Our Spotlight Artist of the week is: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Angel Miller, also known as Yoshi Vintage, is an up-and-coming Hip-Hop artist hailing from Flint, Michigan. Yoshi began her musical journey at the age of 8, impressing American Idol Judge Randy Jackson during an audition who predicted she would be a powerhouse in the future. Since then, Yoshi Vintage has amassed a dedicated fan following and has graced the stage in over 300 shows. After signing with Pakk Music in 2018, Yoshi has received recognition from notable figures such as Ab-Soul, Rapsody, Punch TDE, Daylyt, and more. Yoshi Vintage continues to grow as an artist, solidifying her fanbase and captivating audiences, redefining the concept of “Shock Value” with her captivating performances.
Everyone Checkout all her New Music streaming on all platforms. ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️