Just a suggestion in most cases: If you’re in a good place in life, don’t tell anyone. They will judge you and believe that you don’t deserve to be where you’re at. If you’re at a bad place in your life, don’t tell anyone. They will judge you and believe that you’re exactly where you deserve to be. ~philgates
Back and biceps again today after my wonderful walk to the gym. Wanted to get an extra leg day in but after the walk in the beautiful weather I decided I’d rather not pass tf out, lol. Chill workout and my back is cooked once again. Biceps also. Hopped on stream with some homies during the workout and it was cool having some entertainment and random convo during my supersets although my homie had me almost drop the weights laughing a few times, lmao! Anyhow, severe weather warning walk to the gym at 25ish degrees but we get shi done… what’s your excuse? Get them gains, ha!