This is what I miss. The early morning miles. The routine of running with C and Lily. The conversation and coffee catch ups with friends. Finishing just as the sun is rising. Exploring new places. Races to look forward to. Goals to work toward. Sweat dripping from my brow. My heart racing. The endorphins.
I met with an orthopedic surgeon on Wednesday. I knew after receiving the results from my MRI and speaking with my chiropractor that surgery was likely, but Wednesday’s appointment turned that likelihood into a reality.
The orthopedic was thorough and kind, not pushy. He asked questions about my hip, my current mental state, and my long-term goals.
I told him I want to be able to run.
I don’t need to chase after a PR or check off anymore bucket list goals, I just need to be able to run and move my body in ways I used to.
From the reports, he believes that the pain I’m experiencing is due to a combination of a torn labrum, arthritis, and hip displaysia (not impingement).
While I still don’t have a definite timeline, which is making it challenging to look too far ahead or make any plans, I have 3D CT scheduled for the 17th and that should provide us with a better understanding of how we’ll approach surgery.
It’s baby steps in the right direction. Slow and steady progress.