
Hypermanga daily posts covering top anime & manga news

Fairy Tail Returns With a New Art Style!: Fairy Tail, an evergreen anime is making its comeback with a new art style und...

Fairy Tail Returns With a New Art Style!: Fairy Tail, an evergreen anime is making its comeback with a new art style under the name, “Fairy Tail:100 Years Quest!” The creator of Fairy Tail, Mashima is really excited about the anime’s comeback. He recently showed his new artwork on Twitter to further hype up the fans. In his new art style, you can see the main characters: Natsu, Happy, and Lucy. They're all ready to go on new adventures in the upcoming anime.

Fairy Tail, an evergreen anime is making its comeback with a new art style under the name, “Fairy Tail:100 Years Quest!” The creator of Fairy Tail, Mashima is really excited about the anime’s comeback. He recently showed his new artwork on Twitter to further hype up the fans. In his new art st...

Blue Lock: Nagi's United States Premiere Date: The highly anticipated movie, "Blue Lock: Episode Nagi," is all set to hi...

Blue Lock: Nagi's United States Premiere Date: The highly anticipated movie, "Blue Lock: Episode Nagi," is all set to hit theaters on June 28th. This long-awaited release follows its debut in Japan on April 19th, and fans across the globe are eagerly awaiting its arrival. Thanks to Crunchyroll's efforts, the wait for North American fans won't be too long. The platform will be bringing this thrilling film to theaters, ensuring that fans can experience the excitement of Blue Lock on the big screen.

The highly anticipated movie, "Blue Lock: Episode Nagi," is all set to hit theaters on June 28th. This long-awaited release follows its debut in Japan on April 19th, and fans across the globe are eagerly awaiting its arrival. Thanks to Crunchyroll's efforts, the wait for North American fans won't be...

Ken Wakui, Tokyo Revengers Creator Announces a New Manga!: Get ready for a new chapter! Ken Wakui, the artist behind the...

Ken Wakui, Tokyo Revengers Creator Announces a New Manga!: Get ready for a new chapter! Ken Wakui, the artist behind the global phenomenon Tokyo Revengers, is gearing up to launch a brand new manga series. This exciting news comes after the conclusion of Tokyo Revengers in 2022, leaving fans eager for Wakui's next project.

Get ready for a new chapter! Ken Wakui, the artist behind the global phenomenon Tokyo Revengers, is gearing up to launch a brand new manga series. This exciting news comes after the conclusion of Tokyo Revengers in 2022, leaving fans eager for Wakui's next project.

Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Part 2 Releases New Promo: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation is coming back with a bang in i...

Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Part 2 Releases New Promo: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation is coming back with a bang in its highly anticipated second half of Season 2, promising fans a continuation of the captivating journey of Rudeus Greyrat. After enduring the emotional turmoil of Iris's departure and grappling with personal struggles, Rudeus finds solace and support in the form of his friends and allies, particularly Sylphiette. With her help, he overcomes his physical and mental hurdles, setting the stage for an exhilarating new chapter in his life.

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation is coming back with a bang in its highly anticipated second half of Season 2, promising fans a continuation of the captivating journey of Rudeus Greyrat. After enduring the emotional turmoil of Iris's departure and grappling with personal struggles, Rudeus finds...

Attack on Titan Creator’s New Manga One Shot!: Good news for manga lovers! The mastermind behind Attack on Titan, Hajime...

Attack on Titan Creator’s New Manga One Shot!: Good news for manga lovers! The mastermind behind Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama, is teaming up with the voice actor of Eren Jaeger, Yuki Kaji, for an exciting new project. They're bringing us a one-shot manga set to release this summer, featuring a character named Soyogi Soyogi.

Good news for manga lovers! The mastermind behind Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama, is teaming up with the voice actor of Eren Jaeger, Yuki Kaji, for an exciting new project. They're bringing us a one-shot manga set to release this summer, featuring a character named Soyogi Soyogi.

Oblivion Battery Baseball Premieres April 9: Check Out Promo Videos & Theme Songs!: Kadokawa recently unveiled two excit...

