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Dear Friends – Perhaps you are like me - striving to Speak with the Stars..? There is always a lot being said thru the v...

Dear Friends – Perhaps you are like me - striving to Speak with the Stars..? There is always a lot being said thru the various celestial alignments, & we can join the discussion. How will we steer the conversation?

I came across this today:

NASA has teamed up with the military industrial complex to create DART = Double Asteroid Redirection Test.

DART was launched by a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from one of the U.S. Space Force bases - the newest branch of the armed forces dedicated to space operations & ‘security’.

It was sent to crash into a distant asteroid moon, a tiny body called Dimorphos. The DART mission, launched on 24 November 2021 & reached the binary asteroid Didymos on 26 September 2022, colliding with its satellite Dimorphos.

It blasted more than 2 million pounds of asteroidal rock & dust into space. And now scientists say this debris kicked up from asteroid Dimorphos, in the name of planetary defense – might create the 1st-ever human-made meteor shower.

The rocks & dust could hit Mars as soon as seven years from now - & strike Earth’s atmosphere within 10 years.

The name Dimorphos is derived from a Greek word (Δίμορφος) meaning 'having two forms'

The justification for the name reads: "As the target of the DART & Hera space missions, it will become the first celestial body in cosmic history whose form was substantially changed as a result of human intervention (the DART impact)".

The Hera spacecraft (named after the Greek goddess married to Zeus) was launched on 7 October 2024 aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch vehicle - it will study the results of the DART impactor.

10. The Influence of the Backward Angels - Vol. 177. The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (1993) - Rudolf Steiner Archive
Then I came across this Lecture by Rudolf Steiner given on this day 20 Octiber in 1917

Excerpt from: Fall of the Spirits of Darkness LECTURE 10 – The Influence of the Backward Angels

The masses of humanity go through life as if asleep, without thought; they are completely unaware of what is going on in groups, some of them quite large, which may be right next door. Today, more than ever, people are much given up to illusion. Just consider the way in which many people keep saying today: ‘lt is amazing how effective modern communications are and how this brings people together!

I have spoken of this to show that it is entirely possible today for the mass of people to know nothing of radically new developments which are right on their doorstep.

The ahrimanic powers will also thrive if people nurture the elements which they desire to spread among people today: prejudice, ignorance and fear of the life of the spirit. There is no better way of encouraging them.

Just think how many people there are today who actually make it their business to foster prejudice, ignorance and fear of the spiritual powers.

So you see, the people who consider themselves to be the most enlightened today are living with entirely unrealistic ideas.

Since 1879 the situation is like this: people go to school and acquire scientific attitudes and thinking; their philosophy of life is then based on this scientific approach and they believe only the things which can be perceived in the world around us to be real, whilst everything else is purely imaginary. When people think like this, and infinitely many people do so today, Ahriman has the upper hand in the game and the ahrimanic powers are doing well. Who are these ahrimanic powers which have established their fortresses in human minds since 1879? They are certainly not human. They are angels, but they are backward angels, angels who are not following their proper course of evolution and therefore no longer know how to perform their proper function in the spiritual world that is next to our own. If they still knew how to do it, they would not have been cast down in 1879. They now want to perform their function with the aid of human brains. They are one level lower in human brains than they should be. ‘Monistic’ thinking, as it is called today, is not really done by humans. People often speak of the science of economics today, a science in which it was said at the time when the war started that it would be over in four months — I mentioned this again yesterday. When these things are said by scientists — it does not matter so much if people merely repeat them — they are the thoughts of angels who have made themselves at home in human heads. Yes, the human intellect is to be taken over more and more by such powers; they want to use it to bring their own lives to fruition. We cannot stand up to this by putting our heads in the sand like ostriches, but only by consciously entering into the experience. We cannot deal with this by not knowing what monists think, for example, but only by knowing it; we must also know that it is Ahriman science, the science of backward angels who infest human heads, and we must know about the truth and the reality.

