*Clarity Episode Four: Mental Health Q&A with Susan Riley*
Reyna Garcia, Luisa Oliver & Tom Gaulke join special guest Susan Riley, MA, LCPC, CADC, EMDR, raising questions about mental health awareness, destigmatization, inequities, the role of therapy in communities of faith, and more. Hope you love it.
*Episode 3: Giving*
In this week’s episode, Reyna Garcia and Tom Gaulke speak to the topic of ‘giving,’ sharing from a treasure trove of personal stories and lived experiences. Expectations, ideals, disappointments, boundary-making, resolutions, and sacred surprises are all a part of this episode’s journey. Join us!
Peace, All!
We're really excited to release episode two today. In it, we tackle the topic of faith--as well as its relation to hope, resentment, acceptance, and so much more. Hope you'll give it a listen.
In future episodes, we plan to invite others into the conversation. If there's something you'd like to discuss or wonder out loud about, please reach out to Reyna or Tom.
Keep the faith.
Peace, all! Merry Christmas! And look at this present for you!
Our very first Clarity podcast!
Today's topic is Love and Alcoholism. Reyna Garcia speaks from her personal experience regarding both.
We hope you love it!
Watch (well... listen) here on Facebook or over on YouTube: