MSA at UCD This is a great way for all UC Davis MSA members to stay up to date with the MSA events and activitie

﷽Assalamu Alaikum (may peace and blessings be upon you all),We are immensely horrified and shocked by the murder of Geor...

Assalamu Alaikum (may peace and blessings be upon you all),

We are immensely horrified and shocked by the murder of George Floyd. He, like so many other Black people, was subject to a system of injustice that targeted him unfairly. We would like to extend a message of support and solidarity to our brothers and sisters in the Black community.

The very roots of this issue originate in the system of injustice this country was founded upon. Police brutality is a current manifestation of the white supremacist movement which has been around since the founding of this nation. The Black community has endured this system of violence and hatred for too long. This system is further strengthened by the media narrative which draws away from the issue and demonizes the Black protest movement. As Muslims, it is our duty to educate ourselves on the issue such that we can differentiate between false narratives and the truth.

On the authority of Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) he said:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]

As Muslims we are tasked with acting, speaking, then internally detesting evil; in that order, when we can, in an effort to resist evil’s oppressive nature. We implore the non-Black members of our community to do their part in acting to ally with and support our Black brothers and sisters by completing the following action items.

The MSA board is here for everyone in need during these trying times. Please contact the MSA board for any resources or support you may need.

Contact Minneapolis Representatives
Demand County Attorney Mike Freeman charge the officers with murder by calling him at 612-348-5550.
Write a letter demanding justice to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey.
Sign this petition:
Contact local Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapter to see how you can help
Official George Floyd Memorial Fund-
Minnesota Freedom Fund- helps post bail for arrested individuals and provide legal support
Donate to the Black Lives Matter organization-
Black visions collective committed to

--The MSA at UCD
--FAM at UCD

﷽“Verily to Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return”These words are spoken every time a Muslim dies. It is a reminde...

“Verily to Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return”

These words are spoken every time a Muslim dies. It is a reminder that death is a fundamental truth of life and no one is spared of it. Regardless, the nature of some deaths are more impactful than others. Aya Hachem’s death is one of these more impactful deaths. As college students, it hits closer to home when a young soul perishes- someone who dreamt of her future as we do, someone who struggled through classes as we do, someone who was eager for what the future held in store for them just as we are. This all came to an end for Aya on May 17th, when she was walking to the store. The loss of such a young soul was not the only disappointing part of her death. The failure of certain Sunni individuals and groups to respect the death of Aya and the grieving of her family compounded their pain and suffering. Sectarian extremism should never detract from the significance of a death and is discounting the family’s ability to grieve.

The MSA at UCD stands in solidarity first and foremost with the family of Aya Hachem. No family should have to suffer the discrimination of strangers, especially while mourning the passing of their beloved family member. Furthermore, the MSA at UCD stands in solidarity with Shia Muslims who are often the target of sectarian hate. The discourse surrounding sectarian relations in Islam often serve no purpose other than to create a rift between Muslims, yielding no beneficial outcome. This discourse is often culturally charged and is not a product of scholarly or legitimate research and rhetoric. Though a majority of sheikhs and scholars did not directly make anti-Shia comments, those who did point to a systemic issue of how Shi’ism is discussed within Sunni communities. Often, those who do speak on the issue root the foundations of their arguments on a blind adherence to sources they deem authoritative and fail to base their arguments on their own ethical and logical conclusions. Divisive conversations within our communities act to highlight the differences between Muslims when we should be focusing on the issues that face Muslims as a whole. In the words of Hoda Khatebi, “It is so vitally important to build across a global Ummah; to build a collective power, resistance, and unity against great systems of injustice in the face of a growing Islamophobia”. To focus on our differences only undermines us as a community as we choose to fight amongst ourselves, when external threats are much more present and potent and deserve more of our efforts.

