Kris McDonald - Home design, gardening, tech tips and reviews, social media tips, computer tips, and lifestyle chat from a gadget ju**ie, travel addict, and mom to 2 sets of twins. I’m a Chicago area wife, mother to two sets of twins, photographer, gadget addict, travel addict, and recent gardening addict. On my blog, I utilize my 20 years+ working in IT to share my obsession with technology throu
gh tips, tricks, and reviews. I’ve been a featured speaker at several blogging conferences and I’m often interviewed for tech segments on TV, online and in print. I was voted one of 20 Black Women that You Should Follow on Twitter by Essence Magazine, and a Top 25 Tech Mom by PopSugar’s Circle of Moms. You can find me from day to day on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. And I’m LittleTechGirl just about everywhere else on the Internet!