Oblivion Battery Baseball Premieres April 9: Check Out Promo Videos & Theme Songs!: Kadokawa recently unveiled two exciting promotional videos for the upcoming television anime adaptation of Eko Mikawa's popular baseball manga, "Oblivion Battery" (Bōkyaku Battery). The first video introduces the opening theme song "Lilac" by Mrs. Green Apple and announces the anime's eagerly anticipated premiere on April 9.

Kadokawa recently unveiled two exciting promotional videos for the upcoming television anime adaptation of Eko Mikawa's popular baseball manga, "Oblivion Battery" (Bōkyaku Battery). The first video introduces the opening theme song "Lilac" by Mrs. Green Apple and announces the anime's eagerly antic...

New Anime 'The Perfect Prince Loves Me?!' Premiered on Coolmic!: Exciting News: "The Perfect Prince Loves Me?!" anime pr...

New Anime 'The Perfect Prince Loves Me?!' Premiered on Coolmic!: Exciting News: "The Perfect Prince Loves Me?!" anime premiered on Coolmic on March 15! Suiseisha has just announced an early treat for anime fans: the debut episode of the highly anticipated anime adaptation of Ao Yūki's manga, "The Perfect Prince Loves Me, His Rival?!" will be hitting screens with English subtitles on Coolmic on March 15. Here's what you need to know: As the first episode of "The Perfect Prince Loves Me?!" arrived on Coolmic, giving fans an early taste of the romance and drama.

Exciting News: "The Perfect Prince Loves Me?!" anime premiered on Coolmic on March 15! Suiseisha has just announced an early treat for anime fans: the debut episode of the highly anticipated anime adaptation of Ao Yūki's manga, "The Perfect Prince Loves Me, His Rival?!" will be hitting screens with...

Honey Lemon Soda Manga to be Adapted into TV Anime!: Wright Film's recent announcement of the upcoming television anime ...

Honey Lemon Soda Manga to be Adapted into TV Anime!: Wright Film's recent announcement of the upcoming television anime adaptation of Mayu Murata's "Honey Lemon Soda" manga has sparked excitement among fans of the series. Accompanied by a teaser visual, the news signifies a significant milestone for the beloved manga, promising to bring its heartfelt story to life in animated form.

Wright Film's recent announcement of the upcoming television anime adaptation of Mayu Murata's "Honey Lemon Soda" manga has sparked excitement among fans of the series. Accompanied by a teaser visual, the news signifies a significant milestone for the beloved manga, promising to bring its heartfelt....

The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons Manga Adapted into Live-Action!: NHK, the renowned Japanese broadcasting corporation, unve...

The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons Manga Adapted into Live-Action!: NHK, the renowned Japanese broadcasting corporation, unveiled an exciting development on Friday, announcing the production of a captivating 32-episode live-action series inspired by Shizuki Fujisawa's beloved manga, "Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon-Kyōdai" (translated as "Youth Story of a Family" or literally, "The Four Yuzuki Brothers"). Scheduled to debut on May 27, the series is set to grace television screens every Monday through Thursday, with each episode boasting a runtime of 15 minutes.

NHK, the renowned Japanese broadcasting corporation, unveiled an exciting development on Friday, announcing the production of a captivating 32-episode live-action series inspired by Shizuki Fujisawa's beloved manga, "Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon-Kyōdai" (translated as "Youth Story of a Family" or literall...

Viral Hit Anime Debuts in April and Releases Promo Video: (Sponsored Post) - This post is brought to you by Mood; Your P...

Viral Hit Anime Debuts in April and Releases Promo Video: (Sponsored Post) - This post is brought to you by Mood; Your Place To Order Legal Cannabis Online!

(Sponsored Post) - This post is brought to you by Mood; Your Place To Order Legal Cannabis Online!

New Spinoff: 'Tsuma, Shōgakusei ni Naru.' Manga Emerges: In a recent update from Houbunsha's Weekly Manga Times magazine...

New Spinoff: 'Tsuma, Shōgakusei ni Naru.' Manga Emerges: In a recent update from Houbunsha's Weekly Manga Times magazine, fans of Yayū Murata's beloved series "Tsuma, Shōgakusei ni Naru." were treated to the exciting news. A spinoff titled "Hatsukoi Aite no Kimi wa Dare?" (Who Are You, My First Love?) made its debut in the magazine's March 22 issue.

