#ParkHill, #4thofjuly2023, #Parade, #marchingband, #starwars
#ParkHill #4thofjuly2023 Parade! #denver
Scenes from a spectacular 4th of July Parade. Some 800 marchers wowed the crowds (parade organizer Justin Bresler provided a preliminary estimate of thousands of lookyloos who came by to watch the stream of superheroes, divas, gorillas, politicos, martial arts experts book lovers, pet lovers, bicycle lovers, brass band lovers, and overall freedom lovers. #ParkHillParade
Mark Silverstein's Page 3 Birdland feature continues to be a big hit, with readers as well as judges. Silverstein won second place in the portfolio photography category in this year's #ColoradoPressAssociation contest. One judge's comment was a bit of a hoot: "Surprised at the variety of birds captured doing a variety of different bird-like things. Well done!" #RealNewsCO #LocalNewsMatters #BirdlikeThings
From last night's flooding. Corner of 16th and Dahlia, cars floated and re-parked themselves all over. The white car in the video was totaled. #DenverWeather #ParkHill #DenverGov #StormwaterDrainageFail
h/t Jess Ivanoff
Gardens gone, cars flooded, 22nd & Newport. Again. #DenverWeather #ParkHill #DenverGov #StormwaterDrainageFail
Park Hill Geyser tonight, at 22nd and Newport. Started small, then gushed three stories high for 20 minutes. Very exciting. It was amazing that no one's home flooded.