It is indeed true, and initiates have always said so: ‘When human beings are filled with spiritual wisdom, these are great horrors of darkness for the ahrimanic powers and a consuming fire. It feels good to the ahrimanic angels to dwell in heads filled with ahrimanic science; but heads filled with spiritual wisdom are like a consuming fire and the horrors of darkness to them.’ If we consider this in all seriousness we can feel: filled with spiritual wisdom we go through the world in a way which allows us to establish the right relationship with the ahrimanic powers; doing the things we do in the light of this, we build a place for the consuming fire of sacrifice for the salvation of the world, the place where the terror of darkness radiates out over the harmful ahrimanic element.

Let those ideas and feelings enter into you! You will then be awake and see the things that go on in the world. ~Rudolf Steiner

A severe solar storm sparked by an intense coronal flare from the Sun reached "extreme" levels bombarding Earth - trigge...

A severe solar storm sparked by an intense coronal flare from the Sun reached "extreme" levels bombarding Earth - triggering a "severe" geomagnetic storm - could this be connected to the recent hurricanes & flooding - & the ongoing war in the Middle East...?
From Symptom to Reality in Modern History, GA 185, Lecture III
“The statement that man's inclination to resort to war is connected with the periodic appearance of sun spots is, of course, regarded as absurd. But there comes a point when statements of this kind cease to be absurd, when certain pathological manifestations in the emotional life of humanity are seen to be connected with cosmological phenomena such as the periodic appearance of sun spots.
In phenomena of this kind we must realize that just as behind the symptoms of history we are dealing with psychic and spiritual experiences, so too behind somatic symptoms we are dealing with experiences of a cosmological order…What is especially important here is the rhythmic course of cosmic events, and it is this that we must study. We must ask ourselves: In what constellation were we living when, in the nineties, the present influenza epidemic appeared in its benign form? In what cosmic constellation are we living at the present time? By virtue of what cosmic rhythm does the influenza epidemic of the nineties appear in a more acute form today? Just as we must look for a rhythm behind a series of historical symptoms, so we must look for a rhythm behind the appearance of certain epidemics…” ~Rudolf Steiner
We read this at the recent BD Conference: Agriculture Course, GA 327, Lecture I, 7 June 1924, Koberwitz
“:…If these things were studied more intimately, we should for example have a better understanding of many things that happen in the social life by observing the periodicity of the Sun-spots. People only fail to observe these things because that in human life which corresponds to the periodicity of the Sun-spots does not begin when they begin, nor does it cease when they cease…” ~Rudolf Steiner

Greetings Friends – During this Michaelmas Season, as we head into All Souls, a shift occurs within us, echoing outside ...

Greetings Friends – During this Michaelmas Season, as we head into All Souls, a shift occurs within us, echoing outside of us in Nature, & reflected in various cultural expressions & traditions.
Yom Kippur, the Day of At-one-ment, comes 10 days after Rosh Hashanah, & is the culmination of the entire High Holy Day drama. It is the Holiest Day of the Jewish year or, as the Bible describes it, the “Sabbath of Sabbaths”. During the 24 hours of Yom Kippur, the biblical commandment to fast from food & water, while engaging in intense soul-searching, & praying for forgiveness is practiced. Yom Kippur is a day of inner purification & of reconciliation with the creator & with our fellow human beings. It is a reminder of the frailty of human existence & our duty to act charitably toward the less fortunate.

This ancient tradition is just as important now as it was for our ancestors, maybe even more so - with all the horrors happening in Israel & Palestine, with the Zionists invading southern Lebanon in a dramatic escalation - & deadly Israeli strikes in Beirut, etc…

The inspiring, yet sobering, words of Isaiah 58 are read publicly in the synagogue on Yom Kippur “This fasting I have chosen,” says the prophet Isaiah, “Is it not done to loose the chains of injustice & untie the cords of bo***ge? To set the oppressed free & break every yoke? Are we not meant to share our food with the hungry & to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—when you see the naked, you must clothe him, & not turn away from your fellow man?”

