At last night's Cohoes Common Council meeting, Mayor Bill Keeler presented the 2025 State of the City Address.
A few highlights:
•Mayor Keeler reported the city's finances are in good standing, 2025 marked the fifth straight year without any property tax increase.
•Cohoes is in the black with an $8M+ rainy day fund; higher than ever before.
•Public safety remains a top priority including: the hiring of eight new police officers and five new firefighters in the last year, reducing the city speed limit to 25 MPH, adding new surveillance street cameras and upgrades to the Fire Department's fleet and equipment. DPW also received a new garbage truck, dump truck and three new rack trucks.
•This Fall, the Cohoes Floating Solar Array is projected to come online, with an expected $500,000.00 city wide savings each year thanks to a move into a net-supplier of electricity.
•The former Cohoes Saving Bank building will be the future home of the Cohoes Public Library at 75 Remsen Street using mostly funds from the Downtown Revitalization Initiative. Work will begin when the city receives state documents to activate the contract.
•There is solid progress on the $2.5M Water Tank recoating project with one tank finished, and the second tank nearing completion thanks to a federal EPA grant.
•This year will see $3.5M in upgrades to the raw water pump station, to bring a critical piece of infrastructure into the 21st century.
•The Recreation Department, common Council and Mayor's office continues to focus on park upgrades around the city.
•A copy of the 2025 State of the City address is available on the city’s website https://www.ci.cohoes.ny.us/Archive.aspx?ADID=182