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Epstein’s Scientific Philanthropy: A Veil of DeceptionEpstein’s financial patronage of scientific research and academic ...

Epstein’s Scientific Philanthropy: A Veil of Deception

Epstein’s financial patronage of scientific research and academic institutions is well-documented. He cultivated relationships with renowned scientists, funded laboratories, and sponsored conferences, all while presenting an image of a benefactor of human progress. However, beneath this façade of philanthropy lay darker intentions, as suggested by the eugenics conspiracy theory.

The Epstein Eugenics Conspiracy: Seeding the Human Race

Central to the conspiracy theory is Epstein’s purported aim to edit humanity’s DNA, thus perpetuating his lineage as the progenitor of a genetically superior race. While such claims may seem fantastical, they gain traction when examining Epstein’s particular interests in scientific endeavors. His fascination with evolutionary biology, coupled with investments in genetic research, fuels speculations of a grandiose scheme to manipulate human genetics.

The Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (PED): A Nexus of Suspicion

Epstein’s involvement in the establishment and funding of the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard raises eyebrows. This institution, purportedly dedicated to studying evolutionary biology using mathematics, becomes a focal point of scrutiny. Epstein’s keen interest in applying mathematical models to understand biological evolution hints at ulterior motives, suggesting a desire to harness scientific advancements for nefarious ends.

Collaborators in Controversy: Epstein’s Association with Scientists

Epstein’s associations with prominent scientists, including George Church, further fuel suspicions surrounding his intentions. Church’s involvement in genetic engineering projects aligns with the narrative of Epstein’s eugenics agenda. As Epstein weaved a network of scientific collaborators, he potentially sought to leverage their expertise to advance his clandestine objectives.

Unraveling the Deception: Exposing Epstein’s True Intentions

The narrative of Epstein as a benefactor of science unravels upon closer examination. His purported interest in scientific inquiry appears superficial, serving as a smokescreen to conceal darker motives. The notion of reputation laundering, whereby Epstein sought to cleanse his tainted image through associations with esteemed scientists, emerges as a plausible explanation.

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Important Proposal:

by James Corbett April 28, 2024 Remember the summer of 2019? Remember when—after months of growing awareness of the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, rising concern over the blatantly illegal cover-up of those crimes, and renewed scrutiny of his "philanthropic" efforts


This week on the New World Next Week, a rather unusual event caught our attention: a massive downpour in Dubai, speculated to be the result of cloud seeding, not the wrath of angry weather gods. This event, which some have termed a “rain bomb,” brings to the forefront the ongoing debate surrounding cloud seeding and its implications for weather modification.

Important Proposal:

▶️ The road to unsurpassed freedom:

For those interested in delving deeper into the topics discussed today, including links to articles, videos, and websites, visit the Corbett Report website for comprehensive show notes and comments. Stay tuned as James and James provide all the latest NWNW updates in anticipation of a two-week hiatus.

The Quran against the World Order:


Defeating a gatekeeper is a multifaceted endeavor that requires trust in one's judgment, critical thinking, self-awareness, and adaptability. While James offers valuable insights into this process, it's essential to remember that independent thinking should be coupled with humility and a willingness to change. As we navigate a world rife with information and persuasion tactics, our ability to discern truth from manipulation and remain open to new perspectives will be our most potent weapons against the pervasive influence of gatekeepers.

The Quran against the World Order:


Simultaneously, protests against the World Health Organization (WHO) have emerged in various parts of the world, reflecting growing public skepticism towards public health policies and mandates. The protesters, including healthcare workers and concerned citizens, are demanding transparency, accountability, and evidence-based decision-making from the WHO.

These protests underscore the importance of an informed and engaged public in holding institutions accountable. In an age where misinformation and censorship are rampant, independent journalism plays a vital role in providing alternative perspectives and empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

German 4/20: Cannabis Legalization Advocacy

On a lighter note, the German 4/20 event marks a significant moment in the global cannabis legalization movement. Celebrated on April 20th, the event advocates for the decriminalization and legalization of cannabis, highlighting its medicinal benefits and economic potential.

While cannabis legalization remains a contentious issue in many countries, events like the German 4/20 demonstrate the growing public support for reforming outdated drug policies. As with any social issue, it's essential to approach the debate with an open mind, considering both the potential benefits and risks associated with cannabis use.

The Power of Open Source Intelligence

Sometimes I forget how informed we are here. We see the bankers instigating wars, we see the puppets being selected to carry out these orders, we see the poison being added to the processed foods, we see the neurotoxins in the tap water… The other day a coworker asked me why I collect my own spring water when the tap water is “clean”. I gently mentioned that I can't trust the tap water in America and then I brought up the Fluoride lawsuit against the EPA.