It is the moment in time to dedicate mind, body, & soul to reconciliation – with The Divine, with our fellow human beings, & with ourselves; a time to turn to those we have wronged, acknowledging the pain we might have caused. At the same time, being willing to forgive, & to let go of certain offenses & the feelings of resentment they provoked in us. This journey for both seekers & givers of pardon mirrors the journey a soul takes after death.

There are number of customs & traditions associated with the Holy Day of Yom Kippur. For example: the mikvah, or ritual bath. The scripture says “You shall immerse yourselves in water & be purified.”

This practice, from which Christian baptism originated, symbolizes purification & regeneration, as well as new birth, through repentance.

Another custom is to greet each other by saying ‘May your name be inscribed in the Book of Life’ Gmar Chatimah Tova.

The High Holy Days are divided into two parts: The first is the inscribing which begins on Rosh Hashanah & finishes on Yom Kippur when the final “sealing” of fate takes place for the year. Parents customarily bless their children with the priestly benediction: “May it be the will of our Father in Heaven to put into your heart love & reverence. May your eyes be directed, may your mouth speak wisdom, & your heart strive for holiness. May your hands be occupied with good deeds & your feet hasten to do the will of the divine. May He grant you sustenance without stress & with profit, out of His hand that is open wide. May you be inscribed & sealed unto a good, long life. And so shall it be. Amen.”

Our names are inscribed into the Mother Earth at the time of our birth. And thruout our many lives we add to this imprinting – Thru our thoughts, words & deeds – thru our interactions with other people, we create a trail that we traverse. And this pathway makes its mark.

So what happens to all that we inscribe into the Earth?

I think of the tale of ‘Eros & Fable’ by Novalis. In it there is a wise woman, named Sophia, of course, who has a bowl of oracle water. When a scroll is immersed in it, all the nonessential writing is dissolved, leaving only what has lasting significance. Then this inscription is set into the great book.

But what happens to the rest? Does it become food for the adversary?

At this time of year we can imagine that our life story is dipped into this chalice. Our true name, our true eternal Self is not dissolved. But everything that must dissolve represents how we didn’t live up to our true name – How we missed the Mark.

And so it is that the question arises for each of us: How much of us is junk food, & how much of our divine nature can be inscribed in the Book of Life?

It is also customary to give extra charity before the holiday, & to light memorial candles for departed family members.

As with all Jewish festivals, the woman formally ushers in the holiday by lighting the candles at sundown. Evening services commence with the recitation of the Kol Nidrei prayer, a plea for absolution from any & all unfulfilled vows a person may have made in the course of the year.

Contrary to popular belief, Yom Kippur is a day of hope & optimism in addition to a solemn day of soul-searching. The Day of Atonement provides a unique awareness of one’s own character, a track record, as well as the opportunity to upgrade relationships with relatives, friends, associates & the community at-large. Yom Kippur’s focus on forgiveness, highlights humility, fallibility, compassion, soul-searching faith, thoughtfulness, being considerate, & accepting responsibility

Cabalistic tradition states that the first human being, Adam, was created on Rosh Hashanah. And so it is that Human-beings are given an opportunity to recreate themselves spiritually, each year, on Yom Kippur. This holiday is celebrated when the constellation of the scales give way to the virgin as herald in the heavens. Libra & Virgo symbolize key themes of Yom Kippur: Justice, balance, truth, symmetry, wholeness.

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus which reflects the beauty of love, & Virgo is ruled by Mercury the god of communications.

During this season it is customary to walk to a body of fresh water & recite a special prayer, symbolically casting bread crumbs into the waters, a symbol of our sins: those actions that have missed the mark.

And now, at the risk of mixing metaphors, I’d like us to put into practice the Hawaiian ritual of forgiveness, called Ho‘oponopono – It stems from an understanding that everything in the world is connected, in spite of our feelings of ‘separateness’.

