(I do not own rights to this music) No matter how they come out. I'll never turn my back on them. FDSH Basketball Your one free shot.
AFES team pictures touched down
AFES travel basketball pictures have landed📸📸📸 Will be at AFES for pickup. AFES Athletics For Education and Successter
I do not own rights to this music.
Fort Dodge vs St Eds
Ok...... young money Kai K got busy today.
Momma bear said I can release more. So, I said thought why not give em the a sneak peek. Brooklyn Class of 2025.
Sorry for the sub- par work. I didn't edit nothing. I have been fighting this migraine all day and I had to check out.
FDMX I know you keep checking back, but I took over 4000 pictures (got it down to 3200 deleting the out of focus ones) yesterday and trying to figure out a way to get them uploaded (I know I missed a lot of people because I was shooting so fast and was out of focus) so that everyone can see. Thank you for being patient with me.
Sneak peek into my guy Jeremy Severson son(Toryn Severson) senior pics, and these ain't even the good ones....... Session one of two, stay locked in. #SaveTheBestForThem #senioryear #classof2025 #IfYouNeedMe
Game 🕢: 7:00pm 7/16/24
Cheeseball🫘 and Pepsi🥤🥤 before the game.
#ForTheGirls #NoGirlLeftOut #NikonGang #PullUp #GoDodgers #HeGotANewCamera ⬅️really didn't.
Meah McCaleb I'm just over here clapping for you. #DoTheDamnThang