Ruweng Media 2020

Ruweng Media 2020 Ruweng Media 2020 was created by Ngor Kur Mayol, to bring Ruweng citizens around the world together,

If I have a chance to say what I have in my mind to tell the people of South Sudan, President Kiir Mayardit, to the five...

If I have a chance to say what I have in my mind to tell the people of South Sudan, President Kiir Mayardit, to the five vice presidents and entire citizens after the celebration of 13 years of South Sudan's independence? Please be honest with the ideas you think I'll come to, saying them to the President of the Republic of South Sudan and its leaders. I'm planning to host a vital show tomorrow afternoon.
Ngor De Aguem.


Hello everyone!
Please, drop by here what do you know about storytelling between Achol de Piou kë Achol cin Piou? This story was told to many of us by our parents during bedtime in the village or at the cattle camp. However, feel free to share with me and my viewers what your memory is still telling you in your small brain.
Ngor De Aguem.


Does anyone still remember the stories tellers to children in our dialogue of Pänäruu and Alör or Dinka? Please, if you know of any of those stories then I need you to help by listing their names here.
Ngor De Aguem.


These are my suggested names of individuals who I think should be our Ruweng good writers or form the book club establishments in our time in Ruweng society, South Sudan.
1. Ngor De Aguem
2. Abui Riang De Miaker
3. Gabriel Miabek Chol
4. Miabek De Minyiel
5. Monykong De Mijak
6. Monyluak De Kur
7. Mijok De Donwei
8. Chol Deng Juur
9. Monyluak De Miakol
10. Bany De Miaker Dau
11. Akuach De Miabek De Mijak
12. Nyanthem De Getdate
13. Diar Raanleei De Akier
14. Thirik Lang De Mijak
15. Wur Deng Lueth
16. Mayiik De Ator Kiir
17. Lem Baguoot De Kiir
18. Mialual Wal De Michar
20. Channy Mijak De Akol
21. Mary Ayen De Mijok
22. Monyluak De Yool
23. Mönyaguek De Tiep
24. Arop Mijak De Min
25. Moses Mialou Miyen

The names suggested for individuals who might be able to form the book club writers in poetry and poem for Ruweng society are as follows:
1. Dut Miathiang
2. Angok Akum
3. C***r Arop De Kiir
4. Guor Kiir De Kuachier

Please, I want you all on the list as an inspiration to people who I want you to think about this suggestion.
Ngor De Aguem.

Dear friends,   Please help support the education of future generations in South Sudan by donating to Raising South Suda...

Dear friends,
Please help support the education of future generations in South Sudan by donating to Raising South Sudan™!
Today this project supports the Nyarweng and Gumriak community primary schools (K-8) in Ruweng State (Ruweng Administrative Area), where over 800 children attend school and receive daily meals. With your support, Raising South Sudan™ hopes to continue funding these schools, and to build more schools to transform the lives of children across South Sudan. Because of past civil wars, Ruweng State (Ruweng Administrative Area) in South Sudan is an area where 90% of adults can't read, and where 70% of the population is under age 30. You can help change the future of South Sudan — any contribution would be much appreciated!
Our immediate needs include:
50 more desks (each seating three students), at a cost of $150 per desk (including transportation)
Building repairs and repainting
More books and tablet-based resources for English, science, and math
The base budget to keep these schools open is $120,000, which is about $200 per teacher and student. I'm forever grateful for the continuing caring and generosity of individuals, schools, churches, and foundations that make it possible for our children to receive an education at the Nyarweng and Gumriak primary schools. Please help today!
Raising South Sudan™ is the dream realized of former Lost Boys of Sudan James "Lubo" Mijak (Charlotte, NC), James Manyror (Denver, CO), and myself Ngor Kur Mayol (Atlanta, GA), who have been working to bring education to the children of their home villages in Ruweng State, South Sudan (formerly Unity State).
Raising South Sudan™ is a project of 501c3 nonprofit Mothering Across Continents™

310 Arlington Avenue, Ste. 303, Charlotte, NC 28203
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Ngor De Aguem.

Help educate children from the Nyarweng and Gumriak primary schools. It was the dreams of three former “Lost Boys of Sudan” – James "Lubo" Mijak of Charlotte, NC; Ngor Kur Mayol of Atlanta, GA; and James Manyror, near Denver, CO – that led to the founding of the Nyarweng and Gumriak primary ...


I will host a live show tomorrow here on facebook and it will be open to the public especially to our Ruweng citizens and friends are invited to be joining me.
Ngor De Aguem.


Happy New Year everyone!


Who are Ruweng who were have been allow attended the opening of the conference?