What we do to ourselves & others has repercussions. Because of this unity everything that occurs in our own little world creates a resonance in others & in society as a whole. To heal the planet we first have to heal ourselves; to do this, we will rely on four magic sentences: I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. x4

In earnest wakefulness & practiced Peace –


Greetings - Why does Mary Magdalene resonate with so many of us these days? Some 2000 years after the 'Turning Point of ...

Greetings - Why does Mary Magdalene resonate with so many of us these days? Some 2000 years after the 'Turning Point of Time', her insights, her mission, her mystery, is needed now, more than ever. During this zoom gathering we will be drawing from her living wellspring, exploring her essence & actions - untangling her legacy,
unveiling ancient manuscripts, lost for centuries - like her banned Gospel, often called, ‘The Gospel of the Beloved Companion’.
We will employ artistic inspirations using images rendered by great initiate painters who have sought to capture & convey the soul of the Magdala. We will use our focused intention, to decode & embody the wisdom of ‘Our Beloved Companion’– so that the spirit of Mary Magdalene, Priestess of Isis, Myrrhophores, 'Apostle to the apostles', can take us on an initiatory journey.

‘Mary Magdelene – The Sanctifier’ – with Hazel Archer Ginsberg
Monday 14 October 2024
7 pm – 9 pm Central Time (US & Canada)

Sponsored by The Minneapolis Theosophical Society

The zoom link is:

Meeting ID: 843 6878 9880
Passcode: 365495

Three Mile Island, the power plant near Middletown, Pa., that was the scene of the worst commercial nuclear accident in ...

Three Mile Island, the power plant near Middletown, Pa., that was the scene of the worst commercial nuclear accident in U.S. history, will reopen to power Microsoft's data centers, which are responsible for powering the tech giant's cloud computing and artificial intelligence programs.

Three Mile Island is the site of a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania which experienced the worst commercial nuclear accident in U.S. history in 1979.

What we bury deep - In Earth to sleep - Wrap of Earth must be. What we love, abides above - all through eternity ~Dr. Ru...

What we bury deep - In Earth to sleep - Wrap of Earth must be. What we love, abides above - all through eternity ~Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the great Rosicrucian Initiate, designed & built a modern Temple for the New Mysteries, which at first was lovingly referred to as ‘The Johannes Bau’, & has come to be known as ‘The Goetheanum’. This glorious Mystery Center, hand-carved by folk from every land, became a burnt offering to the gods on NYE 101 years ago. And now, standing in Michaelic strength on that same Dornach hill – site of an ancient Parzival Hermitage in Switzerland - we have the concrete version Steiner designed before he died.

The first Temple was brought into manifestation on the physical plane with a Ritual laying of the Foundation Stone - a copper double dodecahedron - on This Day - 111 years ago - 20 September 1913.

"Because Mercury was in Libra as the evening star."
on 20 September 1913 – this day was choosen for the laying of the Foundation Stone of the 1st Goetheanum. Since only 3 days advance notice could be given, only about 40 folks were present to brave the equinoctial storm that broke on them just as the ceremony was beginning, there in Dornach, at sunset on the Autumnal Equinox.

Torrents of rain fell, & a gale howled around them as Rudolf Steiner’s powerful voice sounded out above the blare of the elements. A few members took up some vine stakes that had been piled nearby & lit them, providing the only illumination for the Ritual.

Rudolf Steiner called upon the hierarchies to help & protect the undertaking. Then he spoke of the increasing power & malignity of “dark Ahriman clouding vision, who means to spread the darkness of chaos over fully awakened spiritual sight,” & how the human soul, symbolized in the Foundation Stone, must find the strength, in spite of the fear of the spirit induced in humankind by Ahriman, to undertake its spiritual task.

In the ceremony, Rudolf Steiner intoned, for the first time, the ancient prayer that had once echoed in the soul of Jesus of Nazareth when he witnessed the celebration of an ancient Mystery rite that had fallen into decadence. In that overwhelming moment the young man from Nazareth experienced the ‘Fall of Man’ & had to bear within himself all the sorrow that resulted for humanity. This ‘Macrocosmic Lord’s Prayer’ which Steiner later made public in his lectures on the ‘Fifth Gospel’, included as its essential element the recognition of the human being’s falling away from the Divine at the beginning of human evolution. The Lord’s Prayer, as given to humankind by the Christ, is the metamorphosis of this ancient prayer.