He didn't look up the information I was telling him, he didn't ask me where I heard about this, he didn't care where I heard it, he just assumed I was crazy and changed the subject.

Freedom in New World Order:

The Quran against the World Order:


Episode 320 – Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War

Recent developments in the global energy market have added another layer of complexity to this narrative. One of the most significant energy stories of the year has been Russia's state-owned oil company, Rosneft, acquiring India's Essar Oil. This acquisition has granted Rosneft a formidable position in one of the world's largest emerging oil and gas markets. However, the plot thickened further when Rosneft announced the sale of a substantial stake to Chinese investors. CEFC China Energy, a relatively unknown exploration and production firm, is set to acquire a 14.16 percent stake in Rosneft, further intertwining China with the global energy landscape.

The implications of these transactions extend far beyond the immediate players involved. With China gaining indirect access to markets like India through Rosneft’s holdings, the geopolitical stakes are raised even higher. The energy sector has always been a critical battleground for global influence, and this latest development underscores China's increasing assertiveness in this arena.

A fascinating aspect of this story is the involvement of Glencore and Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund, who are selling their Rosneft stake to CEFC at a 25% loss, just nine months after their initial purchase for $12 billion. While this may appear to be a significant financial setback, it is essential to consider the broader strategic implications. Glencore, in the interim, was able to strike a lucrative deal to trade Rosneft's Russian crude, likely offsetting their losses on the equity sale and potentially profiting handsomely.

This complex web of energy deals and strategic alliances echoes the intricate alliances and ententes that characterized the lead-up to World War I. Just as Britain sought to contain Germany’s rising power through a series of diplomatic and military maneuvers, the United States is now navigating a delicate balancing act in its relations with China. The fear is that this rivalry could escalate into a full-blown conflict, dragging the world into another devastating war.

However, it is crucial to question whether this escalating rivalry is genuinely a result of irreconcilable national interests or if it is being manipulated by a select few to further their own agendas. Are we witnessing a genuine struggle for global dominance, or is this a carefully orchestrated conflict designed to consolidate power and wealth among a privileged elite?

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Freedom in New World Order:


This week on the New World Next Week: the new cold war heats up as the China bogeyman coverage intensifies; it's raining ZiGs as Zimbabwe unveils a new currency; and Gen Z signals interest in homeschooling their future children.

Freedom in New World Order:


Unraveling the Illusion: Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist

In the realm of geopolitics and global affairs, truths are often obscured by layers of misinformation and manipulation. One such example lies in the narrative surrounding the existence of Al Qaeda. The assertion that Al Qaeda is a tangible, independent entity, driven by anti-Western ideology and posing an imminent threat to global security, is deeply ingrained in the public consciousness. However, a closer examination reveals a different reality—one shaped by covert operations, geopolitical agendas, and vested interests.

Freedom in New World Order:


Interview 1862 – NATO Preps New Cold War Exercise –

The Warning from the Past:

The firsthand account of the 1978 NATO exercise offers a glimpse into the unsettling nature of war simulations. The sight of heavily armed forces, even in a staged scenario, left an indelible impression on those who witnessed it. Fast forward to the present, and recent warnings from British army chief emphasize the potential seriousness of current geopolitical tensions. The prospect of British citizens being called up for a "nationwide job" in the event of conflict with Russia harkens back to the historical context of the Cold War, serving as a stark reminder that the specter of war is not confined to the pages of history.

Quotations to Reflect Upon:

Corbett supplements his analysis with poignant quotations that encapsulate the complex nature of war and its consequences. Voltaire's assertion that those who can make you believe absurd things can also make you commit crimes underscores the power of manipulation in shaping public opinion. Meanwhile, Gandhi's response to the question about Western civilization being a good idea leaves room for contemplation, particularly in the context of modern conflicts. George W. Bush's declaration to export death and violence to defend the country stands in contrast to Heather Mallick's somber observation that humanity tends to learn nothing from war, merely repeating and perfecting its devastating cycles.

▶️ The road to unsurpassed freedom:


2023 Year in Review - - The Corbett Report

As we bid farewell to the year 2023, it's time to reflect on the multitude of ideas, discussions, and solutions brought forth by , the podcast that has become a beacon of hope and critical thinking in a world often clouded by confusion. In this comprehensive year-end edition, we delve into the feedback, updates, and commentary surrounding the episodes of 2023, examining what worked, what didn't, and how these ideas have been applied in the lives of the listeners.

The structure of the New World Order has been revealed:

As listeners grapple with the absence of a book, navigate suspicions surrounding certain conferences, and ponder the broader perspectives on global events, the podcast remains a valuable platform for critical thinking and alternative solutions. In a world poised for potential challenges, the quest for understanding and actionable solutions remains a beacon of hope in the twilight of the year.

