It’s been a very long time since I’ve updated the Facebook profile. For the most part I’m doing my advertising on Instagram these days.
Things have been a little wild in my personal life. Had to leave my previous job and it’s taken me about three months to find something new. I Have a close family member that is getting older and more frail by the day. Don’t have much faith they’ll live more than another year or two and it’s scary as hell, so I’ve been dealing with some depression and anticipatory grief.
The label is still very much open and operating though. I’ve dropped my production down to a couple tapes per month but hoping I can kick things back into full gear by February/March.
Jack from GregFilth has been pumping out some great tapes that are availible on RSR for cheap and I’ve got quite a few really great releases coming early 2025.
If anyone is interested in future releases for my own personal projects. I’ll be releasing the first full length Without the Sky album in the summer of 2025 and I have a split planned with Saahrg and an additional split with I See Satan Fall Like Lightning. The splits will be out some time next year. Most of the songs for the splits are at least in the demo phase so hopefully at least one of them will be out early 2025.
I also have plans to release a second edition of the RSR zine early 2025. As well as a game based around the UTY wandering insect priest universe. I’ll update more about the game as soon as I have the chance. All I can say for now is that it will be a gameboy game, it will be released physically as well as digitally. It will also feature chiptune UTY songs. Some new and a few old.
Hope everyone has had a great holiday. Also want to thank everyone for the support you have all given my little label over the last couple of years. It means the world to me. I never even thought it would get as far as it has.