In my Nutritarian Food Pyramid, low-calorie, nutrient dense foods form the base of the diet structure, and high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods are at the narrowest point.
This pyramid reflects the key components of a Nutritarian diet, with leafy and cruciferous greens and other colorful vegetables and plants as the base. 🌿 At least 90% of your daily diet should be made up of nutrient-rich plant foods!
Read more about the Nutritarian Food Pyramid:
#Nutritarian #FoodPyramid #HealthyEating #Vegetables
If you wake up in the middle of the night or can't fall asleep at night because your mind is racing, here's a tip. Keep a notepad and pen next to your bed so you can jot down something you want to remember and stop worrying about forgetting.
#SleepTips #SleepHealth #HealthyHabits
Sleep aids aren't the answer for long-term sleep improvement. Long-term, they become addictive and you'll build up a tolerance and require more and more for them to be effective. The same is true for melatonin — when you take them on a regular basis, your body can become reliant on them and stop producing enough melatonin on its own.
#SleepAids #SleepHealth #HealthyLiving
If you lived 50,000 years ago, you would eat foods that take a long time to digest, like nuts. Our bodies weren't designed to get such a high caloric load in the bloodstream at once. When our bodies get addicted to extra high caloric loads, it can be difficult to disconnect from those impulses.
#AmericanDiet #HealthyEating #CaloricLoad
We finally have long-term studies about the carnivore and keto diets, and those studies show that those diets can be dangerous.
The significance of findings from observational studies is supported by laboratory studies showing there are plausible mechanisms for the association – good reasons why it’s not just a random correlation, but likely a causal relationship.
Many meat-centered diet proponents dismiss these important studies out of hand, ignoring the careful collection of data and complex mathematical analysis by skilled epidemiologists that controls for potential confounding factors and detects potentially significant associations.
You can read more about this on my blog:
#CarnivoreDiet #Nutritarian #KetoDiet #HealthyLiving
It feels good to live a healthy lifestyle, but trying to achieve perfection is not realistic. We all make mistakes, we all slip up, but owning mistakes and imperfections is key to a healthy life.
#HealthyLiving #Nutritarian #Mindfulness
Salt is addictive, and too much salt, sugar, and spicy foods can make it so that you're unable to appreciate the taste of natural foods without them. Instead of leaning on salt and sugar, enjoy the natural flavors of ingredients.
#HealthyLiving #Cooking #HealthyCooking #Nutritarian
The caloric rush from sweets, fried foods, white flour, and other foods doesn't go away if you keep giving in to those cravings. It takes effort and vigilance to avoid those foods, but abstaining from those foods as a whole is the best way to avoid cravings. Make sure you have healthy options to choose from — even for dessert — and consider incorporating mindfulness into your routine as you transition from these foods.
#HealthyLiving #Nutritarian #HealthyEating #CaloricRush