big shoutout to @Trentvecc23 for making this trigger seem way cooler than I could've ever imagined 🤣🫡 iykyk lol #asmr #oddlysatisfying #tingles #tappingasmr #mouthsoundsasmr #soothing #relaxing
which one is your fav?👇🏻the full version is OUT NOW on my ▶️ channel‼️have you seen it yet?👀 #asmr #oddlysatisfying #clickyasmr #mouthsounds #mouthsoundsasmr #triggerwords #asmrtriggerwords #satisfying #satisfyingvideos #relaxing #sleep #personalattentionasmr
which one did you prefer?👇🏻I like the tapping on the s'mores more but the rise on the pumpkin is a bit more satisfying to me😍🫠 lmk what you think! also the full version of these triggers is in one of my recent ▶️ vids! #asmr #oddlysatisfying #squishyasmr #squishy #squish #figettoys #mouthsounds #tappingasmr #tapping #asmrtapping #relaxing #soothing #satisfying #satisfyingvideo #sleepy #sleepasmr
use code MELLOWMADDY @FREEZIES freeze dried TREATS 🥳 which one do you think was my favorite based on my reactions?🤔👇🏻also these would make the perfect valentine's day treat for you or a loved one!🥰💗✨ #asmr #freezedriedcandy #crunchy #crunchyasmr #eatingasmr #asmreating #mouthsounds #mouthsoundsasmr #relaxing #funnyasmr #mukbang #asmrcandy #candyasmr #ValentinesDay #valentinescandy #freezedriedskittles #freezedried #oddlysatisfying #satisfying #satisfyingvideos
eww why does it sound like that?🥴also, it's even more broken cuz the sounds are a bit delayed sometimes!😩 #asmr #clickyasmr #clickykeyboard #keyboardasmr #mouthsounds #mouthsoundsasmr #oddlysatisfying #satisfying #relaxing #soothing #tinglyasmr #tinglesounds #whispering #clickywhisper
who's confused? I can already hear the comments screaming😂 #asmr #haircutasmr #haircuttingasmr #oddlysatisfying #mouthsounds #hairbrushing #hairbrushasmr #hairbrushingasmr #cursedasmr #relaxing #funnyasmr #whispering
can't believe I put on both😂 which set is your fav?👀👇🏻 thanks @Glamnetic for these cute nails!💖 #fakenailasmr #glamnetic #nailtappingasmr #fakenailtappingasmr #teethtapping #teethtappingasmr #fabricscratching #mouthsounds #mouthsoundsasmr #oddlysatisfying #whisper #nailapplication #valentinesasmr #ValentinesDay
car ride at the end!🚗 which one was your fav?👇🏻 have you seen the full 2+HR long version OUT NOW on my ▶️ channel?👀🥰 #asmr #oddlysatisfying #mouthsounds #oddlysatisfyingvideo #lighttriggers #lighttriggersasmr #mouthsoundsasmr #carrideasmr #lightsaberasmr #asmrfocustest #xmarksthespot #spiderwebasmr
which one do you prefer?🤔 1 or 2?👇🏻 #oddlysatisfying #micscratching #micscratchingasmr #energyrainasmr #asmrenergyrain #mouthsounds #thisorthatasmr #asmrmictriggers #tingles #asmrsleep #whisper #satisfyingvideo
speaking of stars, a full 1HR star slinky light trigger ▶️ vid is FINALLY out on my channel!👀⭐️🤩 so go check it out! thanks @Amanda J ASMR✨ for letting me use this! it's soo mesmerizing😍 did you like the sounds and visuals?👇🏻 #asmr #visualasmr #asmrscratching #asmrmouthsounds #scratchasmr #asmrsleep #soothingasmr #oddlysatisfying #satisfying #satisfy
go watch the full 1HR version OUT NOW on my ▶️ channel‼️which one was your fav?🥰👇🏻 #asmr #oddlysatisfying #lipglossasmr #oddlysatisfying #mouthsounds #fakenailsasmr #relaxvideos #tappingasmrsounds #asmrtapping #unicornbrushasmr
go watch the full 1HR version OUT NOW on my ▶️ channel‼️which one was your fav?🥰👇🏻 #asmr #oddlysatisfying #lipglossasmr #oddlysatisfying #mouthsounds #fakenailsasmr #relaxvideos #tappingasmrsounds #asmrtapping #unicornbrushasmr