aromadeviver - Tem que falazes valer a hospedagem n Hahaha #fy #rossgeller #viagem #hotel (1)
aromadeviver - Empadovo pra Pscoa Eu amo a criatividade do brasileiro haha #empadovo #empada #ovodepascoa #pascoa #fy
aromadeviver - sabe aquele lugar que tem tudo que a gente procura- eu encontrei e o samsclubbrasil haha clicando no link tem desconto na primeira compra #samsclubbrasil #sejasams #publicidade
aromadeviver - respondendo a kaila maria qual sua sorveteria favorita em so lus- haha #qualseufavorito #sorveteria #sorvete
aromadeviver - qual sua comida junina favorita- ps. descobri que rocambole e no rocombole nesse vdeo kkkkkkkk #saojoao #comidajunina #amigos
yourpositivehealth - how being deficient in vitamin d 3 can lead to a lot of health problems as its one of the most important nutrients in our body #healthy #healthtips #diet #nutrition
cakebossmauro - andrew marc thank you for making this chubby girl all the rest of us out there feel amazing so often we are left out of the fashion conversation and reduced to 2 racks in the basement of the de
cakebossmauro - extra eggplant parmigiana calls for a beautiful sandwich and oh boy was this one great learning new ways to use leftovers is always great because the same stuff gets boring this girl needs to b
cakebossmauro - having such a great time in las vegas celebrating super bowl lviii with buddy valastro joey always great to see our carlos bakery las vegas famiglia and buddy vs vegas eats our teams in vegas a
saraxashleyy - hiiii angels fdoe when going out to dinny balanced and realistic breakfast- egg salad on sourdough toast w a side kiwi (also had my sauerkraut every day supplements) lunch- sweet potato protein
cakebossmauro - its that time of year its #salad for the summer a nice and light meal to have for #lunch #dinner or #snack very simple to make #quickmeal #easymeal #famiglia #babydoll #fyp #mozzarella #cucumbe