Freedom in New World Order:


Have You Taken The Conspiracy Test? - Questions For Corbett
▶️ The road to unsurpassed freedom:

One of the key contentions within the conspiracy theory realm is the manipulation of data, allegedly orchestrated by a select few individuals with substantial financial backing. The claim posits that money not only distorts scientific findings but also maintains a facade of manipulation, likened to the widely accepted conspiracy of Santa Claus. The purported manipulation extends to influencers, lobbyists, and media outlets, diverting attention from objective scientific inquiry.

The structure of the New World Order has been revealed:


Corbett Report Radio 241 - UN Agenda 21 Exposed with Rosa Koire - The Corbett Report

Corbett Report Radio 241 served as a platform to scrutinize UN Agenda 21 with Rosa Koire's expert insights. From defining the agenda to examining its historical roots, discussing its implementation, and suggesting ways to resist, the episode provided a comprehensive overview. As individuals grapple with the implications of this global initiative, the conversation urges ongoing scrutiny, activism, and, ultimately, tangible action to safeguard individual rights and counter the far-reaching consequences of Agenda 21.

Freedom in New World Order:


Embracing Diversity in Learning - Reaching a New Target Audience

Open Source Education emerges as a powerful solution to the challenges plaguing traditional education. James Corbett's commitment to providing unbiased, accessible information aligns with the evolving needs of learners seeking alternative educational avenues. With its strategic positioning, OSE has the potential to reshape the educational landscape and empower individuals to think critically, free from external influence. As we navigate the complex terrain of education, Open Source Education stands as a beacon of enlightenment, inviting all to explore, question, and learn.

▶️ The road to unsurpassed freedom:


This week on the New World Next Week: the banksters and military-industrial profiteers celebrate as the right wing of the two-party illusion rises; the globalists prepare to carve up the world (and prevent you from eating meat) as they jet into Dubai for COP28; and Sports Illustrated gets caught publishing AI-generated articles by AI-generated fake writers who never existed.

Javier Milei emerges as a complex and multifaceted political figure, blending economic liberalism, skepticism of government control, and engagement with global forums. A deeper understanding of his economic perspectives, his vision for government, and the intricacies of his engagement with influential platforms like the WEF is essential to grasp the nuances of his political ideology. By exploring Milei's unique combination of economic principles and cultural influences, we can gain insights into the factors driving his appeal and inspiring hope in those seeking alternative political narratives. As we continue to unravel the layers of Milei's persona, it is crucial to approach the analysis with a discerning eye, recognizing the interplay of various elements shaping the trajectory of this intriguing figure in the realm of right-wing politics.
Freedom in New World Order:

Freedom's the Answer! (What's the Question?) -   - The Corbett Report The discourse begins by questioning the very found...

Freedom's the Answer! (What's the Question?) - - The Corbett Report

The discourse begins by questioning the very foundation of anarchism, highlighting the impracticality of advocating for a system that has never existed. The critique extends beyond philosophical considerations, emphasizing that anarchism, like an intellectual game, is often played by comfortable, smart, and well-off individuals. The burden of proof is placed on those suggesting the feasibility of a system that lacks historical precedence.

Moreover, the episode cautions against the disorganization inherent in anarchism, arguing that disorganized groups are perpetually susceptible to the will of organized ones. Historical examples, such as Mao and Pol Pot, underscore the potential dangers of ideologies that dismiss the need for organized governance. It is a stark reminder that power vacuums are often filled by those with the capacity to seize control, leading to the sobering realization that mass killers have historically thrived, while mere proponents of morality languish in ditches.

Freedom in the Face of Existential Threats:

The narrative takes a sharp turn towards the existential threats facing humanity, notably the potential collapse of civilization due to solar flares. The episode contends that amidst such impending crises, the emphasis on freedom becomes a paradox when the very survival of society is at stake. In a world where the sun intermittently emits super flares capable of disrupting electricity-dependent systems, the urgency to address collective vulnerabilities supersedes the abstract pursuit of an undefined freedom.

Immigration and Socioeconomic Realities:

The discussion extends to the contentious topic of immigration, challenging simplistic views on open borders. While acknowledging the perspective that prioritizes the interests of the smart and well-educated, the episode questions the morality of excluding the poor, sick, or less fortunate. The argument against unrestricted immigration revolves around the potential exploitation of labor, the erosion of wages, and the ultimate Malthusian consequences.

Drawing on contemporary examples, the mention of South Africa serves as a cautionary tale. The shift from a small elite managing the country to a situation characterized by economic decline and ethnic violence prompts reflection on the unintended consequences of drastic political transformations. The episode suggests that even in instances where the ruling elite may be perceived as unjust, the upheaval that follows can lead to dire consequences for the very populations seeking emancipation.


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