In a recent update from Houbunsha's Weekly Manga Times magazine, fans of Yayū Murata's beloved series "Tsuma, Shōgakusei ni Naru." were treated to the exciting news. A spinoff titled "Hatsukoi Aite no Kimi wa Dare?" (Who Are You, My First Love?) made its debut in the magazine's March 22 issue.

Digimon Manga Hub: Manga in Japanese & English Coming Soon!: The Digimon franchise recently announced plans to launch a ...

Digimon Manga Hub: Manga in Japanese & English Coming Soon!: The Digimon franchise recently announced plans to launch a web manga platform on its main website, offering manga content in both English and Japanese. This initiative was revealed during the Digimon Con 2024 livestream event. The platform is set to debut with its first "digital issue" in the summer of 2024, featuring a new Digimon manga by acclaimed author Tenya Yabuno, known for their work on the Digimon Dreamers series.

The Digimon franchise recently announced plans to launch a web manga platform on its main website, offering manga content in both English and Japanese. This initiative was revealed during the Digimon Con 2024 livestream event. The platform is set to debut with its first "digital issue" in the summer...

Frieren Manga Takes 1-Month Break!: "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" manga, created by Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe, i...

Frieren Manga Takes 1-Month Break!: "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" manga, created by Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe, is taking a one-month break, as announced in the 16th issue of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine. The hiatus will last until the magazine's 21st issue in mid-April.

"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" manga, created by Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe, is taking a one-month break, as announced in the 16th issue of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine. The hiatus will last until the magazine's 21st issue in mid-April.

Kagurabachi Manga is the Next Shonen Hit!: Kagurabachi, a standout manga in Weekly Shonen Jump, is set to receive a phys...

Kagurabachi Manga is the Next Shonen Hit!: Kagurabachi, a standout manga in Weekly Shonen Jump, is set to receive a physical release in Fall 2024, marking a significant milestone in its rapid rise to success. Despite initial skepticism surrounding its premise, Kagurabachi has quickly gained acclaim for its unique storyline and compelling characters.

Kagurabachi, a standout manga in Weekly Shonen Jump, is set to receive a physical release in Fall 2024, marking a significant milestone in its rapid rise to success. Despite initial skepticism surrounding its premise, Kagurabachi has quickly gained acclaim for its unique storyline and compelling cha...

Fate/Apocrypha Manga Finally Comes to an End!: The Fate/Apocrypha manga, based on the series by Type-Moon and Yuichiro H...

Fate/Apocrypha Manga Finally Comes to an End!: The Fate/Apocrypha manga, based on the series by Type-Moon and Yuichiro Higashide, will be wrapping up in the next issue of Kadokawa's Comp Ace magazine. It's been illustrated by Akira Ishida and adapted from Higashide's original story. The manga adaptation started back in June 2016 and has since released 15 compiled volumes, with the latest one coming out in October. Ishida, known for works like MAOYU - Archenemy and Hero, has been the artist behind this adaptation.

The Fate/Apocrypha manga, based on the series by Type-Moon and Yuichiro Higashide, will be wrapping up in the next issue of Kadokawa's Comp Ace magazine. It's been illustrated by Akira Ishida and adapted from Higashide's original story. The manga adaptation started back in June 2016 and has since re...

The Raven Does Not Choose its Master Anime Release Date: Fans of court anime with a supernatural twist are eagerly await...

The Raven Does Not Choose its Master Anime Release Date: Fans of court anime with a supernatural twist are eagerly awaiting the premiere of "The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master." Based on the manga by renowned writer Chisato Abe, known for her Yatagarasu series, this anime promises to captivate audiences with its intriguing storyline and folklore-inspired fantasy elements.

Fans of court anime with a supernatural twist are eagerly awaiting the premiere of "The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master." Based on the manga by renowned writer Chisato Abe, known for her Yatagarasu series, this anime promises to captivate audiences with its intriguing storyline and folklore-inspire...

Spy x Family Movie Hits UK & Ireland Theaters in April!: (Sponsored Post) - This post is brought to you by Mood; Your Pl...

Spy x Family Movie Hits UK & Ireland Theaters in April!: (Sponsored Post) - This post is brought to you by Mood; Your Place To Order Legal Cannabis Online!

(Sponsored Post) - This post is brought to you by Mood; Your Place To Order Legal Cannabis Online!