Pänäruu I just want to ask you as a community that can I come on live to respond to sister Athoch Lang Mijak? Because she insulted me by saying “ yin Ngor ``cit Thok kecigoor( donkey)” Please try to advise her very seriously because I will not be soft on her like the way of those Achol, Thirk, and Adol, and Ayar before. I’m calling upon you the leaders and the intellectuals within our Pänäruu community to intervene on her behavior, before I should respond to her nonsensical claims and insults. I was challenging candidate Dau specifically and the rest of the candidates on their weaknesses including this Awuol who has win the election,because he was the one person with better choice to Pänäruu voters who went to Texas. However, my sister need to listen to my message because I'm a very bad person when it comes to insulting someone and I’m not a bias person in the history of Pänäruu people. Most of them know me very well then her. Also, she needs to know she is a woman and younger then me in aging. Also, I know her nasty background more than any person within Bibiok or Micorgiu and it will be bad if I come to respond to her own inexperience on how politics is being played during an elections year, and how the candidates are being challenged when they are running for the leadership in Pänäruu. Lastly, as far as I know nobody insulted any of the candidates. They were just lecturing on their weaknesses. Finally, Athouch akac wun Pajuong kec or she owes me an apology, otherwise I’m coming after her to show my colors.
Ngor De Aguem.


Dear members of Pänäruu community,
First and foremost, I would like to say that I don’t want to be letting you down, my people of Pänäruu community in the United States of America. I know and you know that I don’t have no enough time for me to be able to come out to host the live show in my studio of PNA's News Live Media Broadcast in Atlanta with the candidates who are running for the office of PCA in America. Now, as we all know, we have just one day for the election for the PCA to take place in Texas. Therefore, I’m scheduling these three candidates who are Dau Monykuch Kon, Wunlual Mayom- Aka (kiir Miyom De Kiir), and Michael Awuol Ayual are now being invited to join me in the studio at 1:pm EST and 12:pm CST today on Thursday on May 26, 2022.
Ngor De Aguem.


Please join me to come to hear from the hoster Ngor De Aguem and the message is going to be questionning directly to the leadership of Panaruu community in Juba. Thanks!


Congratulations to Michael Miyom Minyiel for winning trust from the chief of Ruweng Administrative Areas and the Jamjang county citizens for the reappointment of Michael to be come the new commissioner for Jamjang second times in our history of Ruweng’s leadership.
Ruweng Media 2020.


President Kiir Mayardit and his five Vice Presidents and the ruling party are ruling South Sudan like they will be handed over back to Sudan. The leaders he always hired through the daily decrees have forgotten the reason why the millions of South Sudan have been given their own lives through sacrifices themselves to die without wives, kids, and the wells. It was to liberate the South from the oppression from the Sudanese in the northern Sudan. Every time before, I made the sign of the cross and I asked myself what was the real reason we, as Junubiini, went to war with Arab? And why were we bought for the referendum for South Sudan to concede out from Sudan in 2011? Why the reason the Lost Boys are abused by Reciting them into the guerrilla’s welfare at their youngest ages? Now, South Sudan is losing millions of its citizens into foreign countries like Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, and in the western countries of the failure these leaders have put the country into such a s**t hole position in the face of the world. Please you personal comments are welcome to leave them under this post.
Ngor De Aguem.


Dear all!
America and Canada are the most countries in the western who are very fair to Africa in general but our leaders in Africa are the ones who don't see how good these two countries are to our own problems and the African people in our own backyards. Just make your own calculations on how much money the Africans citizens who are in these two countries have been helping their own people who are in our countries of origin in Africa? If any of us is going to disagree with what I say then you are deaf, blind, denial or ignorant to admit the truth. Both China and Russia plus the north are soaking the resources of Africa for nothing. So, we should be always to give thank to both countries as America and the Canada for having a huge number of African citizens in their countries compared to any of the countries within the seven continents who make up our world.
Ngor De Aguem.


PNA's News Live Media Broadcast with Ngor De Aguem will host a live show this coming Sunday at 12pm EST, 11am in Midwestern of the United States of America, and 10am in Canada, and 10pm in Western Australia. So, the members from our two communities in the Ruweng administrative area are all invited to join in if their time from their work or sleeping will allow them to join us to come in the studio to come participate on the show because I will be condemning on the Nuer Militants together with their youths attacks in Ruweng.
Ngor De Aguem.


We when try our best to talk on the issues are still affecting the life our community or in the lives they are living it within Ruweng then they will called us acimeel kë Facebook, and when we quit from talking like the way other Sudanese do then they will crying by asking where are our Lost Boys of Panaruu and Älör a hon jok kë ke liir Këk nhail Bilpam? Walai, we live in a community who doesn't compare herself with the way other communities in our country appreciate their sons and daughters. Lastly, I think that in a few years to come I / we will be able to tell our people in the Panaruu community and Ruweng in general the statement of “Ätörtör” rëëc.
Ngor De Aguem.


