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Attorney General Miyares Issues Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Stay of Ruling on Non-Citizen VotingWhen this began, I p...

Attorney General Miyares Issues Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Stay of Ruling on Non-Citizen Voting
When this began, I promised Virginians we would take this case all the way to the U.S Supreme Court if necessary. Today, I am pleased to report the Court granted our request for an emergency stay. This ruling ensures that – with less than a week before the elections – Virginians can vote with confidence knowing Virginians will be choosing our elected officials. I am grateful that the Supreme Court recognized the importance of this issue and issued its decision in such a short time frame. This ruling is a win for election integrity and the rule of law.

While I am gratified the Court moved so quickly, I remain deeply concerned and alarmed that the Biden-Harris administration chose to execute this maneuver just 25 days before an election. Today’s ruling is a reaffirmation of our commitment to election integrity, and I look forward to ensuring that our electoral process remains secure for all Virginians.

My heartfelt thanks goes out to our entire team at the Virginia Office of the Attorney General, and all of those who tirelessly worked to present our best possible case on behalf of the Commonwealth. My further thanks is extended to the 26 fellow attorneys general who stood in unity with Virginia in this case.

I encourage all Virginians to vote with confidence in the integrity of our elections on November 5th.

News releases from the office of the Attorney General of Virginia




Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Los Caminos De Israel… Moshe Otero needs your support for Orphanage Renovation Project


Many Jewish Families are in need of help.Stand up for Israel in this hour of need. Thousan… Moshe Otero needs your support for Jewish Families in need of help



Want to join me in making a difference in the life of 50 Orphans in two homes? I'm … Moshe Otero needs your support for Help 50 Orphans with $25.00 gift today

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Uber Cecilio Oliva Manso, Luis Monge, Roger Antonio Flore...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Uber Cecilio Oliva Manso, Luis Monge, Roger Antonio Flores, Hugo Manuel Gonzalez, Emilio Mendoza, Espiridion Hinestroza, Robert Vilches, Armandito Gorina Del Cristo, Marybel Diaz, Gloria Avelar, Orlando Jesus Morales, Elvis Uribe, Eli Macías, Nelson Corzo, Cesar Calle Astudillo, Tavo Ochoa, Mario Jose Avendaño, Chelo Cristobal, Vergorio Barranillo Balseca Avalos

Remembering George Albo.....Many of you know I have been giving over a series of studies on Rabbi Yosef Albo the author ...

Remembering George Albo.....Many of you know I have been giving over a series of studies on Rabbi Yosef Albo the author of Sefer HaIkarim which you can find on our YouTube page at YouTube.com/waysofIsrael in memory of my good friend George Albo. George worked as a Mashgiach for the ORB and was assigned to supervise the Kashrut at Aroma in Cooper City giving his kosher pointers on Instant gram via Aroma. And later at Mizrachi Pizza with the owner David.Everyone who met him would always leave with a smile and one of his Jokes. He was a loveable individual. You could not miss him nor his quite humble presence. Our family were very close to him as my mother Leah was instrumental in bringing him back to Judaism by her invite to visit Chabad of Hollywood or HCS (Hollywood Community Synagogue ) under my former brother in law Rabbi Joseph Korf an emissary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. He was one of the officers of our Organization:Los Caminos De Israel from it's inception and was our radio announcer for some of our program. I dearly cherish that time as it was HCS golden age of Judaism.
He would be found at the Shabbat table almost every shabbat at Rabbi Korf's table. If you were ever at Rebbetzin Elisheva Korf for Shabbat you knew he would not miss one meal. Not because he did not cook, quite contrary he knew how to cook. Not only Cuban dishes, but chinese as well.But He was very colorful and entertaining to say the least. As a former Metro Police Officer police and investigative savvy was always at the top of his mind. One friday night as we walked back from Shul were we were almost run down by a black sedan as we headed to the Korf for the Friday night meal. The company inside the black sedan were Arabs screaming in Arabic f......Jews. We realized afterwards it was the terrorist who lived in Hollywood the crashed the planes in The twin towers. George said it was that guy Attia as he pointed to the 911 picture we later saw in the news. George ran for Broward County Sheriff to
Take the seat of then Sheriff Jennings, he lost by a small margin. It was not his time
George or Yehudah Natan his Hebrew name came to serve for a time as the Administrator of Chabad after I left that position.He served as Gabbai of HCS Shul on and off, as you would find him sitting in the upfront table close to the bima on the left side of the Shul.
George was born in Bauta Cuba and came to Florida on the Peter Pan flight. His interest in returning to Judaism was after visiting various messianic congregations in Miami one where a messianic Rabbi Pastors name Golfman of Shema Israel could not when an argument over living a Jewish life in its entirety versus living as a Jew not quasi Jewish christian. (Many Rabbis have no idea how many from Cuba have Jewish Ancestry matrilineally and Patrilineally. George was a descendant of Rabbi Yosef Albo and my reason for dedication the entire Shiurium on his behalf . There are so many anecdotes I can share during this "golden era" of HCS we all lived and have become seared into our inner being.
My last visit with him as he was recuperating from his incident, he shared with me in front of his dear daughter Samantha, some of the things he saw in the other world which was beyond description. He knew I understood what he was saying and I repeated my understanding of what he said. The myriad of myriad of souls waiting to be processed was beyond understanding but peace and a feeling of love was an all embracing sentiment. He saw many people who was no longer in this world. Bright lights and royal blue dominated his experience. It was then I realized that would be the last time I would see him in this world. He had fully embraced that world as he did this world.
These are special individuals who come to ones life with all their flaws and defects and touch the core of one's existence.
Reb Yehudah Natan Albo You Will not be forgotten from those you touched and those who knew you.