To emphasize the significance this macrocosmic Prayer had for Rudolf Steiner, a year later on 19 September 1914, in the Schreinerei, he says: “It was, my dear friends, one of the most sublime moments of my experience in the course of our Movement when for the first time I was allowed to utter the words of the Macrocosmic Lord’s Prayer.”

By linking the ‘Fifth Gospel’ with the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Goetheanum building, Rudolf Steiner accomplished a deed that stands like a Mystery in the history of our Movement.

Here is the full transcript of Rudolf Steiner’s words that faithful night 107 years ago today:

“Thrice the human soul rises up to the three secrets of existence: First they are symbols; then they are tokens when the soul reads the eternal world word; but the profoundest depths of the world secrets are vividly bound to the soul when this soul is able to create its own sheath out of the kingdom of the hierarchies — So be sheathed!

First symbol, then token, now sheathed so that you may become a firm Corner Stone of our striving, for our seeking inasmuch as we have seen it to be right in the evolution of humankind. Let us make of the Stone that is a token of our soul, one that is sheathed.”

To the copper stone was added the document that contained the solemn vow of humankind toward the spiritual world; which closed with the words: “Laid by the Johannes Building Association…on the twentieth day of September 1880, after the Mystery of Golgotha, that is, 1913 after the birth of Christ, when Mercury as evening star stood in Libra, the Balance.”

At this point Architect Schmid-Curtius & Engineer Englert (who later betrayed Steiner, but that’s another story) covered the Stone, on which Marie von Sivers has laid a bunch of roses — 12 red, & 1 white on the earth.

Then Rudolf Steiner & the others cross their arms & crosswise take each others hands round the Foundation Stone: Dr. Steiner, Dr. Peipers, Dr. Grosheintz, Marie von Sivers, Architect Schmid & Engineer Englert. Then all except Dr. Steiner depart from the pit. — which has nine steps.

“My dear Sisters & Brothers, Let us today, on this festival evening, understand one another truly. Let us understand that this deed really signifies for our souls a vow. Our endeavours have brought it about that here, at this place, whence we look far out in the four elemental directions of the compass rose, we are permitted to erect this emblem of spiritual life for the new age. Let us understand that on this day, feeling our souls united with that which we have laid symbolically into the earth, we faithfully dedicate ourselves to this spiritual stream in the evolution of humankind which we have recognized as serving the highest good.

Let us try, my dear Sisters and Brothers, to make this vow in our souls: that in this moment we will look away from all the minutiae of life, from all that binds us — must of necessity bind us – as human beings to the daily round. Let us try in this moment to awaken in ourselves the thought of all that links the human soul with the striving of the Turning Point of Time. Let us try to think for a moment that, as we do what we have vowed to do this evening, we must bear within us the consciousness of looking into far, far cycles of time, in order to become aware of how the mission, of which this Building is to be the emblem, will take its place in the great mission of humankind upon our planet earth. Not in pride and vainglory – in humility, devotion and readiness for sacrifice, let — us try to lift our souls to the great plans, the great purposes of the human beings’ activity on earth.

Let us try to put ourselves into the position in which we really ought to be, and must be, if we understand this moment aright. Let us try to think how there once entered into our earth-evolution the great announcement, the great communication, the primeval, eternal Gospel of Divine-Spiritual Life, how it passed over the earth at a time when the divine spirits themselves were still the great teachers of humankind. Let us try, my dear Sisters and Brothers, to transfer ourselves back into those sacred ages of earth existence, of which a last yearning, a very last memory still dawns on us, when, maybe in ancient Greece, with the last echoes of the mystery-wisdom, and simultaneously with the first tones of philosophy, we listen to their great Plato telling of the eternal forms and the eternal substance of the world. And let us try to grasp what since those times has spread over our earth evolution as luciferic and ahrimanic influences.

