This is really powerful. So many of us don’t feel we’re creative - I know I didn’t - often due to a misplaced notion of what art and creativity are.
Discovering my creative side has been so good for me, and it significantly changed my life. What I do now is a direct result of starting writing. I frequently extol the value of being creative on my programmes, and people always tell me that they aren’t creative.
We are all creative, even if we can’t draw or paint (which most people seem to associate with being artistic). There are so many forms of creative expression; and that’s the thing, it’s about expression. Expressing who we are, what we’re dealing with, what makes our heart sing and our soul dance.
When you start expressing yourself and allow yourself to be a beginner, allow yourself not to be ‘good’ at it - something else that was a barrier to me personally - chances are you will surprise yourself. What’s more, your life will be enriched.
Go on, give it a go!
(Copied and shared with permission )