🚨Hey y’all. This is the most important post I’ve ever made so I hope you’ll read it completely. 🚨
God has allowed me to go through hell in the last 4 years and I didn’t know why for a long time.
But I do now.
He gave me a mission and it’s called “Year One.”
YO is simply a starting point for redeeming your life after loss.
Loss gets us all at some point. Some losses are more severe than others but the pain of them can be devastating. Men have suffered defeat for decades and the responses to it vary from “just bury it and get over it” to “blame everyone around you cause it couldn’t have been your fault”.
But in reality, the proper response is buried somewhere in the middle of those 2 mindsets.
So how do you handle a divorce? An affair? A loss of a business? Death of a spouse, parent or God forbid, a child? What about the loss of identity because of something there happened to you as a child? You were molested, r***d or abused and never dealt with it. But the pain is evident in the residue that covers you every single day.
In going through divorce as well as a loss of a 7 figure business almost at the same time, I made some really stupid decisions. They resulted in mistakes and setbacks that held me back from healing and recovering sooner. Or at least deeper. What has taken me 4 years to learn shouldn’t have. I stepped in some large piles of shi… uh… crap…. that left my family and close friends wondering “what the H E double-hockey-stick is he doing??”
But I’ve learned. And my education through the fire can be your classroom. It needs to be your classroom. You don’t need to step in stupid just because I did. No, I want to give you the opportunity to begin again. Let’s uncover the damage, shine light on it, heal from it and then be equipped to help others.
Year One is what I’m calling this. It’s an infant idea and honestly, I would love to have a logo, 3 page playbook, website, blog, YouTube channel, podcast and dozens of speaking engagements completed before I offer this. But the Holy Spirit said “no and go”. He said no, you don’t need all of that. And Go, because there are men who need this NOW.
Let me say this to the wives who may read this. Don’t ignore the signs of a man who’s dealing with current or past losses. He will seem distant, look lost, feel nothing at times and barely want to talk to you. Or, he could be jovial, joking all the time, a man of the people and always engaged with his kids. Both extremes could be signs that he’s feeling things he’s ashamed to talk about. He’s embarrassed and feels like he’s letting you down all the time. If you’ve noticed something is off, send him this post. I can help.
So if that’s you or someone you know, please comment below. Tag that person. Reach out to them and let them know you “know a guy” who can help.
I’m hosting a live Sunday night and I’ll go over all the details of what “Year One” is all about. Those that comment, I’ll send you the details.