This Job Is Killing Me, Literally
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!! 📣 In today's episode, Dr. Park and Clint have a big announcement to make at the end of their podcast, and you won't want to miss it. They will also discuss how overworking can lead to major health problems and even death.
The Big Idea—A new global study published on May 17th, 2021, by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization says that working more than 55 hours per week is now the leading occupational hazard—and significantly increases the chances of early death.
If you are working more than 50 hours per week, it's worth stopping to identify what your personal reasons may be.
(1) Do you live on a budget and control your personal spending habits?
(2) Do you long for the office to escape problems in your personal life?
(3) How much of your identity is tied to status, position, career, or how much you earn?
Click the link to listen now. |
The Success Factor | Dr. Ruth Gotian
"What do astronauts, Olympic champions, and Nobel laureates do differently that allows them to achieve at such a high level? High achievers share the same four attributes: intrinsic motivation, perseverance, strong foundation, constantly learning through informal means. The key to their success is that they do all four of these things at the same time." - Ruth Ginsburg Gotian
In today's episode, Dr. Ruth shared her journey of writing her latest book, "The Success Factor - Developing the Mindset & Skillset for Peak Business Performance."
Click the link to listen now. |
Dr. Ruth Gotian
Don't miss this week's podcast where we have the privilege of speaking with Dr. Ruth Gotian: Chief Learning Officer, Weill Cornell Medicine | Contributor, Forbes & Psychology Today | Thinkers50 Radar | Former Assistant Dean, Mentoring & Executive Director, Mentoring Academy | Global Speaker | Author | Coach
She has been recognized by the journal Nature and Columbia University as a leadership expert focusing on professional ascension. Thinkers50 also recognized her as one of the world's top management thinkers in 2021. Her invited global lectures, published articles in such journals as Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Nature, Academic Medicine, Psychology Today, and Scientific American, national awards, and educational activities all underscore her ability to aid professionals to strengthen their career development acumen. She draws excellent strength from helping others succeed, find, and develop their passion.
She recently wrote, The Success Factor - Developing the Mindset & Skillset for Peak Business Performance.
Tune in this Friday.
Buy Me A Coffee
Do you enjoy listening to our Podcast? Our mission is to provide people with proven tools for life and business with inspiring personal stories from people who have had to reinvent themselves and climb their "Next Peak."
Our goal is to have a further reach with a more substantial presence and, with a financial contribution, this makes it possible.
Buy Me a Coffee is a way to send us a donation that will help support our mission. There is no pressure, but if you feel passionate about what we do as much as our commitment to our #Podcast, then click the link in our bio and "Buy Us a Coffee." ☕️
Thank you in advance!
Learning From The Lessons of Life
There are seasons of life where nothing is happening, and nothing is growing—these are desert seasons. No matter how hard we try, we don't see any progress. Maybe you are in a season like that now.
There are years of parenting when it feels like no matter what you do, your child is lost. There are years of marriage when external forces press in so hard you don't know how you will make it. There are seasons of work where you may feel like your boss doesn't appreciate you, and all your hard work is not paying off. There are seasons of health where the best you can do is survive another day.
While these times in life require extreme effort with seemingly no results, they often produce the inner "fruit" of grit, persistence, faithfulness, loyalty, discipline, love, and selflessness.
In today's episode, Dr. Park and Clint discuss how to learn from life's lessons and the impact that it can have on who you become.
Click the link to listen now. |
Parenting In The Digital World
#HappySaturday! In this week's #PodcastEpisode, we have a little bit of a different topic for all of you. We talk a lot about goal setting and accomplishing things. But, one of the things that Dr. Parker Houston and Clint talk a lot about is parenting and how to become better at it.
So today, we have the pleasure of speaking with Clay Cranford with Cyber Safety Cop. Clayton is a retired Sergeant from the Orange County Sheriff's Department, CA and founder of Cyber Safety Cop. Clayton is one of the nation's leading law enforcement educators on social media, child safety, and behavioral threat assessments. Clayton is the author of the definitive book on cyber safety for families, "Parenting in the Digital World." He teaches parents and students how to avoid online threats, such as cyberbullying, online predators, pornography, and social media addiction.
