This is huge! Please stream if you can!!!
Sooooo this is a BIG DEAL that I REEAAAAALLLY need your help with!
The new song "Moonlight" just got added to a "user curated" playlist with 17k likes! What does this mean? It means we have a good chance to move the needle on the music! Why?
Let me tell you!
(Also this is great info for small artists if you dont know, take the spotify masterclass, it's free! Basic summary of it below)
Spotify runs on what they call, "the pyramid of playlists." Basically you have the bottom ones wich are the algorithmic playlists, (made for you, your daily drive, etc.) Then...
We have our playlists or "user currated playlists," we make ourselves. Once your song gets onto a bigger "user curated" playlist like this one, spotify watches how your song performs on that playlist. If it gets a lot of spins from this, they may ad it to a lower end EDITORIAL playlist (these are higher up the pyramid) because they can see the song is "trending" on this playlist, it might do well on one of their editorial playlists.
Are you with me so far? Following? Excellent!
They leave it there for a week and if it does well, they move it up on the list. They repeat the process until it hits #1 on that editorial playlist. If it does well there, they move the song to a bigger playlist at the bottom and repeat this process. This happens until you're on one of the top editorial playlists with over billions of followers OR it gets removed for LACK OF PERFORMANCE.
SOO moral of the story is, it would help so very much if you follow the link im going to post in the comments, and scroll down and give our song moonlight at least 31 seconds of your time. If everyone of my followers did this, i might be able to reach a editorial and then ill be asking for your help again but we can do it together but i can't do it without you! This is huge and I would be seuriously grateful if you can do this one small favor for me!
Thanks for reading! The link is below in the comments! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And have a great weekend!