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Virtual Tour (360 photo) The Theban Tomb TT96 (sometimes known as the "Tomb of the Vineyards" due to its decoration) is ...

Virtual Tour (360 photo) The Theban Tomb TT96 (sometimes known as the "Tomb of the Vineyards" due to its decoration) is located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. It forms part of the Theban Necropolis, situated on the west bank of the Nile opposite Luxor.[2] The edifice is the burial place of the ancient Egyptian noble, Sennefer and wife Meryt.

Roman Glass Bottles (1st Century AD), from Pompeii.These bottles were used as measures of capacity, each bigger bottle i...

Roman Glass Bottles (1st Century AD), from Pompeii.

These bottles were used as measures of capacity, each bigger bottle is twice size of smaller one next to it.

This is one of the most beautiful sculptures of all time.

This is one of the most beautiful sculptures of all time.

Three layers of history in one building!This home in the Fatih district of Istanbul has ancient Roman foundations under ...

Three layers of history in one building!

This home in the Fatih district of Istanbul has ancient Roman foundations under Ottoman-period archways, with the house dating to the start of the Turkish republic (c. 1920"s).



Women of the "Aamu of Shu" (West Asia/Eastern Mediterranean) being led by "Abisha the Hyksos", visit the nomarch, Khnumh...

Women of the "Aamu of Shu" (West Asia/Eastern Mediterranean) being led by "Abisha the Hyksos", visit the nomarch, Khnumhotep II for trade, as depicted within his tomb.

Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty, reign of Amenemhat II - Senwosret II, c.1878-1837 B.C.
Beni Hasan tomb 3 (BH3)

Wooden statuette of Amenhotep III. Brooklyn Museum. 48.28At just 26.3 cm tall, this statuette of king Amenhotep III, is ...

Wooden statuette of Amenhotep III. Brooklyn Museum. 48.28

At just 26.3 cm tall, this statuette of king Amenhotep III, is a treasure of the Brooklyn Museum in New York, and for obvious reason. The Brooklyn Museum’s website states that it is unsure whether the statue is made from ebony or yew wood, however, Edward Bleiberg (Curator of Egyptian, Classical, and Ancient Middle Eastern Art at the Brooklyn Museum) states that this piece is beautifully carved from Lebanese wood, Egypt’s most well-known source for wood.

The statuette was found in Thebes, and dates from approximately, 1390-1352 B.C. It is completed with gold leaf detailing upon the shendyt (kilt), and crown adornments. The king"s eyes and brows are inlaid with blue glass.

Ramesses the Great, Ancient Egypt Pharaoh

Ramesses the Great, Ancient Egypt Pharaoh

Treasures of Pyramids of Giza, Egypt.

Treasures of Pyramids of Giza, Egypt.

The Scutum of Dura-Europos is the only surviving example of a Roman scutum shield. The wood was well preserved by the dr...

The Scutum of Dura-Europos is the only surviving example of a Roman scutum shield. The wood was well preserved by the dry climate. From Syria. 3rd cent. A.D.

Roman artifacts:

A man described as "Abisha the Hyksos"(𓋾𓈎𓈉 ḥḳꜣ-ḫꜣswt, Heqa-kasut for "Hyksos"), leading a group of Aamu.Tomb of Khnumhot...

A man described as "Abisha the Hyksos"
(𓋾𓈎𓈉 ḥḳꜣ-ḫꜣswt, Heqa-kasut for "Hyksos"), leading a group of Aamu.
Tomb of Khnumhotep II, c.1900 B.C.
This is one of the earliest known uses of the term "Hyksos".

One of the most famous emperors of ancient history!  ✨ Thutmose III ✨📸 Egypt With Ahmed Luxor Museum‏♦️  All Rights Rese...

One of the most famous emperors of ancient history!

✨ Thutmose III ✨

📸 Egypt With Ahmed
Luxor Museum
‏♦️ All Rights Reserved ©♦️

They"re really not that far, if you think about it...

They"re really not that far, if you think about it...




El Antiguo Egipto es una de las civilizaciones más antiguas y duraderas de la historia, conocida por su rica cultura, ingeniería avanzada y una sociedad altamente jerarquizada. A lo largo de su existencia, el Antiguo Egipto fue gobernado por una serie de dinastías faraónicas que dejaron una huella indeleble en la historia de la humanidad.

➡️ Primeros Pasos

La historia de Egipto se remonta a alrededor del año 3100 a.C., cuando el rey Menes unificó el Alto y el Bajo Egipto, marcando el comienzo de la Primera Dinastía. Este evento simboliza la unificación de las dos regiones geográficas del país en un solo estado. Durante las primeras dinastías, Egipto comenzó a desarrollar las instituciones y estructuras que serían fundamentales para su estabilidad y duración.

El período conocido como el Imperio Antiguo (c. 2686-2181 a.C.) fue testigo de uno de los mayores logros arquitectónicos de la humanidad: la construcción de las Grandes Pirámides de Giza. Durante esta época, Egipto alcanzó una gran estabilidad y prosperidad bajo los faraones de la Cuarta Dinastía, como Keops, Kefrén y Micerinos.

