巧連智月刊依據孩子的出生年月日,專門為1歲至小學3年級孩子設計的7個分齡版月刊。完整規劃及培養孩子的人際EQ ,自我保護,生活品格,拓展視野,智育啟發,自然探索,思維邏輯,和表達能力的發展。讓每個孩子都有屬於自己的巧連智月刊。
月刊版本包括:寶寶版(1-2歲),幼幼版(2-3歲),快樂版(3-4歲), 成長版(4-5歲),學習版(5-6歲)基礎版(1-2年級), 進階版(3年級以上)。也有粵語版的巧虎可選購喔~
Ciaohu is Chinese monthly magazine designed for children from 1years old to over 3rd grade. It focus on developing children’s EQ, self-protection, life character, broad vision, intellectual education, natural exploration, critical and logical thinking, and development of expression skills. (Traditional Chinese & Cantonese edition available)
Different gifts options are available for new and renewing subscribers.
Ciaohu Subscriptions have 7 versions:
Baby (1-2 years old), Yoyo (2-3 years old), Happy (3-4 years old), Grow (4-5 years old), Learn (5-6 years old), Basic (K-1—K-2), & Advance (K-3+).
Apex Brilliant Child Development Inc dedicate time and resource to Provide Educational Program for Parents who wish to teach Chinese and other social skill from day 1