Lawndale News

Lawndale News Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Lawndale News, Newspaper, P. O. BOX 50599, Cicero, IL.

El Hospital Infantil Saint Anthony Amplía su Servicio de Salud Mental para Personas de Alto Riesgo Supportive Psychiatry...

El Hospital Infantil Saint Anthony Amplía su Servicio de Salud Mental para Personas de Alto Riesgo

Supportive Psychiatry and Resilience for Kids (SPARK) es el más reciente servicio de ampliación en el Hospital Infantil Saint Anthony. SPARK será un servicio dedicado a ayudar a niños con necesidades de salud mental, incluyendo evaluaciones psiquiátricas, gestiones médicas, terapia individual, guía y apoyo a los padres, servicios de rehabilitación y colaboración y consultas escolares. SPARK está comprometido a ayudar al bienestar y la salud mental de niños y adolescentes. Con un personal experimentado y proveedores especializados, SPARK ha creado un ambiente seguro, atento y de apoyo para que los jóvenes prosperen. Viendo la demanda en su comunidad, el Hospital Infantil Saint Anthony desea prestar un servicio que pueda ayudar a los pacientes pediátricos a tener la salud mental que necesitan, sin tener que extender tiempo de espera para ver a un especialista. SPARK acepta la mayoría de planes de seguro, incluyendo Medicaid, está disponible a todos hasta los 18 años y puede programarse llamando al 773-446-2960. Para más información sobre SPARK, visite

Manténgase Abrigado este Fin de Semana La Ciudad de Chicago mantiene centros de calentamiento entre semana, cuando las t...

Manténgase Abrigado este Fin de Semana

La Ciudad de Chicago mantiene centros de calentamiento entre semana, cuando las temperaturas están a 32 grados y menos y las bibliotecas y las instalaciones del Distrito de Parques de Chicago están abiertas para quienes necesiten abrigo del frío. Si usted necesita ayuda social o en salud, que no sea emergencia, llame al 3-1-1. A continuación algunos consejos sobre como mantenerse abrigado & seguro:

• Vista varias capas de ropa suelta y abrigada, poniendo atención especial en mantener abrigados su cabeza, manos y pies.

• Use sombrero, bufanda y guantes.

• Manténgase tan seco como sea posible – estar mojado hace que su cuerpo pierda calor mucho más pronto que lo normal.

• Evite las bebidas alcohólicas, como el alcohol dilata los vasos sanguíneos el cuerpo pierde más rápidamente el calor.

• Tenga precaución cuando utilice calentadores eléctricos y no deje en el área ropas o frazadas.

• Los hornos y quemadores de gas nunca deben usarse para calentar la casa.

• El Naloxona/Narcan se congela a temperaturas inferiores a 5 grados Fahrenheit. Si alguien sufre una sobredosis, no espere a que se descongele, llame al 9-1-1.

• Evite el alcohol ya que puede causar que su cuerpo pierda el calor con más rapidez.

• Tenga cuidado al usar calentadores eléctricos – manténgalos lejos de ropas y frazadas.

• Nunca utilice hornos o quemadores de gas para calentar su casa.

El Centro Espacial y Terrestre Cernan de Triton College Presenta Laser Taylor Swift este Invierno ¿Estás listo? El Centr...

El Centro Espacial y Terrestre Cernan de Triton College Presenta Laser Taylor Swift este Invierno

¿Estás listo? El Centro Espacial y Terrestre Cernan de Triton College te invita a disfrutar el show de luz cósmica Laser Taylor Swift, los sábados de febrero – Feb. 1, 8, 15 y 22 a las 8:30 p.m. Este show de 45 minutos combina la deslumbrante luz láser, miles de estrellas y asombrosos efectos digitales, acoplados a la música de Taylor Swift. El show da la bienvenida a “Swifties” de todas las edades y les promete tener una experiencia inolvidable para toda la familia. Este show es sumamente popular y los asientos son limitados. Los boletos cuestan $10 adultos, $5 adultos mayores (55 y más) y $5 niños (2-17). Nota: Los boletos solo pueden comprarse en nuestra tienda Star Store el día del show, comenzando a la 1 p.m. entre semana y a las 6:30 p.m. los fines de semana. No hay venta de boletos por adelantado o en línea. Los estudiantes, la facultad y el personal del Triton entran gratis con una identificación válida. El horario del Centro Espacial y Terrestre del Triton es de lunes a jueves, 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.; el Viernes, 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.; y el sábado, de 6:30 -9:30 p.m. El Centro Cernan está cerrado los domingos. Para seguir el Centro Espacial y Terrestre Cernan en el Facebook, visitar

'Lista Para la Segunda Ronda': La Congresista Ramírez Servirá Como Miembro de Rango en el Subcomité de VA La Congresista...

