
Crossflix The mission of Crossflix is to spread and strengthen faith in Christ through entertaining movies, do Crossflix is the Christian alternative to Netflix.

We provide family-friendly programs to entertain, educate, and inspire you. Crossflix hosts one of the largest collections of faith and family films, award-winning documentaries, and children’s biblical animated programming in the world. Crossflix is the go-to channel for Christian entertainment, education, and inspiration!

He Is My Reduge And My Fortress My God In Whom I Trust ❤️🙏

He Is My Reduge And My Fortress My God In Whom I Trust ❤️🙏

Lead Me Lord Into The Land of Uprightness ❤️🙏

Lead Me Lord Into The Land of Uprightness ❤️🙏

Not by Might nor by power But My Spirit ❤️🙏

Not by Might nor by power But My Spirit ❤️🙏

The Lord Is My Rock, and My Fortress, And my Deliver; ❤️🙏

The Lord Is My Rock, and My Fortress, And my Deliver; ❤️🙏

Humans Do not see what the lord sees, For humans see what is visible, but the Lord sees the Heart ❤️🙏

Humans Do not see what the lord sees, For humans see what is visible, but the Lord sees the Heart ❤️🙏

You may not understand now what I am doing. But someday You will ❤️🙏

You may not understand now what I am doing. But someday You will ❤️🙏

His Will, His Way, My Faith 🙏❤️There are times in our life when we don't understand God's plan for us. We're full of dou...

His Will, His Way, My Faith 🙏❤️

There are times in our life when we don't understand God's plan for us. We're full of doubts and think that what we're praying for may not turn out well. In times like this, here's what we need to remember: we don't have to understand everything, as God himself, who knows our desire, will take care of it. Trust his ways, have faith and let him take control of the situation. This may be hard for most of us as they require patience, but we must realize that this is how God tests our faith and character. Just like Abraham, he gave up the known in favor of the unknown. He goes to the land God instructs him to go with no one to hold on to but his faith. And in return, God makes a covenant with him and gives him the favor as the father of all nations. This testament of faith is one of the things that we should embody as Christians, as it can help us strengthen our relationship with God.

Always Put Your Hope In God ❤️🙏David was one of the prominent figures in the Bible who has encountered many difficult si...

Always Put Your Hope In God ❤️🙏

David was one of the prominent figures in the Bible who has encountered many difficult situations in life. There are times
when the spirit of heaviness tries to steal his joy, and in turn, leave him discouraged. But what he did in times of trouble
is what separates him from others. In Psalm 42:5, he said to himself. "Why am I so sad? Why am I so troubled? I will
put my hope in God, and once again, I will praise Him. My Savior and my God." Having hope in times of hardship is a
powerful tool that we can use in cementing our relationship with God and strengthening our faith in Him. But how do we
fill our hearts and minds with hope in Christ? How do we get our hearts to believe in hope? As Edward Welch says,
"hope, as you will find it is a skill that takes practice." One of the simple things that we can do in practicing our hope in
Christ is to pray often, count our blessings, and attend a fellowship in the house of God. So don't give up hope. Keep
asking Him to guide and instruct you on the way you should go. Keep looking for his goodness. Keep hoping in the
living God. And most of all, remember that your hope for the future wasn't based on you, it's based on God's will and
what he has promised.

I Will Be With You Always 🙏❤️Moments before his ascension to heaven, these are the words that Jesus spoke - "I will be w...

I Will Be With You Always 🙏❤️

Moments before his ascension to heaven, these are the words that Jesus spoke - "I will be with you always." This was his
final encouragement and assurance to his disciples that as they proclaim the good news to the whole nation, He was with
them until the end of time. Perhaps you ask yourself, how can Jesus be with us if he's not physically present? He promises
that this is possible through the Holy Spirit: “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and
be with you forever, the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you
know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. (John 14:16-17)
Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, Jesus is constantly present and working in our lives. This understanding can
significantly help us because if we know that God is with us, we can be fully confident that we can surpass every trial that life
throws at us.

For My Yoke is Easy and my burden is Light 🙏❤️There are lots of inevitable happenings in our life that test our characte...

For My Yoke is Easy and my burden is Light 🙏❤️

There are lots of inevitable happenings in our life that test our character. Whether it's suffering, pain, unfairness, or misfortunes, all of us are not safe from it. When we experience this, we seek answers. We ask others about our problems only to be disappointed and dissatisfied with their response. While others seek answers from people, others seek relief and refuge from God. These are the people who see God as their protector and comforter. A God who listens, who has mercy and compassion for those in despair, and who gives them strength when they're tired. There's no guarantee that we will not experience any suffering in life, so we must practice finding rest in Him through prayer and worship. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. And most of all, engraved in your mind that instead of turning away and facing our problems alone, it is the best opportunity to draw ourselves closer to God and cast all our burdens to Him. Realize this, and you will find peace.

Set Your Minds On Things Above 🙏❤️"In everything you do, make sure it glorifies God." This is one of the reminders we of...

Set Your Minds On Things Above 🙏❤️

"In everything you do, make sure it glorifies God." This is one of the reminders we often heard from our fellow brethren, yet we didn't follow from time to time. Sometimes our minds were pre-occupied by earthy things that we forgot to pursue and set our minds on things above. In today's world, people can attend concerts and watch movies for a long time but don't have the patience to sit down on a two-hour preaching. They can spend money on their hobbies and vices, but they can't give anything to the church. They have time for social media but don't have time for attending church gatherings and bible studies. There's nothing wrong with enjoying life, but if it's not glorifying God, then you're heading to the wrong path. Don't be accustomed to the flow of this world. Make your choice now before it's too late. Take the path that will lead you to righteousness, that will lead you closer to God, and will benefit you in the long term. Find a mentor that will guide and help you, immerse yourself in the word of God, and always pray to avoid temptations. The journey will be hard, but if you stand your ground and remain faithful, you'll be amazed by how he will bless you. Today, declare to yourself that you'll not be swayed by what this world is offering. Always renew your mind and let God be your companion on your Christian journey.