Las pirámides, especialmente la Gran Pirámide de Keops, son testimonios asombrosos de la ingeniería y organización egipcias. Además de las pirámides, se construyeron templos y monumentos impresionantes a lo largo del Nilo, mostrando la destreza de los arquitectos y obreros egipcios.

Después del Imperio Antiguo, Egipto pasó por un período de declive conocido como el Primer Período Intermedio (c. 2181-2055 a.C.), marcado por la fragmentación política y conflictos. Sin embargo, el país se recuperó bajo la dinastía XI y XII, iniciando el Imperio Medio (c. 2055-1650 a.C.). Durante esta época, los faraones emprendieron campañas militares exitosas y restauraron la centralización del poder.

Uno de los faraones más destacados de este período fue Mentuhotep II, quien reunificó Egipto y sentó las bases para el Renacimiento del Imperio Medio. Durante este tiempo, se desarrolló la literatura, la arquitectura y las artes, y Egipto floreció económicamente.

➡️ El Imperio Nuevo y la Época Dorada

El Imperio Nuevo (c. 1550-1077 a.C.) marcó la época dorada de Egipto. Durante este período, los faraones expandieron sus territorios, estableciendo un imperio que se extendía desde el Levante hasta Nubia. Faraones notables como Hatshepsut, Amenhotep III y Ramsés II dejaron una marca duradera en la historia de Egipto.

Hatshepsut, una de las pocas reinas faraónicas, se destacó por su reinado pacífico y sus expediciones comerciales a tierras lejanas. Amenhotep III presidió un período de prosperidad y Ramsés II, uno de los faraones más conocidos, construyó monumentos impresionantes y firmó el primer tratado de paz conocido en la historia con los hititas.

➡️ La Declinación y la Caída

El final del Imperio Nuevo marcó el comienzo de un período de inestabilidad y declive. Egipto fue invadido por una serie de pueblos, incluidos los asirios y los persas, antes de caer bajo el dominio de Alejandro Magno y, posteriormente, los Ptolomeos. A pesar de estos cambios, la cultura egipcia siguió influyendo en la región durante siglos.

Finalmente, en el año 30 a.C., Egipto se convirtió en una provincia del Imperio Romano, marcando el final de su independencia.

La conversión de Egipto en una provincia del Imperio Romano se debió a una serie de eventos históricos. Cleopatra, la última faraona, estableció alianzas con líderes romanos como Julio César y Marco Antonio. La Batalla de Accio en el 31 a.C. marcó su derrota y el fin de la dinastía Ptolemaica. Tras la muerte de Cleopatra y Marco Antonio, Octavio (futuro emperador Augusto) tomó el control de Egipto en el 30 a.C., convirtiéndolo en una provincia romana. Bajo la administración romana, Egipto siguió siendo crucial para Roma en términos de recursos y cultura. Esta anexión marcó el fin de la independencia de Egipto.

Sin embargo, el legado de Egipto perdura hasta nuestros días, con sus pirámides, tesoros arqueológicos y contribuciones a la ciencia y la cultura que continúan siendo objeto de fascinación y estudio.

En resumen,

Journey through the sands of time and behold the resplendent vision that unfolds before your eyes. Behold the grandeur o...

Journey through the sands of time and behold the resplendent vision that unfolds before your eyes. Behold the grandeur of a powerful Egyptian king , standing proudly in the presence of the magnificent Great Pyramids of Giza. With the pyramids as a majestic backdrop, the warm rays of the sun illuminate this realistic painting, bringing forth vibrant colors that breathe life into this captivating scene. Experience the indomitable spirit of ancient Egypt come alive. 👑🌅🏰

Granodiorite column in the form of apapyrus bundle bearing cartouches of Amenhotep Ill and Merenptah! 📸 Egypt With Ahmed...

Granodiorite column in the form of a
papyrus bundle bearing cartouches of Amenhotep Ill and Merenptah!

📸 Egypt With Ahmed
National Museum of Egyptian Civilization
‏♦️ All Rights Reserved ©♦️

Pectoral jewel of Tutankhamun depicting Horus in the form of a falcon  with outspread wings around the sun disk, holding...

Pectoral jewel of Tutankhamun depicting Horus in the form of a falcon with outspread wings around the sun disk, holding shen rings, the symbols of eternal protection in his claws.

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Skull of a Roman legionary, who died during the wars of Gaul, about the year 52 BC. Dated to the first century BC. Death...

Skull of a Roman legionary, who died during the wars of Gaul, about the year 52 BC. Dated to the first century BC. Death was certainly instant.


Seti II with shrine to AmunNew Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1200 -1194 B.C.Excavated by Giovanni Battista Belzoni at Karnak...

Seti II with shrine to Amun
New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1200 -1194 B.C.
Excavated by Giovanni Battista Belzoni at Karnak
British Museum. EA26
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Hey Everyone! Look at this Gold and Rock Crystal Bottle from the Galloway Hoard!In September of 2014 an avid metal detec...