'Lista Para la Segunda Ronda': La Congresista Ramírez Servirá Como Miembro de Rango en el Subcomité de VA

La Congresista Delia C. Ramírez (IL-03) anunció que servirá como Miembro de Ranking para el Subcomité de Supervisión e Investigaciones del Comité de Asuntos de Veteranos de la Cámara de Representantes durante el Congreso 119. La Congresista Ramírez regresa al comité después de introducir y pasar exitosamente una legislación para restaurar los beneficios de educación para los veteranos defraudados durante el último Congreso. "La misión de la Administración Trump y DOGE de presentar los servicios vitales del VA como una fuga de dinero no es una coincidencia. El suyo es un esfuerzo muy concentrado en privatizar y desmantelar el mejor plan que tenemos para implementar políticas centradas en las personas que son populares entre los trabajadores estadounidenses – desde cuidado de salud a vivienda y educación. Como miembro de Ranking del Subcomité de Vigilancia e Investigaciones, estoy lista para luchar contra sus esfuerzos por desmantelar la fuerza de trabajo organizada, desviar dinero a los bolsillos de los amigos multimillonarios de Trump y convencernos de que la atención médica y la vivienda para todos es imposible, dijo la Congresista Ramírez. El Subcomité de Supervisión e Investigaciones tiene jurisdicción de supervisión e investigación sobre asuntos de veteranos en general, tecnología de la información y adquisiciones en general, y sobre otros asuntos que el Presidente del Comité en pleno pueda remitir al Subcomité para su supervisión o investigación y para sus recomendaciones apropiadas. El Subcomité tiene jurisdicción legislativa sobre tales proyectos o resoluciones que le remite el Presidente del Comité en pleno.

El Zoológico Lincoln Park da la Bienvenida a una Pareja de Tamarinos Emperador Barbudos ¡Lincoln Park Zoo tiene dos nuev...

El Zoológico Lincoln Park da la Bienvenida a una Pareja de Tamarinos Emperador Barbudos

¡Lincoln Park Zoo tiene dos nuevos residentes primates! Los tamarinos emperador Sal y Feta se han instalado en su habitat en la casa para pequeños mamíferos y reptiles de Regenstein. Los monos tienen unos llamativos bigotes blancos que se enroscan bajo sus barbillas y largas colas rojo doradas que pueden ser hasta de 16 pulgadas de largo. Sal, un macho de ocho años y Feta, una hembra de 4 años vienen a Lincoln Park Zoo con una recomendación de crianza, con una recomendación de cría a través del Plan de Supervivencia de Especies del Tamarino Emperador Barbudo®. Este es un esfuerzo colaborativo de gestión poblacional entre instituciones dentro de la Asociación de Zoológicos y Acuarios. La esperanza es que los dos se reproducirán una vez que estén completamente familiarizados uno con otro y crezca la población. Sal llegó de Chattanooga Zoo en Tennessee y Feta llegó de Buttonwood Park Zoo en New Bedford, Massachusetts. Para más información sobre el Zoológico de Lincoln Park, visite

El Congresista García Comparte Información en Español Sobre los Derechos de los Inmigrantes Al tomar Donald Trump la ofi...

El Congresista García Comparte Información en Español Sobre los Derechos de los Inmigrantes