I invite all of you who live or travel by Hollywood Florida to see the dedication the owner of Mizrachi Pizza has posted up. Quite moving indeed....and take advantage of the great pizzas he serves too.
Shabbat Shalom Mevorach


Releasing the Hostage is extending time for Hamas.
But Hamas in it's entirety must be genocidically remove from the face of the earth.




Halacha YomitIGLESIAS Y MEZQUITASPregunta: Está permitido ingresar en una inglesia o mesquita en caso de necesidad? Resp...

Halacha Yomit

Pregunta: Está permitido ingresar en una inglesia o mesquita en caso de necesidad?

Respuesta: Rambam, en su comentario sobre la Mishna (Avoda Zara cap. 1) aprende la Mishna que está prohibido prácticamente observar un templo pagano, y más aún ingresar en el. Esta legislación del Rambam la cita el Sha”j (comentarista del Shuljan Aruj s. XVIII) en su comentario sobre el Shuljan Aruj (Yore Dea cap. 149) y otros comentaristas. Los Tosafot (comentaristas del Talmud s. XI) aprenden del Talmud (Avoda Zara 12ª) que es preciso alejarse de las puertas de los templos idólatras todo lo posible. Y así lo legisla el Shuljan Aruj (Yore Dea cap. 150 inc. 1) y prescribe que es un precepto alejarse de los lugares idolatras por lo menos 4 amot (cuatro codos, 2 metros), por lo tanto la persona que camina por la cercanía de una iglesia debe alejarse de la entrada de la misma por lo menos 2 metros ya que el culto de las mismas se considera, a los efectos de la halajá judía, idolatría.

Escribe Rabí Hayim Palachi z”l en su obra Hayim Leyad cap. 26 que al margen de la prohibición de ingresar en estos lugares de culto idólatra, el hombre que ingresa se impregna de un espíritu de apostasía y aún cuando dicho espíritu no logre inducirlo a la idolatría, lo imbuye de impureza. Especialmente si ingresa a estos lugares un judío, la impureza lo asalta y necesita expiar este pecado.

Por lo tanto, como surge de todo esto, está absolutamente prohibido ingresar a una iglesia ya que, como dijimos, se considera según la halajá, un lugar idólatra.

En relación a las mezquitas, escribe el Rambam en una responsa que las mismas no son consideradas lugares del culto pagano o idólatra ya que profesan exclusivamente la fe en D-os; y aún cuando religión se halla colmada de supersticiones y creencias vanas, ello no invalida su calidad de monoteístas. Debido a esto es que para el año sabático se puede vender la tierra a un Ismaelita, ya que existe una prohibición de vender un terreno en Israel a un idólatra, sin embargo los Ismaelitas no son considerados idólatras y por lo tanto es posible venderles la tierra de manera que no pese sobre la misma la prohibición de trabajarla del séptimo año.

En síntesis, existe una prohibición de ingresar en templos idólatras como las iglesias, etc. sin embargo tal prohibición no afecta a las mezquitas ya que las mismas no se consideran templos idólatras. Especialmente si desea ingresar en las mismas para elevar una oración, como en el caso de la tumba de los patriarcas en Hebrón donde existe una mezquita.

Durante la época en que Rabí Ovadia Yosef, z”l, se desempeñaba como Decano del tribunal rabínico del Cairo, oficiaba como Rabino principal de Egipto Hayim Nahum z”l quien poseía vínculos estrechos con el gobierno egipcio debido a su condición de integrante de la academia de la lengua árabe y otros títulos que le valieron su designación. Por aquellos días falleció un cónsul gentil muy importante y al acompañamiento de sus restos fueron invitados dignatarios de todos los ámbitos. Por supuesto, el Rabino principal de Egipto fue invitado como representante de la comunidad judía, sin embargo, al encontrarse débil le pidió a Rabí Ovadia Yosef,z”l, que ocupara su lugar en la representación. Al enterarse Rabí Ovadia que la delegación ingresaría a la iglesia para rendir último tributos al dignatario fallecido, se negó rotundamente a participar del acto. A pesar de la presión que ejerció sobre él el rabino Nahum, argumentando que su negativa podría ocasionar un serio traspié político, Rabí Ovadia se mantuvo firme en su decisión fundamentándola en el hecho de que ingresar a un lugar de culto idólatra supondría un ultraje al honor divino y un deshonor a la religión judía, y se mantuvo en su decisión y fue Shalom para todo Israel.

Asimismo fue consultado Rabí Ovadia Yosef, z”l, por un hombre ingeniero en refrigeración, quien firmó un contrato muy importante para el mantenimiento de cientos de acondicionadores, dentro del contrato, figuraba que debía prestar servicio a los acondicionadores de unas iglesias, y en caso de incumplir el contrato ello le supondría un gran pérdida por la multa que lo afectaría. Respondió Rabí Ovadia que no debía incumplir el contrato y en el caso de las iglesias debía enviar un empleado gentil a las mismas, pero de ninguna manera ingresar personalmente. También agregó Rabí Ovadia Yosef, z”l, que el empleado que se encargaría del servicio en la iglesia debía ser contratado por otro gentil y no directamente por el judío.
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Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!Juan Bautista Vasquez Linero, Juan Salvador Aguilar Gale

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Juan Bautista Vasquez Linero, Juan Salvador Aguilar Gale



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