The MSA at UCD would also like to address the severity of Takfir — alleging that a Muslim is a Kaffir (active rejector of divine revelation). This happens often when discussing variations in beliefs, specifically targeting Shi’a Muslims. Narrated by Abu Huraira, the Prophet PBUH is reported as saying, “If a man says to his brother, ‘O Kafir!’ Then surely one of them is such” (Sahih Al-Bukhari 6103). Therefore, the severity of calling someone a kaffir, as was done in the case of Aya Hachem, is so heavy that if you are wrong about it, you yourself are deemed a kaffir. As Muslims, we accept that Allah ﷺ is Al-Alim (All-Knowing) and Al-Hakim (The Most Wise) and so we should leave matters such as discerning the validity of one’s belief to Him and Him alone.

The Holy Quran says, “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents or relatives” [4:135]. Putting this command into practice starts with you. By challenging your own anti-Shia sentiments or the anti-Shia sentiments within your families and communities you can begin addressing the injustices our fellow Muslims endure and work towards rectifying them.

There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah ﷺ and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is His last and final messenger,

— Muslim Student Association of UC Davis

How to help:

This gofundme was authorized to receive donations by the Hachem family.

﷽Assalamu Alaikum and may peace and blessings be upon you all,After seven years of infertility and nine months of pregna...

Assalamu Alaikum and may peace and blessings be upon you all,

After seven years of infertility and nine months of pregnancy, Zainab finally gave birth to a baby boy in a hospital located in the southwestern corner of Kabul, Afghanistan. Shortly after giving birth, Zainab was granted only four hours to spend time with her newborn son before he was brutally shot and murdered.

On May 12th, three gunmen stormed a maternity ward at Dasht-e-Barchi Hospital, located in a majority Shia Muslim neighborhood in Kabul. The gunmen killed a total of 24 people, including two newborn babies, several mothers and pregnant women, nurses, and a security guard. Just hours later, another horrific attack took place, this one at a funeral of a prominent local security official, in the eastern Nangarhar province. The attacker killed 32 people and managed to wound 113. These devastating terrorist attacks to Afghanistan’s underrepresented population are not uncommon occurrences. ISIS has carried out several deadly attacks over the years, mostly targeting the country’s minority Shia Muslims. The terrorist group has blatantly stated that Afghan Shias would be killed in their mosques, schools, and in their own homes.

This is the current reality of Afghanistan, where even during the month of Ramadan, and in the midst of a global pandemic, the Afghan men, women, and children cannot feel safe from being brutally murdered without remorse. Afghans are being killed on a daily basis and yet we have grown numb to the tremendous loss of Afghan lives. How much more Afghan blood must be shed before the world, and the entire Ummah, end their silence?
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever” [Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

The MSA at UCD affirms the belief that when one limb of the Muslim Ummah suffers, we must feel pain. We cannot become passive to the atrocities that are being committed against our brothers and sisters in Islam. As Muslims, it is our duty to stand up against the oppressor and to show support for those who are suffering from terrorism, no matter who. Collectively as one Ummah, we must look past the categories of ethnicity, race, Sunni, Shia, and acknowledge that we are all Muslims. We are one body.

Before his murder, Zainab had named her son Omid, which translates to “hope” in Farsi. Even in the most depressing of times, the Afghan people are still resilient. They still have hope. Do not let Zainab and Omid remain as another statistic. We must continue to pray for the people of Afghanistan and we must hold on to the hope of peace and justice.

The MSA at UCD would like to remind everyone to remember our brothers and sisters who are suffering beyond just the month of Ramadan. Although the holy month of Ramadan has come and gone, we must not forget that the Ummah continues to suffer.

For those who would like to help the current situation in Afghanistan, please consider donating to the following:

Relief & Emergency Fund for Afghanistan (REFA)

May Allah ﷺ have mercy on all those who have died from the recent attacks in Afghanistan and may He grant them the highest level in Jannah. We ask that Allah ﷺ eases the many hardships of the Afghan people and relieve them from the rule of oppressors.

— Muslim Student Association at UC Davis

﷽Assalamu Alaikum and may peace and blessings be upon you all,The global pandemic, COVID-19 has wreaked havoc in all cou...