Al tomar Donald Trump la oficina y en vista de las palabras de los funcionarios que serán parte de su administración, de convertir a Chicago en la "zona cero" de las deportaciones, el Congresista Jesús “Chuy” García (IL-04) compartió un mensaje con la comunidad inmigrante en su distrito a través de sus plataformas sociales. El video destaca los derechos constitucionales que tienen los inmigrantes en Estados Unidos. “Yo soy el Congresista Jesús “Chuy” García, soy el primer inmigrante de Chicago electo para el Congreso. Como su Congresista, continuaré luchando para defender los derechos de la gente a quien represento, ya sean inmigrantes o no. Pero si tú eres un inmigrante deberías conocer tus derechos si te encuentras con un oficial de inmigración: Tienes el derecho de permanecer callado y comunicarte con un abogado; No des ninguna información voluntariamente; No tienes que decirles tu estado migratorio o tu lugar de nacimiento; no muestres o uses ningún documento o documentos fraudulentos con un nombre falso; No tienes que firmar ningún documento sin consultar con un abogado; Pide ver una orden legal antes de abrir la puerta si un oficial de inmigración viene a tu casa o a tu trabajo; Si tienes preguntas sobre inmigración, llama a mi oficina al número a continuación. Para comunicarte con la oficina del Congresista Jesús “Chuy” García en los suburbios del oeste, llama al (773) 342-0774 o a la oficina del sudoeste de Chicago al (773) 475-0833.

Rogers Park Business Alliance Crea Nuevo Centro de Empoderamiento EmpresarialPor Ashmar Mandou Rogers Park Business Alli...

Rogers Park Business Alliance Crea Nuevo Centro de Empoderamiento Empresarial

Por Ashmar Mandou

Rogers Park Business Alliance anuncia con entusiasmo que un nuevo Centro de Empoderamiento Económico del Estado de Illinois abrirá sus puertas a la comunidad, entre otras ampliaciones de su programa de asistencia comercial bilingüe, sin costo alguno, Grow/Progresando. El anuncio llega en el quinto aniversario de su programa Progresando. Grow/Progresando es un programa comercial empresarial bianual que ofrece servicios tanto en inglés como en español y equipa a los participantes con conocimiento empresarial, experta asistencia técnica, referencia a recursos y apoyo especializado.
“Quería abrir mi negocio pero no sabía como empezar. Vía PROGRESANDO, tuve todo lo que necesitaba, un plan de negocios, un presupuesto, estrategias de mercadeo, el lugar correcto y licencias comerciales, un contador, una cuenta bancaria comercial, una página web y mucho más. RPBA siempre busca la forma de ayudar a los empresarios y haber sabido sobre PROGRESANDO antes de abrir mi salón de belleza, hizo toda una diferencia. Gracias, PROGRESANDO”, dijo Ana Coronel, propietaria de Identity Salon.
Los servicios incluyen asistencia comercial vía un nuevo Centro de Empoderamiento Económico de Illinois, con énfasis en comunidades históricamente marginadas, cohortes bianuales de entrenamiento empresarial cada primavera y verano, con un currículo ampliado, nuevos seminarios web y talleres basados en sugerencias de propietarios de negocios, Business Accessibility Toolkit (BAT), el programa de asistencia a la pequeña empresa y un Escritorio de Ayuda de RPBA.
“El programa GROW me ayudó a pasar de una idea a una comprensión concreta de lo que necesitaba para iniciar mi negocio. Los facilitadores del programa fueron alentadores y realistas sobre los desafíos involucrados y fue fantástico conectarme con otros participantes y aprender de sus experiencias. Ya sea que necesiten estructura, camaradería o información para progresar en su pequeña empresa, yo animo a todos a inscribirse”, dijo una anterior participante Emma Rubin, aspirante a propietaria de negocio.
El Nuevo Centro de Empoderamiento Económico le brindará asistencia comercial sin costo alguno a minorías, mujeres y personas discapacitadas, trabajadores desocupados, veteranos y jóvenes empresarios. La próxima sesión en español de PROGRESANDO será del 3 de febrero al 24 de marzo, los lunes, de 6 a 8 p.m. La fecha límite para inscribirse para PROGRESANDO es el 31 de enero. La próxima sesión de GROW en inglés es de 8 semanas, del 6 de febrero al 27 de marzo, los jueves, de 6 a 8 p.m. La inscripción para GROW está completa y la fecha límite para registrarse en la lista de espera es el 31 de enero. Para más información sobre asistencia a la pequeña empresa provista por RPBA y para inscribirse, visite Para más información, visite

Photo Caption (De Izq a Der.) Sesiones de entrenamiento de GROW/PROGRESANDO; la particpante Michelle Moore vendiendo sus productos en Glenwood Sunday Market. Fotos cortesía de Rogers Park Business Alliance.

