Hi friends -- It's been a while.
I took a year off social media after selling out of hats. A year to decided what I wanted my future to look like, and I knew as soon as my hats took off to a full time gig that it wasn't something I would want to do long term, not something I saw myself growing old doing.
I did a lot of soul searching, even started going to church. Just waiting and not taking any idea too serious.
While taking time off I began learning about, and taking classes on herbs, herbal medicine, and botany. I was always interested in these things, and always enjoyed learning about them but I decided to take it serious as a "me time" thing.
I was then diagnosed with ADHD - if you know me, or have followed me for a while this makes total sense.
I decided to begin looking into, and trying herbs for myself to help with ADHD, overstimulation, stress, and sleep (my biggest struggles).
I felt relief for the first time in my life.
Since May, I have been sharing my journey, tips, recipes, and information on herbs for these struggles on instagram and the amount of moms I have been able to help feel better - is astronomical.
I stumbled upon my calling by taking care of myself first, and I couldn't feel more at home with what I have chosen to do.
I haven't shared here on facebook yet, honestly out of fear of judgment.
But here I am.
Incase this is something you no longer want to follow along with, I wanted to let you know that I plan on sharing my passions here so perhaps you want to unfollow if it does not resinate with you.
And, if it does resonate with you - you can find me on other platforms here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hanna.athome/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/hannaathomeblog/
Blog: https://hannaathome.com/
If you've stuck around this long, thank you for your support.
-Hanna ♡