Let us try to make clear to ourselves how the connection with the Divine Cosmic existence, with the willing, with the feeling, and with the Divine-Spiritual Wisdom, has faded from the human soul. Let us try in this moment to feel deep, deep in our own souls what in the countries of the East, the North, the West, the South, those human souls whom we acknowledge as the noblest, are feeling today, though they get no further than, let us say, a vague, inadequate longing and hoping for the spirit. Look around you, my dear Sisters and Brothers, and see how this undefined longing, this vague hoping for the spirit prevails throughout humankind today. Feel, and harken, here by the Foundation Stone of our emblem, how in the vague yearning and hoping of humankind for the spirit, there is audible cry for the answer, for that answer which can be given where Spiritual Science can be present, with its Gospel of the Knowledge of the Spirit.

Try to engrave into your souls the greatness of the moment through which we are passing this evening. If we can hear the longing call of humankind for the spirit, and resolve to erect the true Building from out of which the tidings of the spirit shall ever more and more be proclaimed – if we feel this in the life of this our world, then we understand one another truly this evening. Then we know – not in pride and nowise overvaluing our own efforts, but in humility, in devotion and readiness for sacrifice – that in our indefatigable endeavours we must be the continuers of that spiritual work which has been extinguished in the West, in the course of advancing human evolution. Inevitably, through the adverse influence of the ahrimanic forces, that evolution ended by bringing humankind to the point where we stand today, the point where souls could only wither and waste away, should that cry of longing for the spirit go unheard.

My dear Sisters and Brothers, let us feel this anxiety! It must be so if – aglow with the fire of love – we are to fight on, in that great spiritual conflict it was granted us to inherit, in that great spiritual conflict which was when they repelled the Ahrimanic onslaught of the Moors. (Steiner is referring to the fact that the Dorncah hill was the location of the decisive 1499 Battle of Dornach, which ended the Swabian War and effectively ensured the independence of the Old Swiss Confederacy from the Holy Roman Empire.)

Led by karma, we stand at this moment at a place through which important streams of spiritual life have flowed; (a referrence to the Parzival Hermitage) let us feel within ourselves this evening the full gravity of the situation.

Humankind in days gone by had reached the culminating point in its striving for personality. When in the fullness of this earthly personality, the ancient heritage, received from the divine leaders of the very beginning of earth-evolution, had exhausted itself, then in the East the Cosmic Word appeared: In the Beginning was the Word, And the Word was with God, And a God was the Word. And the Word was made manifest to the souls of men and spoke to the souls of men: Fill earth-evolution with the purpose and meaning of the earth! Now the Word Itself has passed over into the earth aura, has been received into the spiritual aura of the earth. Fourfold has been the proclamation of the Cosmic Word through the centuries numbering now well-nigh two thousand years. Thus has the light of cosmic worlds shone into earth-evolution. Deeper and ever deeper Ahriman sank, and had perforce to sink.

Let us feel ourselves surrounded by the souls of men in whom the cry of yearning for the spirit resounds. But let us feel, my dear Sisters and Brothers, how these human souls all round us might be left crying out in vain, since Ahriman, dark Ahriman, is spreading chaos over all spiritual knowledge of the worlds of the higher hierarchies for which they strive. Feel that in our time the possibility has indeed arisen of adding to the spirit-word, four times proclaimed, that other proclamation which I can now present, but in a symbol only. From the East it came – the light and the Word of the proclamation.

From out of the east it passed over to the West, four times proclaimed in the four Gospels; awaiting the advent from the West of the mirror that will add knowledge to what is still only proclamation in the four times uttered Cosmic Word.

It pierces deeply into our hearts and souls when we listen to that Sermon on the Mount, which was uttered in the hour when the time for the ripening of human personality was fulfilled, when the ancient light of the spirit had vanished and the new spirit-light appeared. The new spirit-light has appeared! But after it appeared, it travelled through the centuries of human evolution from East to West, waiting for understanding of the words which once in the Sermon on the Mount had sounded their way into human hearts. Deep-toned ringing out of the depths of our cosmic evolution, that immemorial, undying Prayer, uttered as proclamation of the Cosmic Word when the Mystery of Golgotha was enacted. Deep-toned rang out the undying Prayer which from the innermost core of the human heart was to make known to the microcosm, in depths of soul, the secret of existence. That secret was to be heard in the Lord’s Prayer, as we know it, and as it reverberated from East towards West. Yet it waited patiently, this cosmic word which sank then into the microcosm – waited in order that one day it might resound in harmony with the ‘Fifth Gospel’; for the souls of men had to mature before they could understand that which as the most ancient of all, because it is the Macrocosmic Gospel, is now to reverberate from the West like an echo to the Gospel of the East.

If we bring understanding to this present moment, then understanding will also dawn in us that to the Four Gospels a Fifth Gospel can be added. So, on this present evening, may there ring forth in addition to the secrets of the Microcosm, the words which express the secrets of the Macrocosm. As a first revelation of the Fifth Gospel there shall even now sound forth the macrocosmic counter-image of the microcosmic Prayer that was once proclaimed from East to West. So let sound forth towards it as a sign of understanding the macrocosmic World-Prayer of the Fifth primeval Gospel which is connected with the Moon and Jupiter, even as the four Gospels are connected with the earth:

AUM, Amen! The Evils hold sway, Witness of Egoity becoming free, Selfhood-Guilt through others incurred, Experienced in the Daily Bread, Wherein the Will of the Heavens does not rule. In that Man severed himself from Your Kingdom, And forgot Your Names, Ye Fathers in the Heavens.

The ‘Our Father’ had been given to humankind as Prayer. There now resounds in answer to the microcosmic Paternoster, which was proclaimed from the East to the West, the primeval macrocosmic Prayer. So does it echoing sound, when, rightly understood by human souls, the Prayer rings out into cosmic spaces and is given back with the words imprinted from out of the macrocosm.

Let us take it with us, the macrocosmic Lord’s Prayer, feeling that with it we begin to acquire understanding, or the Gospel of Knowledge: the ‘Fifth Gospel’.

From this grave moment let us take home earnestly and worthily in our souls: our Will.

Let us take home the certainty that all wisdom for which the human soul is seeking – if the seeking be true – is a reflex of Cosmic Wisdom; and that it makes fruitful from out of the love that is sovereign in the evolution of humankind all of human love that is rooted in the soul’s own selfless love.

Throughout all earthly ages, and into all human souls, there works, out of strong human will, that has filled itself with the meaning of existence and the meaning of the earth, a further strengthening – a strengthening through the cosmic power for which the human being craves today, casting uncertain glances towards a spirit for which they hope – but which they refuse to know, because Ahriman has buried an unconscious fear in the human soul, wherever the spirit is spoken of today. Let us feel this, my Sisters and Brothers, at this moment. Feel this, and you will be able to arm yourselves for your spiritual task and as revealers of the spirit-light, will prove yourselves strong in thought, even in the hour when dark Ahriman’s clouding wisdom, means to spread the darkness of chaos over fully-awakened spiritual sight.

My Sisters and Brothers, fill your souls with the longing for real knowledge of the spirit, for true human love, for strength of will. And try to quicken in yourselves that spirit which has trust in the utterance of the Cosmic Word as it echoes to us out of cosmic distances and out of the wide expanse of space, sounding into our souls. This is what one who has grasped the meaning of existence must truly feel in this evening hour: Human souls have reached the limit of their striving. Feel in humility, not in pride, in devotion and willingness for sacrifice, not in arrogant presumption, what is to come of the emblem for which we have laid the Foundation Stone today.