Crédito Fotográfico: Rogers Park Business Alliance

Saint Anthony Children’s Hospital Expands into Mental Health Service for those Most at RiskSupportive Psychiatry and Res...

Saint Anthony Children’s Hospital Expands into Mental Health Service for those Most at Risk
Supportive Psychiatry and Resilience for Kids (SPARK) is the newest expansion of services at Saint Anthony Children’s Hospital. SPARK will be a dedicated service to help children with their mental health needs, including psychiatric evaluations, medical management, individual therapy, parent guidance and support, rehab services, and school collaboration and consultations. SPARK is committed to supporting children and teens’ mental health and well-being. Filled with an experienced staff and specialized providers, SPARK has created a safe, caring, and supportive environment for young people to thrive. Seeing the demand in its community, Saint Anthony Children’s Hospital wanted to deliver a service that can assist pediatric patients in getting the mental help they need, without having extended wait times to see a specialist. SPARK accepts most insurance plans, including Medicaid, and is available to anyone up to 18 years old and can be scheduled by calling 773-446-2960. For more information about SPARK, please visit
Photo Credit: Saint Anthony Hospital

Violence Prevention RFP Now OpenChicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) is inviting Requests for Proposals (RFPs) fro...

Violence Prevention RFP Now Open
Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) is inviting Requests for Proposals (RFPs) from organizations to enhance trauma-informed victim services across the city. The initiative will expand support available to those affected by violence, by integrating existing community outreach efforts. The key aims will include building a network of victim support organizations in 15 priority areas, strengthening trauma-informed support for victims and survivors of violence, and promoting cohesion among initiatives to improve service delivery. Assistance, both practical and emotional, will focus on 11 of these community areas, and financial relief can be accessed through the Emergency Supplemental Victims Fund. All suppliers are required to register under the iSupplier portal at prior to reviewing and submitting a proposal. Upon registering, organizations may review and respond to the RFP application here: City of Chicago eProcurement Solicitations. The deadline for questions or concerns about proposals is Tuesday January 21, 2025, at 5 p.m. CST. All proposals are due no later than Monday, February 10, 2025, at noon.

Stay Warm in the Cold This WeekendThe City of Chicago maintains warming centers on weekdays when temperatures are 32 deg...

Stay Warm in the Cold This Weekend
The City of Chicago maintains warming centers on weekdays when temperatures are 32 degrees and below, and libraries and Chicago Parks District facilities are open for those who need shelter from the cold. If you're in need of non-emergency health or social support, call 3-1-1 for help. Here are some additional tips on how to stay warm & safe:
• Wear several layers of loose, warm clothing, paying special attention to keeping your head, ears, hands and feet warm.
• Wear a hat, scarf, and gloves.
• Stay as dry as possible - being wet makes your body lose heat much faster than normal.
• Avoid alcoholic beverages, as alcohol dilates blood vessels, which makes the body lose heat faster.
• Use caution when using electric heaters and clear the area of clothing and blankets.
• Gas ovens and burners should never be used to heat your home.
• Naloxone/Narcan freezes below 5 degrees Fahrenheit. If someone is experiencing an overdose, do not wait for it to thaw, call 9-1-1.
• Avoid alcohol, as it can cause your body to lose heat more quickly.
• Use electric heaters with care—keep them clear of clothing and blankets.
• Never use gas ovens or burners to heat your home.

The Triton College Cernan Earth and Space Center Presents Laser Taylor Swift this WinterAre you ready for it? The Triton...

The Triton College Cernan Earth and Space Center Presents Laser Taylor Swift this Winter
Are you ready for it? The Triton College Cernan Earth and Space Center invites you to enjoy the Laser Taylor Swift cosmic light show on Saturdays in February – Feb. 1, 8, 15 and 22, 8:30 p.m. This 45-minute show combines dazzling laser light, thousands of stars and stunning digital effects, set to the music of Taylor Swift. The show welcomes “Swifties” of all ages and promises to be an unforgettable experience for the whole family. This show is extremely popular and seats are limited. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for seniors (55 and over) and $5 for children (2-17). Note: Tickets can only be purchased in our Star Store the day of the show beginning at 1 p.m. on weekdays or 6:30 p.m. on weekends. There are no advance or online ticket sales. Triton students, faculty and staff are admitted free with a valid ID. The Triton College Cernan Earth and Space Center hours are Monday-Thursday, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; and Saturday, 6:30-9:30 p.m. The Cernan Center is closed on Sundays. To follow the Cernan Earth and Space Center on Facebook, visit
Photo Credit: Triton College

Illinois Families, Schools Unite to Celebrate School Choice WeekFamilies looking for a new K-12 education option this fa...

