As a former worship leader for many years, I tried to be always ever mindful of why would God call me to become a worship leader and be a member of a worship team?? After all, much of my adult life I spent performing in clubs, concerts and other events in a rock band. It was all about my performance and showmanship.
In other words, it was all about me! Hardly the type of resume that would qualify me for the solemn and sacred responsibility of becoming a worship leader. To be called a "worship leader" is really an inaccurate use of the term. We in reality are the ones being led. The Holy Spirit is the leader! We are merely the instrument He uses. Worship is the emptying out of self and self awareness completely, allowing only the Holy Spirit to direct. It isn't about performance or showmanship, tactics, devices and other artificial sensory enhancements. Jesus said we must worship in Spirit and in Truth. Adding sensory enhancements does neither and in my opinion they should have no place in church services. Worship leadership is about connecting with other worshippers as co-participants that will give honor to only God and the activity without distraction. Matt Redman who wrote this song, misplaced his priorities as many of us do and has "come back to the heart of worship".