Here an analysis of the Corpus Christi Drought Contingency Plan (DCP):
1. Document Overview
- Title: Drought Contingency Plan
- Revision Date: February 11, 2025
- Entity: Corpus Christi Water, serving the Coastal Bend region.
2. Introduction
- Purpose:
-- To conserve water during droughts by reducing demand.
-- To minimize the adverse effects of water shortages.
-- To manage drought conditions systematically.
-- To protect public health, safety, and welfare.
- Key Components:
-- Uses combined storage levels from Choke Canyon Reservoir and Lake Corpus Christi to trigger drought stages.
-- Includes supplementary water from Lake Texana and the Colorado River, though these are junior water rights.
-- Differentiates from the Water Conservation Plan (WCP) by being reactive to drought conditions rather than proactive for general conservation.
3. Drought Stages and Triggers
- Water Shortage Watch:
-- Trigger: Combined storage below 50%.
-- Action: Voluntary conservation; reduction target of 5%.
- Stage 1 - Mild Water Shortage:
-- Trigger: Combined storage below 40%.
-- Action: Mandatory restrictions; target 10% reduction. Includes limiting landscape irrigation to once per week.
- Stage 2 - Moderate Water Shortage:
-- Trigger: Combined storage below 30%.
-- Action: Further restrictions; target 20% reduction. Irrigation limited to once every other week, surcharges introduced for excess use.
- Stage 3 - Critical Water Shortage:
-- Trigger: Combined storage below 20%.
-- Action: Severe restrictions; target 30% or more reduction. Bans on landscape irrigation, higher surcharges.
- Stage 4 - Water Emergency:
-- Trigger: Determined by the City Manager based on emergencies like major system failures or contamination.
-- Action: Drastic measures with a target of 50% or greater reduction. Absolute prohibition on most water uses.
4. Public Notification
- Methods: Website, local newspapers, utility bills, public service announcements, signs, and social media.
5. Best Management Practices per Stage
- Water Shortage Watch: Voluntary measures, educational campaigns.
- Stage 1: Increased repair crews, public education, restrictions on watering times.
- Stage 2: Main flushing eliminated except for safety, compliance monitoring, and public education.
- Stage 3: Disconnection for violators, further restrictions on usage, public education intensified.
- Stage 4: Emergency response, including alternative water sources or delivery methods.
6. Surcharges and Enforcement
- Surcharges: Applied to usage over specified allocations to deter discretionary use, escalating with each stage.
- Enforcement:
-- Fines for violations.
-- Potential disconnection of water service for repeated offenses.
-- Surcharges increase with each stage, with specific rates for different customer types (residential, commercial, industrial, wholesale).
7. Exemptions and Variances
- Process: Requests must be submitted within 5 days of stage initiation, reviewed by the Chief Operating Officer or designee.
- Criteria: Based on public health, safety, or unnecessary hardship due to compliance with restrictions.
8. Coordination and Legal Compliance
- Regional Planning: Coordination with Coastal Bend Regional Water Planning Area (Region N).
- Legal: Adheres to Texas Administrative Code and TCEQ guidelines, ensuring eligibility for state funding for drought response.
9. Wholesale Drought Contingency Plan
- Similar Structure: Applies similar stages and triggers but focuses on wholesale water suppliers, ensuring they implement comparable restrictions for their customers.
10. Appendices
- Legal Documents: Includes the ordinance adopting the DCP, agreements, and operational plans for reservoir management.
This DCP serves as a comprehensive framework for managing water resources during droughts, involving detailed procedures, legal compliance, and public engagement to ensure sustainable water use in the Corpus Christi area.
The City of Corpus Christi and Corpus Christi Water are hosting a Listening Session on proposed updates to the Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) on Tuesday, February 18, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
The program will begin with a short presentation of the updates, followed by a brief summary. Community members will have the opportunity to provide public comments. Speakers can sign in at the kiosk in the City Hall Atrium. The sign-in period will be available between 2:30 and 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18.
Learn more about this Listening Session: https://cctx.info/listening-session