it's not just the Trump / Biden thing... it's about a government chosen by "the people" and not special interests. educate the American People regarding the purest element of the United States Constitution “the right of the people” to “a republican form of government.”
2. build an organization of American citizens to regain and then maintain control and oversight of the election processes use
d to "chose" the people’s representatives in government.
3. remove all forms of corruption, collusion, and unlawful conduct from all areas of government, including the illegal conduct of members of Congress and the two major political parties.
4. assist all Americans in regaining absolute control over all aspects of government by revealing evidence of the unlawful conduct of the two controlling enterprises who have illegally seized control of every aspect of American Citizens' lives, by acts of fraud, fear mongering, and malfeasance.
5. help provide a viable platform for the emergence of multiple political parties on the national stage and to end the "two party dictatorship" and totalitarian control on all aspects of government currently held by the Democratic and Republican party / enterprise operatives that operate against the best interests of the American public.
6. inform representatives in government of their lawful duties and then hold them accountable for their conduct under strict interpretation of law. become the first and preeminent accountability movement assuring the peace, tranquility, and liberty interests of all Americans uniformly.