Rocket Science Made Easy
Rodney and Friedo
Entering year #8 in business, I've finally decided to go "corporate" and put The FriedoNation Productions mission statement and List of Core Values...Would love your help! Please take a look at this video and send me your thoughts...What core values should I add? What can separate FriedoNation from other businesses?
Download numbers are one way to measure the success of a podcast...But there are better ways...Success can also be measured by impact
Let people get to like you and trust you before they even meet you. The very best reason to use a podcast to promote your business, product and service. Allen Fairview Chamber
Expanding Your Network with a Podcast
This is such a "no brainer" to me that sometimes I think I do a very poor job of making the point that a podcast can really showcase your knowledge, position you as an expert and go a long way in establishing relationships and trust with current customers and potential clients.
Lake Highlands High School Boneyard Podcast Preview
Very happy to announce that we've added The Lake Highlands High School Boneyard Podcast to the FriedoNation Productions family.
It's the Thanksgiving Edition of The Allen Fairview Chamber Video Podcast...starring Sharon Wilson Mayer Saundra Midkiff and Pennie Wilson Beauchamp
Here's the very first Allen Fairview Chamber of Commerce video podcast with Saundra Midkiff Sharon Wilson Mayer and Penny Beauchamp #AllenFairviewChamber
FriedoNation Brunch & Learn 9-28 / Cowboys Victory Stream
FriedoNation brunch and learn / Mark Friedman birthday stream
Have you checked out The Fighter?