Assalamu Alaikum and may peace and blessings be upon you all,

The global pandemic, COVID-19 has wreaked havoc in all countries, as governments are spread thin supporting hospitals and healthcare workers. In Kashmir, the northernmost geographical region in the Indian subcontinent encompassing Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh, the situation is particularly dire under a current lockdown. Kashmir has been the subject of territorial disputes between India and Pakistan since 1947 after the partition of India, with both governments claiming Kashmir is fully theirs. Thousands of Kashmiri inhabitants within Indian Administered Kashmir are internally displaced, facing oppression and hostility at the hands of the Indian government. There have been repeated reports of the Indian government committing human rights abuses, including mass killings and suppression of political freedom.

In addition to our concerns regarding India’s revocation of Article 370 of their constitution, we are troubled by the difficulty Kashmiris are facing in combating COVID-19 under repressive rule. According to multiple reports, “by initiating gunfights with guerrilla fighters, jailing people for going to buy food and medicine, bringing charges against journalists, and beating doctors, paramedics and municipal workers, India is tightening its grip on Kashmir, seizing on pandemic measures to prevent a surge of resistance to its rule” (Tariq Mir, Washington Post). Further, the repression “puts doctors in a bind. The government has threatened local doctors, warning that criticism of ‘government efforts to control pandemic’ in ‘uncalled for media reports’ could get them sent to prison” (Bilal Hussain, Common Dreams). As of May 1st 2020, the total reported cases of coronavirus in Jammu and Kashmir is 614. In terms of equipment, presently Kashmir has around 100 ventilators, leaving it at one ventilator per 71,000 people. Despite lack of ventilators, a hospital in Kashmir had to return six of them, citing lack of space, beds, staff, and other resources as the reason. Doctors in the region have criticised government officials for abusing a senior doctor and also firing 250 nurses amid all the chaos. Unstable access to the Internet due to the government’s sanctions has affected doctors’ abilities to treat coronavirus patients.“Doctors say they are unable even to download critical documents and videos regarding basic COVID-19 safety guidelines and other relevant information, like guidelines for intensive care management” (Bilal Hussain, Common Dreams). Kashmir’s healthcare system is unable to take adequate care of its citizens due to the sanctions it faces leading to increased mortality rates due to the virus.

The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “Indeed when people see an oppressor but do not prevent him from (doing evil), it is likely that Allah will punish them all.” [Abu Dawud and At- Tirmidhi].

We enjoin everyone to stand up against oppression and abuse of human rights. Whether you are Muslim or Hindu, religious or not, or anything in between, the Kashmiri conflict is one that should alarm us all and encourage us to seek out any form of aid we can provide.

At this time, we advise our community to stand together and take specific actions, that can be done while at home, using these credible resources:
Inform yourself and others by visiting the KCC’s site at, maintained by Gharib Hanif.

Contribute to the following Kashmir relief funds:,

May Allah ease the hardships that the Kashmiri people are facing amidst the pandemic and may he relieve them from the rule of oppressors.

Muslim Student Association at UC Davis

Assalamu Alaikum and may peace and blessings be upon you all,

﷽Assalamu Alaikum and may peace and blessings be upon you all,As the world takes shelter against the global pandemic we ...

Assalamu Alaikum and may peace and blessings be upon you all,

As the world takes shelter against the global pandemic we wish to take the time to remember our less fortunate brothers and sisters. COVID-19 poses a threat to us as a species regardless of our background. So in a time when cooperation and compassion must triumph, we must bring the spotlight to people who are suffering. The people of Palestine continue to endure hardships in addition to the global pandemic. The Muslim Student Association takes a clear stance against the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands and the oppression of its people but this statement intends to highlight the current situation.

The current crisis in Gaza is a human health crisis. Hospitals and healthcare infrastructure in Gaza and the West Bank have suffered and continue to suffer as they have no access to resources from the outside world. The total number of ventilators in the West Bank amounts to less than 120 units and there are a total of 20 ICU specialists available in the region. This meager force of equipment and personnel is tasked with serving the 3.2 million people living in the West Bank. Gaza, deemed an unlivable region by the UN on multiple occasions, faces even more despair. The assault on Gaza’s infrastructure and healthcare services have continued amidst the COVID-19 crisis. The limited medical centers available continue to be destroyed. Testing centers and kits for the virus continue to be seized. Thus, limiting the effectiveness of testing and allowing the virus to spread rapidly as people may be unaware that they carry the virus and are susceptible to passing it off to others.