Vampire Dormitory Anime Premieres On April 7th: The highly anticipated television anime adaptation of Ema Toyama's belov...

Vampire Dormitory Anime Premieres On April 7th: The highly anticipated television anime adaptation of Ema Toyama's beloved manga, "Vampire Dormitory," is set to make its debut on April 7th, according to an announcement made on the series' official website. The anime will premiere on TOKYO MX and BS Nippon TV at 11:30 p.m. JST, followed by subsequent airings on AT-X starting April 8th and MBS from April 9th.

The highly anticipated television anime adaptation of Ema Toyama's beloved manga, "Vampire Dormitory," is set to make its debut on April 7th, according to an announcement made on the series' official website. The anime will premiere on TOKYO MX and BS Nippon TV at 11:30 p.m. JST, followed by subsequ...

Tower of God Season 2 Teaser Video Released for Anime Fans!: During the IGN Fan Fest, the Tower of God anime crew unveil...

Tower of God Season 2 Teaser Video Released for Anime Fans!: During the IGN Fan Fest, the Tower of God anime crew unveiled a teaser for its upcoming second season. Crunchyroll confirmed it will stream the new season across various regions, including North America, Europe, and Africa, starting in July. Voice actor Taichi Ichikawa introduced the teaser, igniting excitement among fans. Tower of God's second season promises a continuation of the thrilling storyline, set to captivate audiences once again.

During the IGN Fan Fest, the Tower of God anime crew unveiled a teaser for its upcoming second season. Crunchyroll confirmed it will stream the new season across various regions, including North America, Europe, and Africa, starting in July. Voice actor Taichi Ichikawa introduced the teaser, ignitin...

Wind Breaker Anime Premiere and Cast Reveal: The Wind Breaker anime, based on Satoru Nii's manga, has got fans excited w...

Wind Breaker Anime Premiere and Cast Reveal: The Wind Breaker anime, based on Satoru Nii's manga, has got fans excited with its recent promotional video and key visual release. The update revealed new cast members, theme songs, and the premiere date set for April 4, creating a buzz among anime enthusiasts.

The Wind Breaker anime, based on Satoru Nii's manga, has got fans excited with its recent promotional video and key visual release. The update revealed new cast members, theme songs, and the premiere date set for April 4, creating a buzz among anime enthusiasts.

Pumpkin Scissors Manga Resumes After Being on a Hiatus for 4 years!: On March 6, Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Magazine made...

Pumpkin Scissors Manga Resumes After Being on a Hiatus for 4 years!: On March 6, Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Magazine made a significant announcement that delighted fans of Ryoutarou Iwanaga's "Pumpkin Scissors" manga: the series is set to make a comeback to serialization in the upcoming May issue, scheduled for release on April 6.

On March 6, Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Magazine made a significant announcement that delighted fans of Ryoutarou Iwanaga's "Pumpkin Scissors" manga: the series is set to make a comeback to serialization in the upcoming May issue, scheduled for release on April 6.

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Mysterious Disappearances Anime Release Date: Kadokawa recently announced that the anime adaptation of "Mysterious Disap...

Mysterious Disappearances Anime Release Date: Kadokawa recently announced that the anime adaptation of "Mysterious Disappearances" is set to premiere on April 10. In their latest promo, they introduced more cast members and unveiled the artists behind the opening and ending themes. Yuyu will sing the opening theme, "Hazard Symbol," while Nonoka Ōbuchi will perform the ending theme, "Shuku Somete Shinzō" (Scarlet-Dyed Heart).

Kadokawa recently announced that the anime adaptation of "Mysterious Disappearances" is set to premiere on April 10. In their latest promo, they introduced more cast members and unveiled the artists behind the opening and ending themes. Yuyu will sing the opening theme, "Hazard Symbol," while Nonoka...

The Fable Anime Confirms its Official Release Date: (Sponsored Post) - This post is brought to you by Mood; Your Place T...

The Fable Anime Confirms its Official Release Date: (Sponsored Post) - This post is brought to you by Mood; Your Place To Order Legal Cannabis Online!

(Sponsored Post) - This post is brought to you by Mood; Your Place To Order Legal Cannabis Online!

The New Gate Isekai Anime Makes its Debut: "The New Gate" is a brand new anime based on Shinogi Kazanami's light novel s...

