Celebrating Our Diversity
The COGOP marks this day as a celebration! From the inception of our movement we have been a people who understood and promoted the belief that everyone should eat at the same table in the Kingdom of God. We are grateful for the men and women who have worked and endured hardship to maintain the Church of God of Prophecy as a place where all persons are valued as equal in every respect and integrated fully into our fellowships. All people are welcome in the COGOP, and all means all. We believe the diversity in the Church of God of Prophecy beautifies it.
Prayer Brings the Power
General Overseer Sam Clements: Prayer Brings the Power
TONIGHT! Join with your brothers and sisters around the world to pray during the Night of Prayer Simulcast coming from the International Offices of the Church of God of Prophecy. 7 p.m. Eastern (US) time at cogop.org. Live prayer led by COGOP leaders and International Offices prayer warriors. Call in your requests by phone to the number below or write out your requests via Facebook on the Church of God of Prophecy (Official) page and the following English, Spanish, and French email addresses.
Phone 877‐800‐8432
Email [email protected]
Email [email protected]
Email [email protected]
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
Calling the Church of God of Prophecy . . .
Honoring Women
General Overseer Sam N. Clements honors the women of our movement in his Biennial Address at our most recent International Assembly.
Skinny Mirrors
“We filter our view of ourselves through our experience and the experiences of others, but the correct, no-holds-barred, high-definition snap-shot of our hearts can be found in the Bible.”—DeWayne Hamby, editor, “Perception Is Reality”
We're at the Florida state convention. Here's a taste of the Florida Sunshine Band from service tonight...
GIVEAWAY: Take a look at the beautiful 'The Christmas Story' pop-up book. Send your address to [email protected] for a chance to win it.
"I think about our Savior and how many glowing characteristics He was given before His arrival and how He reflected and rose above them all."—DeWayne Hamby, White Wing Messenger Editor, shares from his Christmas editorial.
During the Assembly, special honor was given to retiring White Wing Messenger artist Perry Horner. Here is a video of the presentation.
Some of the specials at the White Wing Messenger booth in the exhibit hall. #cogopunited
Announcement: We'll be kicking off an exciting subscription drive on Monday!