 8 long years and during that time, many tears were shed behind closed doors where I could wipe them away before walking out the front door and plastering a smile on my face.

Was I happy? No, not even close. But my family expected me to fix my marriage and that was that.

By the time I reached the end of my marriage, my husband was a full-blown m**h user and dealer. He was hiring women off of Craigslist for s*x and ra**ng me whenever he pleased. He was living a double life I knew absolutely nothing about until the minute he drained the bank account, abandoned his car, turned off his phone, and simply never came home one night.

My family never, ever helped me leave him.

Did I marry him? Yes.

Did I continue to stay with him? Yes and looking back, I wish I hadn't.

But was it all my fault? For a long time I thought that it was but I know now it's not.

So, if you're a victim and you're reading this, don't worry about the negative things people are saying about you.

This isn't your fault. You're just another victim and you deserve better than what you your family are doing to you.

Eden Strong is a regular contributor to many different sites. She is the founder of a nonprofit that serves abused women and morr of her writing can be found on her blog.


Why Cheating Can Actually *Help* Your Marriage

Alex Alexander Heartbreak, SexJune 18, 2020
We didn't believe it at first either...

Unless you're inclined toward polyamory, extramarital relations are generally frowned upon. Marriages accept and expect monogamy, so infidelity is harmful, right?

Not so fast, says Michael J. Formica, a Psychology Today blogger. In a post on the "Enlightened Living" blog, Formica makes the case that thinking about cheating — and even stepping out on your sweetie — can potentially help your relationship. So, can cheating save a marriage?

First, Formica identifies four basic types of affairs:

An object affair: The cheating partner neglects the relationship to focus on som**hing else — work, a video game, an intense involvement in floral arrangement; a detriment to his or her love life.
A s*xual affair: Exactly what they sound like: The adulterer rents cheap hotel rooms for s*x, but not emotional intimacy. A s*xual affair is strictly about s*x, nothing more.
An emotional affair: When there's no smooching, but lots of sentiment. You're spending hours messaging with someone who's not your boyfriend, spilling your secrets to a woman who's not your wife, turning to someone else instead of your partner in times of need. Clearly not good for your primary relationship.
A secondary relationship affair: This is the traditional kind of cheating, where you have two parallel partnerships that are both s*xual and emotional, and it's this kind of liaison that Formica says can actually help a marriage.

How can cheating save a marriage? Formica dives into it:

1. An affair can add fizz to a flat partnership.

What was once stale gets refreshed by a new energy.

2. If you're having an affair you're probably doing it because you're missing som**hing in your primary relationship.

If you analyze the affair you might be able to see what it is that's lacking and address that problem.

3. People tend to get into the same kind of relationship over and over again, but affairs are different.

According to Formica they often are "a more authentic barometer for what we actually need in our relationships."

Right about now you're probably thinking "this Formica guy is one messed up dude who's just making excuses for cheating." But Formica qualifies his analysis:

"The 'good' that might come out of an affair is clearly not the affair itself or its potential painful consequences (for the betrayed, children involved, etc.). But, as I often say, everything is material for change. If we look at our choices and examine ourselves in an honest and forthright way, we just might find one of the keys to prompt our own personal growth and evolution."

That evolution might lead us back to a more authentic relationship with our primary relationship, or it might lead us to a more authentic understanding of ourselves that leads us away from that primary partner. Either way, that is still positive growth.


Fun Behind Young Men Marrying Older Women


June 13, 2020 1:23 pm


Stereotype culture of women should be younger than men have broken when young men are slowly being attracted to olderwomen. Less inclination of men to marry or date women of younger women are due to the changes in generation.

In India, we have seen the marriage of Aishwariya Rai who is two years older than Abhishek Bachhan. Farah Khan and Shirish Kunder both have an age gap of eight years they have three children. And recently the wonderful chemistry of Priyanka Chopra and Nicholas Jones is not hidden.

Good Companions

Perhaps if you are looking to marry any woman who is older than you than it is for sure you will have fun in your relationship and have a mature connection compared to other couples. While being a young man you will always have a close friend at home who will solemnly suggest facing any difficult situations easily.

You will find a caring woman who will push you to grow stable mentally that no doubt can increase the intensity of the emotional connection between both.

Young men married to older women do not have to take her women for dinners every week if you can spend some quality time at home. It is more likely at the end of the day or weekend as it becomes important that you can create good moments together. But for sure do not expect that she will spend time in laundry washing your clothes unless you feel unwell. Quality time at the weekends may add some time you spend with her in washing and cleaning the whole house and talking to each other at the end of the day.

You will find your relationship to be distinctive and matured when you get along with other couples.

Younger women are generally blamed to dominate their husbands it is because of the age once again and men are less dependent on them emotionally. Men feel more burdened with responsibilities and they are stressed as only person to take any decision. Both are mostly separate jobs to do together in a family for men and women in such cases.