Hey Everyone! Look at this Gold and Rock Crystal Bottle from the Galloway Hoard!
In September of 2014 an avid metal detectorist named Derek Mclennan discovered one of the grandest historical finds in Scottish archaeological history. While searching on church lands near Balmaghie, Mclennan uncovered the Galloway Hoard, a viking age treasure hoard consisting of over 100 objects dating to around 900 AD. While the hoard has some gold objects, most are silver including pieces of jewelry, hack silver, and silver ingots.
Among the objects, the most incredible is a rock crystal bottle that is decorated with gold. The bottle was found inside of a silk pouch, the silk coming from either Byzantium or Asia. The crystal jar itself is not from the middle ages but is Roman and dates to the 4th century. Later in the early middle ages the jar was decorated in gold filigree, at the behest of Bishop Hyguald according to an inscription on the gold work. While the identity of "Bishop Hyguald" is unknown, it is thought that he mostly likely came from Northumbria, an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in northern England. Northumbria would be conquered and occupied by Danish Vikings in the 9th century, which explains how the bottle became a part of the Galloway Hoard.
Today, the bottle along with the rest of the Galloway Hoard is housed at the National Museum of Scotland

Usekh Collar of SenebtisiFaience, gold, carnelian and turquoise.Middle Kingdom, 12th to 13th Dynasty, ca. 1850-1775 BC.N...

Usekh Collar of Senebtisi

Faience, gold, carnelian and turquoise.
Middle Kingdom, 12th to 13th Dynasty, ca. 1850-1775 BC.
Now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 08.200.30

Sarcophagus of Henutmehyt. Henutmehyt lived in ancient Egypt in the 19th Dynasty (about 1295–1186 BC). The layers of her...

Sarcophagus of Henutmehyt. Henutmehyt lived in ancient Egypt in the 19th Dynasty (about 1295–1186 BC). The layers of her coffin provide a magnificent idealised image of the dead woman, adorned with her full wig. They would have been placed one inside the other – the outer coffin is on the left, inner coffin in the centre and mummy board (placed directly over the mummified body) on the right. Her gilded inner coffin can be seen today at the British Museum in London, England.

Statue of Akhenaten and NefertitiNew Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1353-1336 BC.From Tell el-Amarna (Akhetaten).Now in the ...

Statue of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1353-1336 BC.
From Tell el-Amarna (Akhetaten).
Now in the Louvre. E 15593

mummy-portraitPortrait of a woman in encaustic on limewood: a large crack splits the panel from top to bottom through th...


Portrait of a woman in encaustic on limewood: a large crack splits the panel from top to bottom through the proper right eye, and a shorter crack runs through the left eye.

The paint surface is damaged in several places. Traces of the mummy wrappings appear at the upper corners.

The background was painted in bluish grey with long brush-strokes.

The figure appears very large in relation to the background and is shown in three-quarter view. She wears a claret-coloured tunic with a very dark crimson clavus edged with gold, visible on the proper right side. A mantle of mauvish tone is draped around the shoulders.

The woman wears gold ball earrings (painted with white highlights) typical of the later first century AD. She wears around her neck a gold chain with pendant crescent with ball-shaped terminals: this too is painted with creamy-white highlights. It is not out of the question that she originally had an ornamental chain across the hair, separating the bun on the crown from the locks in front - a feature of other Neronian portraits. Of this, nothing survives but a greyish ground. The front hair is arranged around the brow in two banks of snail-shaped curls, expanded to four above the ears. Locks fall behind the ears to either side of the neck; the necklace has been painted over the lock on the proper right side.

The eyes (especially the proper left eye) are large and rounded, with arched eyebrows. The nose is rather shorter than the norm; the lips are full and painted rose pink. The creamy flesh is tinted pink on the cheeks and chin, and a creamy-white highlight runs down the nose and above and below the lips.

Excavated by: Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie Findspot
Excavated/Findspot: Hawara Egypt: Fayum

© The Trustees of the British Museum

Vignette from the funerary papyrus of the scribe DjehutymesThird Intermediate Period, 21st Dynasty, ca. 1069-945 BC. Now...

Vignette from the funerary papyrus of the scribe Djehutymes
Third Intermediate Period, 21st Dynasty, ca. 1069-945 BC.
Now in the Egyptian Museum of Turin. Cat. 1781

In ancient Egypt, jackals and dogs were very common in the land between desert and urban areas, so they were associated with the world of necropolis and the dead. Specifically, their wandering among the tombs was interpreted as a perpetual guard service to the deceased.

The black jackal lent its features to different gods: Anubis, Wepwawet, Khenti-Amentiu and others, but there was a particular category of jackals in the divine sphere that were known as sTAw: they were the canids that pulled the solar boat during the night.

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Figure of the god Ptah, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom, at  Museum.📸Ashley Cooke.

Figure of the god Ptah, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom, at Museum.

📸Ashley Cooke.

Ammit awaits, depicted within the Papyrus of Ani at the Weighing of Heart CeremonyNew Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1250 B.C...

Ammit awaits, depicted within the Papyrus of Ani at the Weighing of Heart Ceremony
New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1250 B.C.
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