This rather anodyne scene of a family attending a Morgan Park open house holds a bitter irony; that African Americans, who worked in its nearby steel plant could not reside in the neighborhood- despite the welcome sign they pass beneath. Kathy Wilson, of the American Institute of Certified Planners noted that “as far as I know, US Steel never had a written policy that said they would ban non-whites from Morgan Park, but in practice US Steel and real estate agents worked to exclude non-whites from Morgan Park and many other neighborhoods in Duluth.” For additional context, see her 2020 study “Redlining in Duluth.” https://duluthmn.gov/media/12848/redlining-in-duluth-general-oct-2020.pdf. Image credit 1956-10. "Neighborhoods of Duluth: Morgan Park, Open House, Duluth, Minnesota." The Northeast Minnesota Historical Collections, housed in the UMD Kathryn A. Martin Library, are on permanent loan from the St. Louis County Historical Society. https://collection.mndigital.org/catalog/nemhc:3478