PNA's News Live Media Broadcast with Ngor De Aguem will host a live show this coming Sunday at 12pm EST, 11am in Midwestern of the United States of America, and 10am in Canada, and 10pm in Western Australia. So, the members from our two communities in the Ruweng administrative area are all invited to join if their time from work or sleeping will allow you to join us and come to participate on the show because I will be focused on the attacks that happened in Ruweng.
Ngor De Aguem.


Dear all,
As I’m Ngor De Aguem,I have been saying enough to my community of Panaruu and Alor that our neighbors who are called the Nuer community have no leaders to lead their own community and have no hearts of humanity. The Nuer people are having evils hearts if you can compared their acts or behaviors they members in South Sudan. I have been telling you my people the facts of the history of good and the bad the Nuer people have been done against Panauu and Alor for centuries and yet no one among my peers, intellectuals, politicians, and all the thieves we have with Panauu community were not paying attention to my messages which I have been sent them out to our public attention on the social media. The Nuer cattle raiders or militants of their own rebels have been coming to take cows and killing our innocent people in Pariang and in Abiemnom before and after we have got the independence of our own country of the Republic of South Sudan from Sudan. It is the same community of Panauu who has been hosted the thousands of Nuer idps and those who have been working as the oil workers, NGOs workers and yet no a single Nuer leader or leaders came to acknowledge that kind of humanity our Ruweng under Panauu have showed to hosted the Nuer civilians who were hit by the floods in the year 2021. And again the Nuer people did not respect the good hearts of the Panaruu community as their neighbor community. Finally, it is the same Nuer who their sons and daughters are still eating our food and are still sleeping in our own communities of Ruweng and they are not able to stop their criminals from Bentiu to keep coming to kill people and steal cows in the Panaruu community daily. Lastly, the leaders of the Panaruu community, and the leadership of Peter Monyjok Dau and Michael Jaw have failed the test on these external threats from Nuer to the Panaruu community. There are a lot for me to be able to criticize this current leadership of R.A.A. Now who is to be blamed now between us as Panauu and the Nuer? For me I’m not surprised because I have been saying enough to you my people. I’m just hurting and crying for the loss of our innocent brothers and for their families and for the loss of their loved ones in the fight. These youths would have not died this time if you, my people, had been listening to my messages that I have been you on my Facebook live shows.
Ngor De Aguem.


What happened in Tooc county a few days ago in R.A. A., is the same like what happened before in Lake No County in two years ago when some Nuer Killers came to attacks Biu Payam and have killed 11 people there and nothing was done to those killers and their community of Bentiu. Dear Panaruu leaders, politicians, and citizens. If we keep to favor Nuer and not respond to their criminals in our community then they will finish us one by one. The Nuer lovers of Panaruu who are among our own sons and daughters of Panaruu in Juba and inside Pariang and those who have been allied with Nuer for their own interest and for our community’s interest are now have been sent their congratulated message to Dr. Monytuil, Tut Keu, Taban Deng G*i, and our own politicians with the slave hearted in Panaruu and in Juba are celebrated this incident instead to condemning it. If these rumors I have are said to be true that our politicians within us who loved community are happy then to condemn this act of devil from the Nuer’s cattle raiders who have to kill our innocent people in Tooch county for no reason while it is same people who their community has been hosted their own IPDs from Bentiu camp into Ruweng after the flooding. However, I want our youths within Panaruu and Alor to be protected our own community, and leave alone of always thinking about the governments from their locality and federal will protect you is a dream. The both governments are there for the money and for the protection of the citizens across South Sudan and particularly in our state and nation. So, we are the shamed people to ourselves.
Ngor De Aguem.


Dear all!
I just wanted to tell you that my mind has really been running out of words to be able to describe the cowardice of our youths in the Panaruu community in Ruweng. For example, the people in Lake No county are being squeezed in everyday by fear from the Nuer community from Bentiu. These people make our people from the borderline move in their cows slowly in each year to Kong while those of Ngeer, and Buga Da Anagau, and plus the greater Kuok people are also leaving their places of origin to our neighbors of Nuer. Now, to the people of the Panaruu community. If the Nuer, who are people coming to occupy our areas slowly then where will they go in some years to come since our youths are letting all of our borders be occupied by Nuer?
Ngor De Aguem.


The show is to come to give some analyze to public about the visit made by the chief Ruweng A.A. to Biemnom and Abyei from last year to this year. So, you are all invited to come to join us in the studio this afternoon with beny Miagak Dau Kuol and myself. Time: 6pm Eastern time in the USA. Time: 4pm in Canada.


South-Esat Of Atlanta
Decatur, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
6pm - 7pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm
6pm - 7pm



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