I remember well in 1993 when I first heard about this case and saw the face of this red-haired boy at upper left. The blank yet defiant stare made a chill go up my spine. At age 13, in Steuben County, New York, he brutally murdered an innocent 4-year-old named Derrick Robie. Smith lured the younger child to a park, strangled him, smashed his head with a large rock, undressed him and then sodomized him with a stick. The victim's mother found her son's body.
That was 27 years ago. Smith has come up for parole consideration eleven times, forcing Derrick Robie's parents to appear and re-live this horror over and over again. Earlier this month, the state Board of Parole determined that Smith (now 41) would be released...as early as November 17. I have always felt that parole board members should have these offenders re-located to THEIR neighborhoods to dwell among THEIR children.
Your thoughts?