We are SOOO excited to assist Jennifer Dawn - The Sagittarius Coach with the launch and publication of her first book -- "Dad's Penny's from Heaven."
🌟This book is a MUST-READ for anyone who has questions about the dying process, what happens after death and how Alzheimer/Dementia patients feel inside.
Jenn is an incredible author and has intuitively written a beautiful book with a fresh perspective on "the other side." 💜
✨Her book will be available on Amazon 11/22/22!! ✨
Are you an amateur or a professional?
Whether you're writing a book or building your coaching business, there is a huge difference between doing it as an intentional hobby or doing it as a full-time professional. I'll explain more in the live video.
HOW do you publish a book??
Let's get back to basics.
How do you do the dang thing?
Writing..editign...publishing...how does one person make all of this happen??
It used to be THE BIGGEST mystery to me too!! You aren't alone.
Thankfully a few of us have figured it out and I'm here to help you make your dream a reality too!!
Thank you SO much for showing up and asking this question bravely and boldly @jess oltman. <3 We appreciate your input!
I was afraid I'd be unrelatable...
When breaking through to the next level of success, we often hit "plateaus". These plateaus are nothing more than patterns. Patterns are simply habits, and habits can be changed.
Today I woke up with fear. Worry. Anxious thoughts buzzed around my brain. "This isn't like me, I thought."
I went to my coach and had a good cry, explaining my situation.
What it boiled down to...was fears around flawlessly floating into the next level. Notice I said float, not force.
Let's talk.
5 Reasons Why It's Time to Share Your Message in a Book
You may be wondering if now is the right time to write your heart's message into a book and share it with the world. Doubts, fear...are you even good enough? These thoughts are circling your mind.
Today I'm speaking straight to those thoughts with 5 clear reasons why NOW is the time for you to begin helping others. Legggo!
Behind the Scenes with SSP! Author - Jennifer Dawn
Jennifer Dawn is a soon to be published Sparkling Hippie author! She is in our program, Sparkling, Successful + Published and is writing an incredible book about her dad's journey with dimensia, both in this life and the next.
You won't want to miss this Live!
The Sparkling Journey to Authorship with Carrie Peckham
Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when you decide to self-publish your first book while also growing your coaching business?
Our fabulous SSP! student, Carrie Peckham is sharing with us the story of her journey to entrepreneurship, and the current excitement and setbacks of writing her first book!
Publishing 101 - A Look at the Numbers
What are the ACTUAL numbers behind publishing a book?
Can you live off of the profits?
Let's take a deep dive into the RAW behind the scenes edition of publishing.
If you want to learn more about self-publishing with @The Sparkling Hippie Publishing Company and our intimate team, you can DM me or click here to view details: https://the-sparkling-hippie-publishing.mykajabi.com/sparkling-successful-published
I'm happy to answer any questions you have // no obligations ;)
Publishing 101: Part 2!
Publishing 101 - Which Path to Take + What to Expect ⚡️
What are the different routes to publishing a book? What do you need to have ready in advance? What are royalties? Will you get rich??
I'll be covering all these Qs and more in this live stream!
Have Questions?? Drop them in the chat! 👇👇
PS - Grab our FREE Masterclass to Learn the in-depth 6 Steps to Becoming a Published Author! >> https://www.tshpublishing.com/opt-in
Publishing 101 - Which Path to Take + What to Expect⚡️
Publishing 101 - Which Path to Take + What to Expect ⚡️
What are the different routes to publishing a book? What do you need to have ready in advance? What are royalties? Will you get rich??
I'll be covering all these Qs and more in this live stream!
Have Questions?? Drop them in the chat! 👇👇
PS - Grab our FREE Masterclass to Learn the in-depth 6 Steps to Becoming a Published Author! >> https://www.tshpublishing.com/opt-in