Mature or Older Women are attractive

If you are looking for someone attractive to marry then no doubt you will always like to have a company of older women as they are matured in talks and attitudes that attract men easily. Now women are almost gathering the same experience as they are stepping out of their house and working. They are aware of different issues related to finance or official issues, unlike the younger women who are still left to see the other part of the world.

So younger men feel comfortable having a conversation with an older woman it may be your wife at home or dating a woman at a party. Older women marry lately because they have their career as their first choice and so you the men in the relationship will not have to take the responsibility of a woman entirely. She can pay her bills for their financial stability who also has the sense of picking the right thing escaping from disputes that also helps the men to free from any kind of mental stress. Both in the relationship can pull themselves one level higher if they work for the relationship instead of burdening on each other.

Connect with someone today at www.ikejimi.com


4 Well-Kept Secrets Womanizers Don't Want You To Know

HeartbreakJune 10, 2020
What you don't know might hurt you.

Confession: I have been a womanizer for a long time, so I know som**hing about womanizers, in general. In fact, many women encounter them while putting themselves out there to find a suitable mate.

Unfortunately, womanizers and players use this to their advantage.

With that in mind, here's how to be a womanizer, and advice for single women to identify and interact with men like me.

1. There's a difference between players and cheaters.

There are two types of womanizers: players and cheaters. One should be respected and the other should remain despised.

There is an old saying, "Don't hate the player; hate the game." There is a lot of lighthearted validity to that adage.

I distinguish players from cheaters because players have multiple female s*x partners, and they are upfront and honest with women about their desire to be s*xually satisfied by more than one woman. This type of womanizer does not try to hide, deny or camouflage the fact that monogamy is just not his thing.

Always appreciate men who are honest with women about their promiscuous desires.

Cheaters interact s*xually with multiple women under false pretenses. They present a facade of wanting to be involved in a long-term, monogamous relationship with one woman, but deep-down they want variety in their s*x lives.

I have no respect for liars, manipulative game players, adulterers and cheaters. I simply do not like the idea of toying with someone's emotions.

2. Most men are only as faithful as their options allow.

While I would not say that this assertion is 100 percent valid, it is valid more often than not. With that, I have three points to make.

First, if you are a woman and you think a man is handsome, s*xy, charming and worth dating, there is a huge chance that dozens, if not hundreds of other women feel the exact same way about him. Women will literally compete with one another to secure this man's companionship.

Second, if a man develops a reputation for being very exciting and satisfying in bed with women, his "stock" is going to rise in the eyes of many women. No woman wants a man who is a "dud" in bed.

Third, it is very easy for a man to be faithful to one woman when he only has one woman offering him regular s*xual companionship. But when a man has five, ten, fifteen or twenty-plus women offering him s*xual companionship, it is much harder for a man to remain motivated to have s*x with just one woman.

3. The side chick rarely becomes the long-term girlfriend.

Once you allow yourself to be relegated to the role of a man's "mistress," "woman-on-the-side," "jumpoff" or "b***y call," there is a large chance you will never be upgraded to the role of "wife" or "long-term girlfriend."

I just had this discussion with a female friend recently. There are a number of women who naively think if they start out as a man's "play toy," sooner or later they will earn the right to be "upgraded" to that man's wife, or long-term romantic partner. That is highly doubtful... not impossible, but extremely rare.

As a woman, you must familiarize yourself with what is known as the "Madonna-Whore Complex."

I always tell women that understanding this concept first developed by legendary psychologist Dr. Sigmund Freud is the absolute first step to understanding why many men choose some women as long-term monogamous s*x partners while interacting with other women only as short-term non-monogamous s*x partners.

Without getting too lengthy here, I will give you the very short-version.

Most men want to date and marry women who remind them of their mothers. I cannot tell you how many men I know right now who are married or involved in a long-term relationship with a woman who has one or more similar attributes to that man's mother.

If you remind a man of his mother, to one degree or another, that is when his conscious or subconscious mind places you in the category of "girlfriend" or "wife" material. If the primary quality that stands out about you is your s*x appeal and nothing else, then, nine times out of ten, that man is only going to look at you as "casual s*x" material.

If it is truly your desire as a woman to be a man's future wife or girlfriend, then the worst thing you can do is start off being that man's "mistress" or "woman-on-the-side" while he is currently involved with someone else. You automatically lose respect in that man's eyes.

The chances of him ever upgrading you to the status of his number-one romantic companion are slim.

4. You can't change a womanizer.

Do not ever fool yourself into believing that you can change a womanizer into a monogamous "boyfriend" or "husband" type. You cannot.

So, from this point forward, stop telling your girlfriends, "I hate men! All of them are lying womanizers, cheaters and dogs!" That is not the whole truth.

Accept the fact that if a man possesses a lot of highly desirable attributes, his romantic and s*xual companionship is going to be in demand. The best thing for you to do as a woman is to ask him what his long-term desires, interests and intentions are.

Remember: As long as a womanizer is honest with you about what type of s*xual relationship he wants ... don't hate the player. Only hate the game-playing of liars and cheaters.

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Georgia Acres, GA


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