We love him, because he first loved us ❤️🙏How do you express your love to someone? Is it through giving them affection, ...

We love him, because he first loved us ❤️🙏

How do you express your love to someone? Is it through giving them affection, spending quality time with them,
or giving them some meaningful gifts? Whatever it may be, loving a person is a fundamental part of us as humans.
As apostle John says in his letter, "if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." If we love God, those
who loved him should also demonstrate love, and we should never forget this as his follower. Do you have a friend
whose encountering problems? Pray for them, encourage and strengthen one another. Same with helping those in
need, what you give doesn't matter. What matters is your sincerity behind it because God loves a cheerful giver.
In whatever you do, you might influence people, and who knows, maybe they also do what you did to help others.
Today, choose to be generous, love other people as you love yourself. And most importantly, be an example to
other people as a man/woman of virtue and humility.

Pray without ceasing ❤️🙏With this pandemic going on, one of the things that we should practice is to pray diligently. It...

Pray without ceasing ❤️🙏

With this pandemic going on, one of the things that we should practice is to pray diligently. It's our way of
communicating to God and opens up opportunities to draw us near to Him. Prayer is an air we breathe,
our morning coffee, and a necessity for us as Christians. How many people does life have changed because
they've prayed to God? Hannah was infertile, but God gave him a son because she prayed. Peter was released
to prison by an angel because the church prayed for him. When King Hezekiah was deathly ill, he prayed to God,
and the Lord added another fifteen years to his life. Every moment is an opportunity to pray to God. It doesn't
matter where you are. What matters is your awareness that God is with us and that he's actively engaged in our
thoughts and actions. He never slumbers. He hears all our prayers. Always remember that.

the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge🙏❤️"The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant kno...

the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge🙏❤️

"The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them." (Psalm 25:14)

The words "fear of the Lord" are probably one of the most misunderstood words in the Bible. Our minds would go
straight to the thought that God is the one that should be scared of and that he would put his wrath on those who
oppose him. While these may be true to some people, this passage is far from the truth. The fear spoken in these
verses is actually relating to respect. Respect that we should follow and obey his will and avoid evil at all costs.

But how does the fear of the Lord lead to knowledge? To fear the Lord is to respect him and follow his commands.
This fear makes us think before we act or speak, thus gaining us knowledge. As we gain knowledge, we also gain
wisdom, these two are an inseparable aspect of living a life with God. Gaining wisdom starts with fear, where God
disciplines us like a father who teaches his child to learn about life. When we go astray and have gone to the
wrong path, we find conviction. It opens our eyes to the situation and encourages us to turn away from it and go to
the right path. Lastly, we see repentance. We repent by turning away from our sins and coming back to God.
All of this is the foundation for gaining true wisdom.

Today, pray to God to give you wisdom about everything. This will guide and help us on being a Christian in
today's modern world.

I will fear no evil 🙏❤️"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are w...

I will fear no evil 🙏❤️

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and
your staff, they comfort me."
(Psalm 23:4)

Every one of us has trials and overwhelming circumstances that can cause us to give in to fear. As humans, we're
all hardwired to experience it, especially if it's threatening, and it's the reason why we avoid it at all costs. But
here's the good news, fear is not temporary. It will eventually go away as long as you have God in your life.
Take for instance on what happened to David, when he's being hunted by Saul. David was in danger several times,
but he didn't fear death. He knows that God was there to protect him. He relied on Him, and because of it, he
became one of the greatest kings of Israel. This story of David teaches us that God was always with us to fight
our battles, and His protection will give us refuge from the enemy. The God who freed the Israelites from Egypt
was the same God that we're worshipping. His power is immense, and those who trust him faithfully will reap his
rewards in heaven.Think about this, If God is with us, then who can be against us? With this pandemic going on,
I encourage you to pray to God in granting you peace and serenity against any fear. Don't be discouraged.
God is with us.

No God, no peace. Know God, know peace. Learn the difference ❤️🙏"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding...

No God, no peace. Know God, know peace. Learn the difference ❤️🙏

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - (Philippians 4:7)

What comes into your mind when you hear the word peace?
Some of us may imagine life without war and violence or just a state of calmness. Spiritual peace, which came from God and was given to us by the Holy Spirit, is an invisible force that will help us beat the odds in our spiritual journey. One of the great examples of biblical peace that I've heard is a story about a grandmother who received her diagnosis and was revealed that she has cancer. Instead of blaming God for it, she accepted it wholeheartedly and continued living life until the time of her death. It's a great example of having peace through the chaos, and we should emulate it as Christians. We can't find peace on our own. We need to build our relationship first with God through prayer. It's one of the first steps in knowing God more. It may take a long time, but I tell you, it's all worth it. This lesson is valuable for us, so the next time you encounter storms in life, you can easily walk through them and not be affected.


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Crossflix is the Christian alternative to Netflix. We provide family-friendly programs to entertain, educate, and inspire you. Crossflix hosts one of the largest collections of faith and family films, award-winning documentaries, and children’s biblical animated programming in the world. Crossflix is the go-to channel for Christian entertainment, education, and inspiration!

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