Public Square
Elberton, GA 30635
Phone: 706-283-8500
The Elberton Star is published with pride by Community Newspapers, Inc., which is headquartered in Athens, Ga. We take seriously the company's mission statement, which promises to, "take a bias in support of the communities we serve, providing aggressive, visionary leadership. This mission will be accomplished through the teamwork of profes
sionals who are dedicated to truth, integrity, loyalty, quality and hard work. We believe that a community must first know about itself in order to act in its own best interest. We believe that strong newspapers build strong communities. Newspapers get things done!"
Advertising Deadlines:
The deadline for all display advertising is 11:30 a.m. A Friday deadline may apply during certain holidays. The deadline for all classified line ads and legal ads is 12:00 noon the Monday prior to printing.