I’ve been making videos for fun ever since I was a kid using my dad’s old Sony camera that recorded to Super 8mm tape. I then got into music like many of my adolescent friends and started working professionally in audio production about 12 years ago until shifting gears to focus on video about 8 years ago. While working In Audio Production I also worked in DFW International Airport as a manager ov
erseeing as many as 30 employees and seven separate locations located in different terminals, and then, later on, worked as a supervisor for a college program known as Supplemental Instruction and helped oversee a new program being implemented allowing high school students graduate with an associate’s degree so they start college as Juniors, so my ability to work with and lead a team, is an asset that has helped my throughout my life. My background in audio helps immensely with delivering a high-quality product that leaves clients
satisfied because good audio is just as important as good video to keep a viewer engaged. I work primarily in, and am proficient with, Adobe Creative Suite but familiar with all the major editing software available. I also will use Presonus Studio One when needed to assist in Sound Design. I’m very familiar and involved with the local art and music community. I’ve worked on several passion projects, as making videos is what I like to do in my free time, for example, the YouTube channel Love of Lyricism. If I’m not making videos or music, you can likely find me out in nature hiking, rock climbing, sailing, kayaking, diving, skiing, you name it. I also have an immense, and rather odd, passion for Turtles, that has found me rescuing quite a few Box Turtles.