Illinois Families, Schools Unite to Celebrate School Choice Week
Families looking for a new K-12 education option this fall can find out about their choices and start the process of choosing through fun and family-friendly events taking place all across the state this January. Illinois schools and organizations are planning 1,049 celebrations out of the more than 27,000 events taking place nationwide to celebrate National School Choice Week’s 15th anniversary. School choice allows families to select the learning environment that works best for their children, whether it is traditional public school, public charter school, public magnet school, private school, online learning, homeschooling, or microschooling. With options expanding in many places, parents are better positioned than ever to find the place where their children will learn, thrive, and succeed. A January 2025 survey conducted by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation revealed that more than 60 percent of parents explored new schools for their children in the last 12 months, highlighting the high demand for K–12 education options in 2024. National School Choice Week takes place in January each year to encourage families to start their school searches early; the Week raises awareness and shares practical information for parents as they explore their local K–12 options. To download a guide or find a celebration close to you for coverage or photos, visit

‘Ready for Round 2,’ Congresswoman Ramirez to Serve as Ranking Member in VA SubcommitteeCongresswoman Delia C. Ramirez (...

‘Ready for Round 2,’ Congresswoman Ramirez to Serve as Ranking Member in VA Subcommittee
Congresswoman Delia C. Ramirez (IL-03) announced she will serve as Ranking Member for the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee during the 119th Congress. Congresswoman Ramirez returns to the committee after successfully introducing and passing legislation to restore education benefits for defrauded veterans during the last Congress. “The Trump Administration and DOGE’s mission to paint vital VA services as a money drain is not a coincidence. Theirs is a laser-focused effort to privatize and dismantle the best blueprint we have to implement people-centered policies popular among working Americans – from health care to housing to education. As the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, I am ready to fight against their efforts to dismantle the organized labor force, divert money to the pockets of Trump’s billionaire friends, and convince us that healthcare and housing for all are impossibilities," said Congresswoman Ramirez. The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations has oversight and investigative jurisdiction over veterans' matters generally, information technology and procurement generally, and over such matters as may be referred to the Subcommittee by the Chair of the full Committee for its oversight or investigation and for its appropriate recommendations. The Subcommittee has legislative jurisdiction over such bills or resolutions as may be referred to it by the Chair of the full Committee.
Photo Credit: Office of Congresswoman Delia C. Ramirez

NHS Temporarily Closes West Side Location for Exciting Redevelopment ProjectNeighborhood Housing Services of Chicago (NH...

NHS Temporarily Closes West Side Location for Exciting Redevelopment Project
Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago (NHS) is announcing the temporary closure of our West Side office at 3601 W. Chicago Avenue to make way for an innovative redevelopment project. This transformation is part of the City of Chicago’s INVEST South/West initiative and will bring new opportunities to the area while enhancing our ability to serve the community. NHS West Side office covers neighborhoods such as Humboldt Park, East Garfield Park, West Garfield Park, North Lawndale, South Lawndale, and Austin. Services are available online and at our other locations:
• Central Office: 850 W. Jackson Boulevard, 5th Floor (West Loop)
• South Side Hub: 639 E. 87th Street (Chatham)
The redevelopment project, known as “The AVE,” will include 52 units of affordable housing, retail space, community amenities, and a state-of-the-art NHS office. Spearheaded by KMW Communities and the Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH), this effort represents a significant investment in the vitality of the Chicago Avenue corridor and surrounding blocks, with $250 million in funding through the Department of Planning and Development. For assistance, please call us at 773-329-4111 or email [email protected].

Lincoln Park Zoo Welcomes a Pair of Mustachioed Emperor TamarinsLincoln Park Zoo has two new petite primate residents! E...