Feel this portent of the knowledge which should come to us because it is given to us to know: In our time, the veil enshrouding the spiritual beings in the expanses of space must be pierced through, as the spiritual beings come to speak to us of the meaning of existence. Everywhere, everywhere in the surrounding world the human soul must needs receive the meaning of existence. Hear how, in whatever cultural centres there is talk of. or knowledge of the spirit, of religion, of science, of art - the energies of souls are growing more and more barren. Feel how you must learn to quicken these souls, these energies, out of Imaginations, Inspirations, Intuitions of the spirit. Feel what those will find who hears aright the ring of creative spirituality. Those who in addition to the old Lord’s Prayer, learn to understand the meaning of the Prayer from the ‘Fifth Gospel’, they will recognize the root of that meaning out of the Turning Point of our Time.

If we learn to understand the meaning of these words, we shall seek to receive into ourselves the seeds that must blossom now, if earth evolution is not to wither, if it is still to bear fruit and thrive, so that through human will, the earth can reach the goal set her from the very beginning.

Feel, then, this evening, that the Knowledge and the meaning of the new Wisdom, of the new Love, and of the great new Strength, must come alive in the souls of men. The souls who will be working amid the blossoming and the fruits of future ages of earth-evolution, will have to understand that which we today mean to implant in our souls for the first time: the macrocosmic voice of the ageless, eternal Prayer, sounding towards us.

AUM, Amen! The Evils hold sway, Witness of Egoity becoming free, Selfhood-Guilt through others incurred, Experienced in the Daily Bread, Wherein the Will of the Heavens does not rule, In that Man severed himself from Your Kingdom, Ye Fathers in the Heavens.

Thus we will go our separate ways – taking with us in our souls the consciousness of the meaning of the earnestness and the dignity of the solemn act we have performed. The consciousness which remains of this evening shall kindle in us the striving for knowledge of a new revelation given to humankind, for which the human soul thirsts, from which it will drink. But only then when, without fear, it wins faith and confidence in what the Science of the Spirit can make known, the Science that is to unite once more those three that, for a time, perforce took their several roads through the evolution of mankind: Religion, Art and Science.

Let us take this with us, my Sisters and Brothers, as a memory of this hour, that we have celebrated together, and as something we would wish never to forget.”

With a final invocation of the hierarchies, which included this time the elementals, that were loudly calling to be heard in the storm, the Foundation Stone-the copper (sacred to Venus) double dodecahedron, “symbol in its twofold twelvefoldness of the striving human soul, was sunk as microcosm into the macrocosm” let down “into the condensed kingdom of the elements.”

The Foundation Stone was covered over & cemented in.

Before that, Rudolf Steiner invoked the planet Mercury, healer & messenger of the gods. Remember, it was the Autumnal Equinox, & as you can read in Henrick’s astro chart above, there were many other configurations, so - why was Mercury in particular invoked?

Perhaps because, as Spiritual Science tells us, during the ‘Old Moon’ phase of Earth evolution the seed was planted into the human astral body for the eventual blossoming of our higher Ego - our individualized “I”.

But, also on ‘Old Moon’ we have the counterimage of the luciferic effect that would steal that possibility away. And so, I see Rudolf Steiner invoking Mercury at the laying of the Foundation Stone, as a kind of antidote to this peril, a way of laying into the foundation our highest potential to fully manifest our “I” forces.

Ten years later, after the Burning of the 1st Goetheanum; at the Christmas Foundation meeting of 1923/24, Dr. Steiner presented a ‘Spiritual Foundation Stone of the human being,’ – the ‘Dodecahedron of Love’ as he called it, to the members of the newly-formed General Anthroposophical Society, called to initiate a new phase in the open revelation of the Mysteries, which MA is exemplifying.

The Foundation Stone Meditation is a mantric revelation in which sound, form & rhythm integrate with the esoteric meaning found in its 5 layers, an evocative multiplicity, to awaken the Human Soul.

The Foundation Stone that was laid into the earth on this day 111 years ago; is still there under the second Goetheanum. May it also live within our hearts striving to unveil the truths which will set us free.


Resources: “Rudolf Steiner: Herald of a New Epoch” by Stewart Easton, “The Christmas Foundation; Beginning of a new Cosmic Age” by Rudolf Grosse


Chicago, IL



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