The New Gate Isekai Anime Makes its Debut: "The New Gate" is a brand new anime based on Shinogi Kazanami's light novel series. The anime recently released its first full promotional video, unveiling additional cast members and announcing an April premiere date. Directed by Tamaki Nakatsu and produced by Yokohama Animation Lab and Cloud Hearts, the series promises to deliver an engaging adaptation of the popular light novel.

"The New Gate" is a brand new anime based on Shinogi Kazanami's light novel series. The anime recently released its first full promotional video, unveiling additional cast members and announcing an April premiere date. Directed by Tamaki Nakatsu and produced by Yokohama Animation Lab and Cloud Heart...

Duel Masters LOST Manga Makes Its Anime Debut: A new television anime titled "Duel Masters LOST Tsuioku no Suishō'' is s...

Duel Masters LOST Manga Makes Its Anime Debut: A new television anime titled "Duel Masters LOST Tsuioku no Suishō'' is set to debut this fall, based on Shigenobu Matsumoto and Yō Kanebayashi's manga as part of the Duel Masters LOST project. The anime will be produced by J.C. Staff, and an official website has recently opened, revealing a trailer, visual, and returning cast from the previous "Duel Masters Win '' anime.

A new television anime titled "Duel Masters LOST Tsuioku no Suishō'' is set to debut this fall, based on Shigenobu Matsumoto and Yō Kanebayashi's manga as part of the Duel Masters LOST project. The anime will be produced by J.C. Staff, and an official website has recently opened, revealing a trail...

Laid-Back Camp Anime Season 3 to Come Back This April!: The third season of the anime adaptation of Afro's manga "Yuruca...

Laid-Back Camp Anime Season 3 to Come Back This April!: The third season of the anime adaptation of Afro's manga "Yurucamp," also known as "Laid-Back Camp," will be released on April 4th. This announcement was made during an advanced screening event, revealing some significant changes in the production team and studio.

The third season of the anime adaptation of Afro's manga "Yurucamp," also known as "Laid-Back Camp," will be released on April 4th. This announcement was made during an advanced screening event, revealing some significant changes in the production team and studio.

Live-Action Series and Cast of Golden Kamuy Manga Announced!: Japanese network WOWOW has revealed plans to produce a liv...

Live-Action Series and Cast of Golden Kamuy Manga Announced!: Japanese network WOWOW has revealed plans to produce a live-action series based on Satoru Noda's popular manga, Golden Kamuy. Set to debut this fall, the series will pick up where the manga's recent live-action film left off, featuring the same cast and staff.

Japanese network WOWOW has revealed plans to produce a live-action series based on Satoru Noda's popular manga, Golden Kamuy. Set to debut this fall, the series will pick up where the manga's recent live-action film left off, featuring the same cast and staff.

Sneak Peek: Free Special Before Demon Slayer Season 4 Premiere!: Excitement is building for the upcoming Demon Slayer Se...

Sneak Peek: Free Special Before Demon Slayer Season 4 Premiere!: Excitement is building for the upcoming Demon Slayer Season 4, and fans have another reason to celebrate with a special surprise from Ufotable, the studio behind the anime. Before the new episodes air, a free special is set to premiere, adding to the anticipation.

Excitement is building for the upcoming Demon Slayer Season 4, and fans have another reason to celebrate with a special surprise from Ufotable, the studio behind the anime. Before the new episodes air, a free special is set to premiere, adding to the anticipation.

Not Your Idol Manga Finally Returns From Hiatus: Shueisha's Ribon magazine has announced that Aoi Makino's manga "Not Yo...

Not Your Idol Manga Finally Returns From Hiatus: Shueisha's Ribon magazine has announced that Aoi Makino's manga "Not Your Idol" (Sayonara Miniskirt) will resume serialization in the May issue, scheduled for release on April 3rd. The series previously went on hiatus in the July 2019 issue of Ribon magazine. Although the manga also runs on Shonen Jump+, the latest chapter was published by Shueisha in June 2019.

Shueisha's Ribon magazine has announced that Aoi Makino's manga "Not Your Idol" (Sayonara Miniskirt) will resume serialization in the May issue, scheduled for release on April 3rd. The series previously went on hiatus in the July 2019 issue of Ribon magazine. Although the manga also runs on Shonen J...


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