Due to the issues that arose while streaming on Facebook last night, I will not be streaming often on here (probably once a week).
Reasons I'm choosing to limit Facebook activity:
* Chat - issues regarding real time chat. Not all chat shows up during stream. I want to fully engage with viewers. If someone has a question or comment, I want to be able to address it as soon as possible, and not after the stream is done.
* Music - issues regarding Facebook wanting to mute parts of my stream, due to believing it is copyrighted music. The music referred to, is the music I play during the intro, and on short breaks. My music choices are not copyrighted, and royalty free music. The music I use is cited right on stream, showing the website I retained them from; the only stipulation for using the music.
I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. I will, in the future, come up with a schedule for when I will stream on Facebook, but will be very limited.
If you don't want to miss any of my daily streams, be sure to follow on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/salty_bacon101