Clayton shared, "The average teenager is online six to eight hours a day. However, that number was before COVID and the lockdown. Now we have children and teens who are online more than they are asleep. There are too many challenges that they have to face online. And, those pressures in those lead to severe problems. I travel all over the United States talking to parents, students, community leaders, and more. And what's crazy is that I may be the only person who talks about these topics within internet safety. People tend to shy away from it, but I have dealt with many families with children who were exposed at a very young age, and it's radically changed their lives. It's led to addiction, perceptions about sexuality, and health issues damaging for children. I have seen teen after teen that it has impacted their future and future relationships. There are some real issues there. It's a drug. It stimulates their brains in the same way street drugs do."
Click the link to listen now. |
Until next week, keep climbing your next peak.
#Parenting #ParentingTi
Checking the Dashboard of Life
In today's episode, Dr. Houston and Clint discuss "Checking the Dashboard of Life."
The new year is a great time to look back on 2021 at what you did, your successes, your mistakes. And it's an opportunity right now to take the new year as an excellent marker to say, where can I course correct? Where can I be more intentional, proactive about where I want to go with my life, and not neglect these indicator lights. So if you've got something that's trying to get your attention, don't ignore it.
One great way you can take stock of how your year has gone is to do a quick check of your life dashboard. Consider the following life accounts (add your own accounts if you want), and rank each of them from 1-10 for how satisfied you are with each area of your life (10 being the best). Then write down one or two things that would cause that account to improve. For example, if your health account is low, you might write, "lose 10 pounds."
✨ Life Accounts
✨ Health
✨ Marriage
✨ Parenting
✨ Work
✨ Finances
✨ Personal Growth
✨ Spiritual Life
✨ Fun
✨ Friendships
Click the link to listen now. |
Until next week, keep climbing your next peak.
(a) 3 Monday
Our mission with our podcast is to bring you proven tools for life and business. To share inspiring personal stories of those who have reinvented themselves and climbed their "Next Peak."
Welcome to #2022! It's a new day, a new week, a new month, and a NEW YEAR! We want to hear from YOU. So, what topics do you need to hear more of? What are you struggling with, or what would you like guidance on? How can we inspire YOU? Comment below.👇 We would love to hear from you.
Next Peak Podcast
Our mission with our podcast is to bring you proven tools for life and business. To share inspiring personal stories of those who have reinvented themselves and climbed their "Next Peak."
Welcome to #2022! It's a new day, a new week, a new month, and a NEW YEAR! We want to hear from YOU. So, what topics do you need to hear more of? What are you struggling with, or what would you like guidance on? How can we inspire YOU? Comment below.👇 We would love to hear from you.
Next - Happy New
May this year bring you happiness and success. Until next year, keep climbing your next peak. 🏔
Take Back Your Time | Christy Wright
Christy Wright is the #1 bestselling author, personal growth expert, and host of The Christy Wright Show. She's also the founder of Business Boutique, which equips women to make money doing what they love. Regardless of where you are today, Christy will help you build confidence in yourself, strengthen your faith, and become the person God created you to be.
In today's episode, Christy shared her journey of writing her newest book, "Take Back Your Time."
Christy Wright said, "The black hole of insecurity cannot be solved by doing more."
"What if balance isn't so much something you do. How you balance it all perfectly. What if it's something you become where you could be balanced and still be busy, where you could become a balanced person in an out-of-balance world where balance looks more like peace, being confident in your choices, being proud of how you spend your time. Actually enjoying your life. I think that's what we're really after when we say we want balance, and it turns out the path to that is not productivity. It's not doing more waking up earlier, having a better time management app being more efficient, productive, multitasking. That's not what leads to the thing that we really want. And so I wanted to dig to the deeper issue below the issue, the deeper desires we have going on in us. When we talk about time, we talk about balance and say, Hey, let's talk about what's really going on and what really gets in the way. And let's fix it there. And then that, of course, will affect our calendar and the practical side of things. And so, in this book, I really set out to redefine this word, reclaim it and redefine it. And so the way that the thesis of the whole book is life balance is not doing everything for an equal amount of time. It's about doing the right things at the right time. And when you do the right things at the right time, You will actually feel that sense of balance you've been looking for, but here's the great news you get to decide what's
(k) 23 Thursday
Believe in yourself, set goals, be an example to others. Our world NEEDS good leaders, and it starts with you.
What goals are you planning to set for 2022?