Team Hugh Harvey

Team Hugh Harvey Welcome to Team Hugh Harvey's page. You can come here for updates on Hugh & his cancer journey.



Hi, I just felt like I needed to jump on and give an update since I havenā€™t. I apologize, but I have been struggling wit...

Hi, I just felt like I needed to jump on and give an update since I havenā€™t.
I apologize, but I have been struggling with a few comments on Facebook. I know there are many people that care, there will always be a few that have negative comments, and or will judge Brandon and I as parents. That is just the risk we are taking by putting our buisness out there. I know this. I have been trying to keep to myself for the past year for this reason. But now, for the people that love us and want to know whatā€™s going on I feel Iā€™m doing the right thing. If anyone has any advice on how to make this page private to people that just ā€œlikeā€ the Team Harvey page please let me know.
I know in my heart that we are good parents and we are doing all we can do for our kids. I use to have such a strong backbone. Iā€™m not sure when I lost it but I will get it back. šŸ’ŖšŸ¼
Hughā€™s first round of chemotherapy went pretty well. I was amazed how slick it was. They hook it up to his port and he can really do what he wants. He took it like a champ. Some nausea, but for the most part his body handled it well. We were busy everyday with visitors, meetings, the 5 days honestly went fast for me.
We had a wonderful Christmas surrounded by our families at home. We were so happy to see everyone. We laughed, cried, and enjoyed every minute.
On the 26th I could tell something was going on with Hugh. He was pale, his heart was beating fast and he was just different. He kept telling me he was fine. But in my heart I knew different. I had Brandon bring him in to get his labs drawn. On the 27th I went to my 5am workout, walked the track at the Y and grabbed coffee. I got the call at 7am that Hughā€™s hemoglobin and platelets were low and he needed a blood transfusion. Hugh was devastated. We were supposed to spend the day with his Grandparentā€™s in Maysville for Christmas and go to his Mimiā€™s for her Birthday. Ugh, my heart just broke for him and for all of us. But, it was only a few of hours as long as everything we well.
We got up here and started the transfusion. Hugh spiked a fever half way through and we were admitted to the hospital. Again, seeing him cry in disappointment is just the worst.
They monitored him overnight and his temp broke about 8pm that night. Doctors are saying this is to be expected. We were hoping for just an overnight stay.

The next day the 28th we all just sat around. His hemoglobin was low again and he needed another blood transfusion. šŸ˜‘ I slept most of the day. He spiked another fever that night. They took his bloodwork and monitored it to make sure there was no bacteria growth in his cultures. This takes 48 hours and when he spikes another fever that time starts over. šŸ˜£ He has to be fever free for 24 hours and no growth in his cultures for 48hours. His counts have to come up before we can leave. His fever only lasted a few hours and it went back down.

Today, still no bacteria growth in his cultures, his counts are rising slowly, and no temp. We hope to leave tomorrow but Iā€™m thinking we will spend our New Yearā€™s Eve in the hospital. He is safe here and I know they will let us leave when his body is strong enough.
Hugh is happy. He is happy to spend time with his Dad and I. He bounces back quick which makes me hopeful for the future. We love him so much. Leo is happy and spending time in Maysville with his family. Thank you to everyone that has helped our family in the past few days.
For people that I havenā€™t messaged back I apologize. Love you all.

Last call for the pre-sale of Team Harv shirts from Bristoleigh Boutique!

Last call for the pre-sale of Team Harv shirts from Bristoleigh Boutique!

Hughy is out of surgery. He did so well. Iā€™m so proud of him. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ„¹šŸ™

Hughy is out of surgery. He did so well. Iā€™m so proud of him. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ„¹šŸ™ Harvey's have had so many people reach out & drop food off! You all have been...

The Harvey's have had so many people reach out & drop food off! You all have been so amazing! They will be back & forth a lot to Iowa City & have some sweet family members who have made them meals. They don't want anything to go to waste so they thought maybe once a week would be plenty for their needs, especially with the boys being little. I thought this would be a way for people to see they are having meals dropped off & see what they've already had recently.

Thank you!

Help us help the Harveyā€™s in this difficult time as they will be going back & forth to Iowa City for treatment for Hugh. He has been diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. Having meals ready or gift cards for meals will make their lives so much easier. They have had help with meals from grandparents & Bran...