Nu’man bin Bashir (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever”. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

In this time of crisis, it is not a matter of Muslims or Jews. It is not a matter of land disputes or political freedoms. It is a matter of basic human rights. This is a time where we all need to work together and not deny others their basic health rights and protection against this pandemic. As Muslims we strive to be as one body, but in this time all people are suffering from the same problems and face the same enemy. We must all act as the human body and come to the aid of our limbs when they feel pain. May Allah allow the people of Palestine to overcome the oppression and occupation by Israel.

Muslim Student Association at UC Davis
Students for Justice in Palestine at UC Davis

﷽Assalamu Alaikum and may peace and blessings be upon you all,The murders of Ahmaud Arbery and Steven Taylor in cold blo...

Assalamu Alaikum and may peace and blessings be upon you all,

The murders of Ahmaud Arbery and Steven Taylor in cold blood at the hands of police officers are egregious acts of violence that cannot go unnoticed. These murders are reiterations of attacks on Black people by white supremacists. They are representative of a broken social justice system that fails to correct its own limitations and defects. As Muslims, it is our duty to stand against all forms of injustice, and the murder of these two young men is no different.

These murders are results of a much larger issue. The disparities in how people are treated based on their race is an issue unresolved for too long within our society. For example, in 2019 alone the police killed 1,099 people. 24% of them were identified as Black, a disproportionate number considering that African Americans compose 13% of the total US population.

Steven Taylor, at the time of his shooting, was experiencing a mental breakdown. It is clear in the video of his shooting that he posed no threat to the people around him. He was in dire need of medical attention that was inaccessible since it was never called for. Ahmaud Arbery was running as per his routine on a path that he ran many times before. Non-law enforcement individuals ran him down in their truck before shooting him. These civilians had no right to carry out the law as they saw fit. Two months, an entire social media movement, and enormous pressure placed on the law enforcement officials in Georgia, is what it took for warrants to be issued for the arrest of the killers.

The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “Indeed when people see an oppressor but do not prevent him from (doing evil), it is likely that Allah will punish them all.” [Abu Dawud and At- Tirmidhi]. In fact, when hearing of injustice that emigrants from Abyssinia described to him, The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “How can Allah purify any people (of sin) when they do not protect their weak against their strong?’” [Ibn Majah]

The Davis MSA and FAM take a firm stance against the injustices that are perpetrated against our Black brothers and sisters by the deficiencies in our legal system. Time and time again their voices have been heard by law enforcement officials and drowned out by the voices of discriminatory laws and statutes. The brutal slaughtering of young African American men and women has become a commonplace in society. FAM and the MSA vocalize support for the rejection and reform of discriminatory practices that have become the mainstream of our legal system. We pray that Allah provides the families and communities of those lost, the patience and strength to persevere and reject the oppression that has been placed upon them.

There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon Him) is his Last and Final Messenger,

Muslim Students Association at UC Davis
Faces of African Muslims at UC Davis

Assalamu Alaykum!This is a reminder that the need-based scholarship application closes TONIGHT! InshaAllah we will be gi...

Assalamu Alaykum!

This is a reminder that the need-based scholarship application closes TONIGHT! InshaAllah we will be giving out a limited amount of scholarships with a minimum award of $400.00 based on need. This application is very short and simple and is open to UC Davis students, so we encourage you to apply!

JazakAllah Khair.

Typeform for the scholarship application:

Please apply on the type form and feel free to reach out to: [email protected]
if there are any further questions.

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Assalamualaikum!It’s that time of the year again! Nominate your community members to serve the ummah on the 2020-21 MSA ...

It’s that time of the year again! Nominate your community members to serve the ummah on the 2020-21 MSA Board. The nomination process is an incredibly important process of selecting those community members that could best serve Allah SWT and the community. Serving on the MSA board is an amanah so please carefully consider your nominations.

