The Cleveland International Piano Competition is an organization dedicated to supporting the young artists who have made our musical heritage their life’s work. This is accomplished through four major programs and events, including the Cleveland International Piano Competition and Festival, the CIPC Young Artists Competition and Institute, the CIPC Concert Series, and ArtsConnect, a music-based co
mmunity outreach program. Within this framework, the organization presents two major international competitions: First is the Cleveland International Piano Competition for artists ages 18 to 30, which was founded in 1975. It attracts the best young piano talent from around the world to compete for top prizes; engages an audience of 10 to 15,000 over a period of 15 days; and culminates in two sold-out performances at Severance Hall that feature the four finalists performing with The Cleveland Orchestra. Second is CIPC Young Artists, for artists ages 12 to 17. A relatively new event, CIPC Young Artists is an international competition designed to provide a top-level competition and learning experience for very young pianists who have the talent and potential to engage in successful performance careers.