Good morning. I canā€™t begin to thank everyone for all the kindness and generosity you have all shown us in the last week...

Good morning. I canā€™t begin to thank everyone for all the kindness and generosity you have all shown us in the last week. There are just no words. I have lived in this community my whole life. Now, more than ever, I am so extremely thankful for where we are from. Friends, family, complete strangers have been so generous. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

As we drive to Iowa City this morning I had to write and give you all an update. Friday was Hughā€™s pet scan. Our tumor specialist came in as Hugh was waking up. She said that she reviewed the scan and there are other spots in his body with cancer. We will review the scan today and see what we are dealing with. She also said she is suspicious of it being in his bone marrow. From what I have witnessed in the past week if she has said, ā€œI thinkā€ or ā€œIā€™m suspicious.ā€ She has been right. She assured us that this does not change our treatment plan. We will go at this aggressively. I feel as if we just keep getting stabbed in the stomach. I have had this gut ache for days. But, I know I have to be strong and power through for my baby.
Today we go in for Hughā€™s 2nd surgery to place his port and for his bone marrow biopsy. We also start his chemotherapy and stay for 5 days so they can monitor him. Please, please keep this sweet face in your prayers. Please also keep Hughā€™s family and close friends in your prayers as this is so hard on everyone. Also, please keep our sweet baby Leo in your prayers. He is in the best hands but this has to be so confusing for him. My heart just aches.
Hugh had a wonderful weekend at home filled with naps, friends visiting, presents and snuggles. He also got his haircut and I finally caved and permed his hair. Whatever he wants. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ„¹šŸ™

For those of you who have been asking how you can help the Harveyā€™s in this difficult time, this is one way! They have a...

For those of you who have been asking how you can help the Harveyā€™s in this difficult time, this is one way! They have a long road ahead of them! They have been back & forth to Iowa City 3 times already in the short week & a half since all of this started. Monday they will be there for 5 more days for chemo. They have been feeling the love & support from the community already ā™„ļø If you are unable to donate, your prayers are truly appreciated!!

Hi my name is Amanda Harris. Iā€™ve known & been friends with Brandon & Maria Harvey since we were 16. Iā€¦ Amanda Harris needs your support for Team Hugh Harvey

I first wanted to thank everyone for your kind words, generosity, and prayers during this time.  We were hoping this pag...

I first wanted to thank everyone for your kind words, generosity, and prayers during this time.
We were hoping this page might help with keeping you updated on our journey.
This is also a good way for everyone to get updates as I get them instead of waiting personally one by one for me to get back to everyone. Which donā€™t get me wrong, I love hearing from people. Itā€™s very comforting to know you care about us. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ™