The nominations form will close MARCH 6, so please don't delay! You can submit your nominations using the link below.

For more information about elections, please reach out to a current board member or message MSA at UCD.

Assalamu Alaikum MSA Community. We are excited to announce that nominations for the 2020-2021 MSA Board are now open and can be accepted through the following form. The first spot is for your presidential nomination and the rest are for board positions. If you want to ensure that the person you have...

Assalamuwalaikum!We would like to invite you to our annual Welcome Banquet! Join us for a night of friends, food and fun...


We would like to invite you to our annual Welcome Banquet! Join us for a night of friends, food and fun. This is the perfect chance to meet your new Davis Family. The link to buy tickets will be released soon. SAVE THE DATE, because we'd love to see you there!



Thrilled to announce a new service this MSA will offer with your help! Chaplaincy is a resource that everyone can benefit from — whether you need to seek consultation from someone with Islamic knowledge, need spiritual upliftment, or just need a cool friend that happens to be knowledgeable. We hope you can share this launch good around so that we can provide the service as quickly as possible bi’idna Allah!

Jazakum Allah khairan!


UPDATE: CLASS HAS BEEN POSTPONED until next week! Stay tuned for more updates!

The long awaited AZW is here 🇵🇸! We'll be at the quad selling, tabling and spreading awareness from 11am-3pm today and t...

The long awaited AZW is here 🇵🇸! We'll be at the quad selling, tabling and spreading awareness from 11am-3pm today and then Rebecca Pierce from Jewish Voices for Peace will join us at 7pm in Chem 179 insha Allah! She will be speaking about Jews of color standing in solidarity with Palestinians and how anti-Zionism does not equate to anti-Semitism. With the current events, this topic is extremely relevant — see you there insha Allah!

The last and final day of the jam-packed week — GET PUMPEEEED

The last and final day of the jam-packed week — GET PUMPEEEED

Day 4 (5/2) is our final day of AZW. The theme 'March Against Militarization' will consist of chalking at the MU during the morning and a collaboration event about organizing within the university with Davis - United Students Against Sweatshops in the afternoon. We will finish off the week with a talk from Miko Peled
Miko Peled, known for his General's Son: a Journey for an Israeli in Palestine, will be giving a talk on militarization, state terrorism against Palestinians, apartheid, and the continued denial of Palestinians right to life, justice, freedom.
Peled was born in Israel to a well-known Zionist family. Peled’s grandfather was a signer on the Israeli Declaration of Independence; his father was a General in the Israeli army. As he grew older, Peled became extremely critical of the occupation, and the injustices Israeli was inflicting onto Palestinians.
He now spends his time writing and speaking out against Israel’s Zionist regime, and is an avid supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.

art in the midst of chaos

art in the midst of chaos

Get ready for Hatem Bazian!!!

Get ready for Hatem Bazian!!!

Day 2 (4/30) of Anti-Zionism Week is centered around the theme 'Growing Grassroots'. We will be hosting Hatem Bazian who will be speaking about settler colonialism in Palestine, its Zionist roots, and how Zionism has affected his life as a prominent Palestinian academic and activist. His talk is taking place in Art 217 at 7PM!

Dr. Hatem Bazian is a lecturer in the Departments of Near Eastern and Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies at UC Berkley, as well as a a co-founder and Professor of Islamic Law and Theology at Zaytuna College. In Spring 2009, Bazian founded the Center for the Study and Documentation of Islamophobia, a campus research unit dedicated to the systematic study of Othering Islam and Muslims. As a graduate student, he was an important student leader in the movement for more fairness and better educational opportunities for African American and Latino students at Berkeley. His work has become very important for those affected by issues of colonialism and Islamophobia.

So exciting! First speaker that will be joining us on Monday April 29th is from Jewish Voices for Peace — Rebecca Pierce...

So exciting! First speaker that will be joining us on Monday April 29th is from Jewish Voices for Peace — Rebecca Pierce!


1 Shields Avenue


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