Lincoln Park Zoo Welcomes a Pair of Mustachioed Emperor Tamarins
Lincoln Park Zoo has two new petite primate residents! Emperor tamarins Sal and Feta have settled into their habitat in Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House. The monkeys have striking white mustaches that curl under their chins and long golden-red tails that can reach up to 16 inches long. Sal, an 8-year-old male, and Feta, a 4-year-old female, come to Lincoln Park Zoo with a breeding recommendation through the Bearded Emperor Tamarin Species Survival Plan®. This is a collaborative population management effort among institutions within the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. The hope is that the two will reproduce once they’re fully acquainted with each other and grow the population. Sal arrived from Chattanooga Zoo in Tennessee and Feta arrived from the Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford, Massachusetts. For more information about Lincoln Park Zoo, visit
Photo Credit: Lincoln Park Zoo

Congressman Garcia Shares Information in Spanish about Immigrant RightsAs Donald Trump takes office and in light of rema...

Congressman Garcia Shares Information in Spanish about Immigrant Rights
As Donald Trump takes office and in light of remarks from officials who will be part of his administration to make Chicago “ground zero” for deportations, Congressman Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (IL-04) shared a message with the immigrant community in his district through his social media platforms. The video highlights the constitutional rights that immigrants have in the United States. “I am Congressman Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, I am the first immigrant from Chicago elected to Congress. As your Congressman, I will continue to fight to defend the rights of the people I represent, whether they are immigrants or not. But if you are an immigrant, you should know your rights if you have an encounter with an immigration officer: You have the right to remain silent and contact an attorney; Do not give them any information voluntarily; You do not have to tell them your immigration status or your place of birth; Do not show or use any fraudulent documents or documents with a false name; You do not have to sign any documents without consulting an attorney; Ask to see a legal order before opening the door if an immigration officer comes to your home or work; If you have questions about immigration, call my office at the number below. To contact Congressman Jesus “Chuy” Garcia’s office in the Western Suburbs, call (773) 342-0774 or the Southwest Chicago office at (773) 475-0833.

Rogers Park Business Alliance Creates New Business Empowerment Center By: Ashmar Mandou Rogers Park Business Alliance ex...

Rogers Park Business Alliance Creates New Business Empowerment Center
By: Ashmar Mandou
Rogers Park Business Alliance excitedly announces a new State of Illinois Economic Empowerment Center will be opening their doors to the community, among other expansions of its no-cost bilingual business assistance program, Grow/Progresando. The announcement comes at the fifth anniversary of the Progresando program. Grow/Progresando is biannual entrepreneurial business program that provides services in both English and Spanish and equips participants with entrepreneurial knowledge, expert technical assistance, resource referral, and specialty support.
“I wanted to open my business but did not know how to start. Via PROGRESANDO, I gained everything that I needed, from a business plan, a budget, marketing strategies, the right location, and business licenses, to an accountant, a business banking account, a website, and much more. RPBA is always looking for ways to help entrepreneurs, and having learned about PROGRESANDO before opening my beauty salon made all the difference. Thank you, PROGRESANDO,” said Ana Coronel, owner of Identity Salon.
Services provided include business assistance via a new State of Illinois Economic Empowerment Center with an emphasis on historically marginalized communities, biannual entrepreneurial training cohorts every Spring and Fall with an expanded curriculum, new webinars and workshops based on suggestions from business owners, Business Accessibility Toolkit (BAT) small business assistance program, and an RPBA Help Desk.
“The GROW program helped me move from an idea to a concrete understanding of what is needed in order to launch my business. Program facilitators were both encouraging and realistic about the challenges involved, and it was great to connect with other participants and learn from their experiences. Whether you need some structure, camaraderie, or information to make progress on your small business, I encourage everyone to sign up,” said former participant Emma Rubin, an aspiring business owner.
The new Economic Empowerment Center will provide no-cost business assistance to minorities, women, and individuals with a disability, dislocated workers, veterans, and youth entrepreneurs. The next Spanish session PROGRESANDO will run from February 3 to March 24, on Mondays from 6 - 8 p.m. The deadline to register for PRGRESANDO is January 31. The next English session GROW runs 8 weeks from February 6 to March 27, on Thursdays from 6 – 8 p.m. The registration for GROW is full with a deadline to register for the waitlist being January 31. For more information on the small business assistance provided by RPBA and to sign up, visit For more information, visit
Photo Caption (Left to Right) GROW/PROGRESANDO training sessions; participant Michelle Moore vending her products at Glenwood Sunday Market. Photos courtesy of Rogers Park Business Alliance.
Photo Credit: Rogers Park Business Alliance



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