Hugh Harvey has been complaining about headaches and stomach aches for a while. Can I tell you how long? No. For anyone that knows me knows Iā€™m a complete worry wart about my children. Sometimes border line helicopter Mom and Iā€™m ok with that. I bring my kids to the doctor for everything, because I believe in the power of medicine and want to get them feeling better immediately. From what I can remember, this started Grandparentā€™s Day at John Glenn. I remember telling my family that he was just off. Complaining of his stomach hurting. With all the sicknesses going around I really didnā€™t think much of it. I just comforted him as much as I could. The day before Thanksgiving I brought him over to my mother-in-law (Martha) so I could work on one of the busiest days for hairstylists. He didnā€™t want anything to eat for breakfast which is totally not normal for Hugh Harvey. Hugh ended up throwing up all over Marthaā€™s counter. Sorry to be intense but, stomach bile. I remember being worried, of course, but again with everything going around I was thinking stomach bug. Please let me add in here we were leaving on a family vacation to the dells the next week. šŸ˜‘ Hugh slept most of that day and seemed ok when I got off work. Tired but, ok.
Thanksgiving Day we went to my Momā€™s (Missy) for the day. Hugh was quiet but ok. Still not eating much. But an ok amount. Leo my youngest (2 yrs) started to feel warm. I checked his temp and it was 101. We went home and Leo rested. But ended up projectile vomiting at 2am; I mean everywhere. šŸ¤®
Next day, completely fine. So weird. Still thinking the stomach bug has hit our house.
Long story short Hugh still wasnā€™t feeling well. He then was staying home from school, with just a low-grade fever. After another day I asked Hugh if his throat hurt. I brought him into QC peds where he was positive for Strep throat. Two days of antibiotics, he was just not any better. He was trying to be better, bless his heart. He was pale and started almost looking swollen. Anyone that knows Hugh knows he has some cheeks on him, but this was different. Eyes were puffy and he got these weird rings on the top of his eye lids. They were like yellow, green colored. I remember the night before I brought him either Brandon or I accidentally bumped his stomach as he was lying in bed. He cried, cried out in pain. Like we had stabbed him. I laid there that night and just cried and stared at him. I think my Momma heart knew something was wrong. The morning of December 5th, the day we were leaving for the Dells I brought both the boys back into QC peds. This was day 4 of the antibiotics and he was still not feeling well. Dr. Ghawi checked him over and pushed on his belly. He felt something in Hughyā€™s belly. He didnā€™t say that of course. Just told me that we had to do further testing to rule some things out. Martha came and grabbed Leo and we went directly to Genesis for a scan and an ultrasound. We left Genesis that afternoon and grabbed Cabos. Hughyā€™s favorite food is tacos, and he couldnā€™t eat or drink anything all day. I wanted to get something in his belly. We then drove to Marthaā€™s to pick up Leo. Hugh was asleep in the car. I packed Leo up and drove down to the end of her lane. I then got the call. The worst call. I knew it from his voice. Leo was screaming about something in the background. I had to get out of my car and Dr. Ghawi then said he had a mass above his left kidney, and we needed to go to Iowa city asap. Getting that news was something I canā€™t even describe to you, the absolute worst thing in my entire life.
I, in my life, have been extremely lucky. I know this. The only ā€œtraumaticā€ events I have gone through, which some people may not think is traumatic, was my back surgery, breaking my leg, grandparents passing, and Hugh catching viral meningitis when he was only 4 months old. All things that felt traumatic at the time to me. I remember going to the gym with Amanda a few weeks ago prior to this all happening. Our 4:40 AM drive to Eldridge. I really do enjoy our talks. She is very much my soulmate. I told her which is weird to think about this. But I said to her, things are going well right now. Well for my family. My kids are healthy, my family is happy. For some reason, I said to her I was scared, that sooner or later my luck would run out. I know thatā€™s so negative of me. But itā€™s just something I have always been afraid of. Why do all of my friends, family go through these horrible traumatic times, losing parents, losing friends, cancer, su***de, and I have just had bumps in the road. I will never forget that conversation with her. Itā€™s like I knew this was coming. I wish it were me, instead of my sweet, precious boy.
We made it to Iowa city around 5pm on the 5th. Hugh was devastated we werenā€™t going on our family vacation and to be honest so was I.
We immediately started testing. Cat scans, pokes, labs, head scans, stomach scans. Our team kept telling us it MIGHT be neuroblastoma cancer or Wilms. But we wouldnā€™t know until the biopsy. Brandonā€™s been so levelheaded and positive the entire time. I donā€™t know what I would do without him.
The next day they prepped him for his biopsy. He was a champ. I just kept tearing up trying not to but itā€™s so hard to look at his sweet face and see him scared. After the biopsy was done, which felt like the longest 2 hours of my life, they had us wait in this little room. It was just horrible. The surgeon came in and was just not saying much of what he thought. But legally they canā€™t, and I understand that now. I was completely out of my mind at this point. I was exhausted, hadnā€™t eaten and was worried out of my freakinā€™ mind. I was dry heaving it was just horrible. I donā€™t wish this upon anyone. No one should have to go through this. It just isnā€™t fair.
They then brought us in, and Hughy was waking up. I was so thankful to have him in my arms again.
The next day they finally told us that Hugh has high risk Neuroblastoma cancer.
High risk because of his age. Hugh Harvey will undergo 4 or 5 rounds of intense chemotherapy to shrink the tumor every 3 weeks. Then surgery to remove as much as they can. Radiation and a stem cell transplant. Please keep us in your thoughts as we watch our boy fight for his life.
Monday December 18th we have surgery for the port placement and bone marrow biopsy where we will stay for 5 days. We have a very long road ahead of us.
I also wanted to add I am very confident with our tumor specialistā€™s treatment plan and wanted to thank Iowa City Stead childrenā€™s hospital for helping our son.
Here are some pictures from when I think it all started to present. šŸ™ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ„¹


27379 97TH Avenue
Donahue, IA





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